Throughout the country, we read of owners of large flower farmers who have diverted the river course into their farms to irrigate their crops, denying those living downstream a source of water. Tovarld. What should make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband?Krogstad. But the leader of the monkeys stopped them. Years ago, when her husband became ill, Nora forgedher father's signature to receive a loan that would help save Torvald's life. She has not been thoughtlessly spending their money. I don't like it!"? In the past, we have watched influential people plunderKarura, Aberdares and Mt. Is Nora Culprit Or Victim? Nora is portrayed as a doll throughout the play until she realizes the truth about the world she lives in, and cuts herself free. There is no harm in that. f) Hush! You can't see them just now, for they are out with their nurse. (dropping her voice) And other things as well. Her dad was already she couldn't possibly tell him that her husband's life was also in danger. Apart from that, influential transporters ferry truckloads of charcoal and the precious sandalwood under the noses of the police. More often than not, apart from empty rhetoric, we never get to hear that those responsible have been punished.When the government kicked off the drive to reclaim the Mau forest, there was a flurry of activities from all and sundry. Why did Nora forge her father's signature ? (Add a question tag).g) What is the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt? the month, I mean. He did sign them Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow. Rewrite beginning never 8. In certain holiday when the drum was beaten to call the people together, the King's gardener, hearing the drum, said to himself, "Even though it is holiday, the garden must be watered. Why did Nora not tell her husband about Torvald? This act illuminates the feminine issue in the play. Identify and explain the dominant theme in the excerpt. My husband will see for himself what a blackguard you are, and you certainly wont keep your post them.Krogstad: I asked you if it was only a disagreeable scene at home that you were afraid of?Nora: If my husband does get to know of it, of course he will at once pay you what is still owing, and we shall have nothing more to do with you.Krogstad: (Coming a step nearer)Listen to me, MrsHelmwe. In Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, the macaroons symbolize Nora's acts of independence and deception. She didn't want to trouble her father and get him worried. From that time on the Crows and the Owls have been enemies. I suppose, Mrs. Helmer? In the sentences below, give the nouns that are used as adjectives. (b)Underline the silent letters in the following words: i) Rapport ii) Rendezvousiii) Poignantc) Your friend attended an interview but was not successful. The fact that she never told Torvald about this arrangement reveals several aspects of her character. Genuine f) Papa died on the 29th of September (Add a question tag. But now I must cut myself free from all that. I thought you said yourself just nowNora. Have you any notion what Society really is? Krogstad: And you naturally did so at once, because five or six days afterwards you brought me the bond with your father's signature. Don't say such horrible things. You are bold, Mrs. Helmer.Nora. Nora's Dad did not sign for the bond, for he was dead already . Because he could have robbed a bank Because he would have borrowed more money Because it was wrong for a woman to get a loan without a man But the leader of the monkeys stopped them. At the time her father passed away, her husband was also very ill. In Hedrick Ibsen's, "A Doll's House", Nora Helmer is deceptive to nearly every character in the play. We cannot allow this to happen. He then makes clear the difference between Nora and himself: While his social position was destroyed by his forgery, hers is still intact. There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt. Because Nora lied when she borrowed money from Krogstad, she must continue lying to repay the money. Identify the style used here.g) What happens immediately after the excerpt? Mrs. Linde: Yes, anyhow I think it would be delightful to have what one needs. What dance was suggested of Nora to perform? The fish in the ocean chose a king to rule over them. And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes.The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits. Linde: Of two things I think. Did Nora get a loan from Krogstad? Answers (1), Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined ..i. Torvald's life was saved by Nora's decision to forge her father's signature and take out an illegal loan. Nora was in debt, and she needed to make payments on time. Nora: Well, haven't I been paying it off regularly? c) What two things would indicate that your audience is following the story? I don't like it!" (got rid of0, Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. (Begin: no sooner). (ii) This brilliance is utter. The ban on cultivation along river banks and indiscriminate felling of trees for charcoal burning must be enforced.Apart from that, steps should be put in place towards revocation of all irregular allocation of government forests to individuals. Helmer: Nora! What is Torvalds plan for Nora after finding things out? Krogstad informs Nora that her forgery is a serious offense, similar to the one that sullied his reputation in the first place. Exactly.Krogstad (changing his tone). She badly needed the money to take her husband to Italy on medical grounds as recommended by the doctor. The relationship between helmer and Nora's father..she was a mare doll there to entertain them. By your leave! Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks. Helmer: Still, you know, we can't spend money recklessly. Fill the blank spaces using the correct form of the verb in brackets. We cannot afford to interfere with the water catchment areas of the great rivers of this country because they are our lifeline. (d) Describe two character traits of Nora as brought out in the excerpt. (d) What is Mrs. Lindes view about Doctor Rank and Noras relationship? 6. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. And it would out me in a horribly disagreeable position-Krogstad: Only disagreeable?Nora: (Impetuously) well, do it, then! What does Nora prefer to have on Christmas? Mr. Owino spends a quarter of his salary on school fees. (Adapted FromElimu News. Krogstad informs Nora that her forgery is a serious offense, similar to the one that sullied his reputation in the . Nora Helmer once secretly borrowed a large sum of money so that her husband could recuperate from a serious illness. It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the matter. Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer the questions that follow.Mrs. Mention four things that he/she may have failed to do before and during the interview. Add question tags to the following statements. She also realizes that, as Torvalds wife, she has lived more of a childs life than an adults. Nora: Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crotchet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing. She really didn't have a care in the world. Helmer: Still, suppose that happened, - what then? He spends two-thirds of the remainder on food and a fifth of what is Use the data below to answer the questions that follow. g)What should the government do to address the environmental problems? (NORA, who has been absorbed in her thoughts, breaks out into smothered laugher and claps her hands). Linde:Yes, as a matter of course.Nora : And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces and burn it up- the nasty dirtypaper.Mrs. He did sign them. Listen to me, Mrs.Helmer. (i) His __________ (deceive) cost him his life. Topnotch, Date posted: August 16, 2019. Nora: They? i. (ii) When we camped in the Maasai Plains, we felt like strangers in the new environment. 2008-2022 by DiscrepancyIII. Helmer: That is like a woman! But now I must cut myself free from all that. Spending too much money. (Puts the bag of macaroons into her pocket and wipes her mouth.) It also shows that serious issues Nora can act like an adult and try to think her way out of it. Entrepreneurs are also increasingly demanding thinking skills and problem and behavioral skills such as self-confidence and leadership.In a nutshell, what are the types of skills that a topnotch education system requires? Her dad was already she couldn't possibly tell him that her husband's life was also in danger. We two have kept bravely on the straight road so far, and we will Go on the same way for the short time longer that there need be any struggle. The report also identifies what it terms post basic skills-the higher order thinking skills, and higher order behavioural skills such as decision-making skills, team work, the ability to negotiate conflict and manage risks and specific knowledge applied to real-life situations, and vocational skills. This should have woken us up from the deep slumber that all is well.Ours is a tale of unfettered impunity. Rank: Is that what you find so extremely amusing? Margaret Ogola 'The River and the Source'The womans role in the society has been that of marriage and child bearing. Drama: Betrayal in the city-Francis Imbuga Upon marrying Torvald, she is being considered "almost as a toy" (Alexander 386). and it will be the worse for you. Nora: Yes: Krogstad: Tell me, Mrs Helmer, can you remember what day your father died? Hush! Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again? This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Nora has borrowed her money. Helmer: Yes, he has just gone. Using a riddle of your choice , explain the riddling process. 5 Who is Noras husband in a dolls house? Nora borrowed the money because according to the doctor torvald needed to be in a different place because he was going to die and she wanted to save torvalds life. The same little featherhead! What does Helmer scold Nora for when he returns? suppose I were to tell him?Nora: I would be perfectly infamous of you. And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits. Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.WHY THE OWL IS NOT KING OF THE BIRDS: INDIANTALEWHY is it that Crows torment the Owls as they sleep in the daytime? Which are those details? I was right in what I thought, then.Nora (walking up and down the stage). We need it to pass it on to our descendants. On a certain holiday when the drum was beaten to call the people together, the Kings gardener, hearing the drum, said to himself, 'Even though it is a holiday, the garden must be watered. In the sentences below, give the nouns that are used as adjectives. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to fill the blanks.i)The modern world today has many.forms of communication (sophistication)ii. BeforeDuring. It shows that Nora is in a bad mood and is not able to care for her children at the moment. Very likely; but, to come to the point, the time has come when I should advise you to use your influence to prevent that.Nora. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on.Krogstad: very well, if you take the responsibility. Nora's act of forgery was inspired by many reasons, and resulted in both expected and unexpected outcomes. I had to do something; and, honestly, I dont think Ive been one of the worst. Answers (1) The Play, Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House. The matter never came into court; but every way seemed to be closed to me after that. Correct the error in the following sentences. When did Nora find her father's signature in a doll's house? Well, of course it can be explained; your father may have forgotten to date his signature, and someone else may have dated it haphazard before they knew of his death. Tell me frankly. Because Nora lied when she borrowed money from Krogstad, she must continue lying to repay the money. (menace)(iii) The ______ between Kameno and Makuyu is damaging. Investments in adolescence are needed to make earlier investments during childhood pay off a hundred fold. c) Contrast thinking and behavourial skills d) In not more than 40 words, summarize what is expected of a person who has attained post basic skills e) Explain the relationship between primary and secondary educationf) The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits, (Rewrite using a conditional) g) How does post secondary education benefit from lower levels of education? a) What is it that Nora claims to have signed? (NORA is silent) It is a remarkable thing, too, that the words '2nd of October,' as well as the year, are not written in your fathers handwriting but in one that I think I know. For when this water is finished, we shall have hard work to get any more. No debt, no borrowing. Rank: Well, what is that? Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. I want to know how nora was treated by her father..also nora's childish act in the play. Nora starts out the play in act one laughing at how her old friend Christine thinks Nora is just a silly girl. This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Nora has borrowed her money. Others are busy clearing wetlands, seriously interfering with natures ecological balance. Answers (1). Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. Unemployed youths often subscribe .Illegal groups.iii. Couldnt you take my hand and decide what I shall go as, and what sort of dress I shall wear?Helmer: Aha! b) In this excerpt, though Helmer and Nora are discussing about Krogstad, they are indirectly referring to Noras predicament. These basic skills are needed for further learning, work and life. Explain. It sometimes happens, Nora. A lawyer at the bank Helmer works at. Nora signed her dad's name because she as a girl was not allowed to have a loan. c) Using about fifty words, summarise why Krogstad is prepared to fight for the small post in the bank (5mks)d) Identify and illustrate any two character traits of; i. Krogstadii. I think this follows the theme of dependence and "childish" interactions with male authority figures. What did the word"Doll'' In the title represent Nora as? Her reasoning was that if she asked him then she would have to tell him that the money was to fund the trip to restore Helmer's health. Why is this so? 9. There is no harm in that. What is Dr Rank sick with? View More English Literature Questions and Answers | Return to Questions Index, Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow.Nora: Should? I shall be obliged to remind you of a few details.Questions a) What happens just before this excerpt? Explain.b) What does this excerpt reveal about Krogstad's character? Issue No. The womans role in the society has been that of marriage and child bearing. This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economize. Her husband, Torvald, thinks her careless and childlike, and often calls her his doll. I have three lovely children. Linde: And comes here every day?Nora : Yes, I told you so.Mrs. Nora takes the allowance that Helmer gives her and uses half to spend on herself, the children, Helmer, the house etc. Read the excerpt below from dolls house and answer the questions that follow. (h) Write a word with the same meaning as each of the following words as used in the excerpt. Modern Literature 7 October 2016 Noras Escape Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House follows Noras struggles to escape the firm grasp of her domineering husband. Inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or processes. Helmer must know all about it. (c) The Helmer's house is small and represents the children. It is the high time we came together and took care of our environment.The government through National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) , NGOs and environmental lobby groups should step up efforts to sensitize people of all walks of life on the need to conserve our natural heritage for the future generations. (i) I am indebted ______________ him for the help he gave me. 'Becoming an illegal immigrant is like jumping from the fire. ii. In addition he is given a commission of 5% Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow. What four things would you do to attract their attention? Nora: What discrepancy? b) Identify and illustrate any two themes evident in the excerpt. Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back? I had to do something; and, honestly, I dont think Ive been one of the worst. Nora: If that were to happen, I don't suppose I should care whether I owed money or notHelmer: Yes, but what about the people who had lent it? 'Basing your illustrations from the Novel 'The River and The Source of Margaret Ogola, discuss the relevance of the above statement, Drama: Betrayal in the city-Francis ImbugaReferring to Francis Imbugas play 'Betrayal in the city,' write an essay to validate the statement: 'Corruption retards development', The short story: Longhorn (Ed): When the sun goes down and other stories from African and Beyond. d) Why did Nora forge her father's signature. So I took to the business that you know of. She also realizes that, as Torvalds wife, she has lived more of a childs life than an adults. Nora's father and nora's childish behaviour. Helmer yells at Nora for lying to him about the fact that someone was at the house while he was away and that man was Krogstad. ii) If you were narrating the above story to young children, how do you ensure you sustain their attention for the entire course of the narration?iii) How would you say the line I don't like it! (NORA is silent) It is a remarkable thing, too, that the words '2nd of October,' as well as the year, are not written in your fathers handwriting but in one that I think I know. Why does Ibsen include the conversation between Helmer and Nora about the fancy dress ball? Why did Nora forge her father's signature . 4. (Sobbing) To think of his learning my secret, which has been my joy and pride, in such an ugly, clumsy way that he should learn it from you! But I am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank- Mrs. Linde: Behind your husbands back?Nora : I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be behind his back too, I must make an end of it with him.Mrs. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role of Early Childhood and Primary and Secondary cycle plays in crating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and Universality education. ), Next:John is a sales agent in a company that pays him a basic salary of sh.5000. Nora was inclined for many reasons to commit the forgery. But since you ask, you shall know. She has not been thoughtlessly spending their money. An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Rank: Well, I should not dvise you to say it. So, they pulled up all the trees just as their leader had told them to do and all the young trees died. The answer, purely and simply, is because she loved him. There is need to develop a sense of collective responsibility. (c) I was right in what I thought, then. What do you think Krogstad thought? Helmer: What do you mean? And about the children that is the most terrible part of it all, Nora.Nora: How?Helmer: Because such an atmosphere of lies infects and poisons the whole life of home. One of the plausible explanations why Nora has become a feminist is the description of conditions in which she lived. DiscrepancyIII. Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer the questions that follow. Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. Privately, Nora had borrowed a loan to save her sick husbands life. He also goes by the name, "The Black Hand," who is the leader of the Nephilim until he was killed by Nora, by attempting to burn Patch's feather, became the next ruler. I am laughing at something quite different, something extremely amusing. I recall Nora mentioning several times that she was dependent on her father for many things including money. She never told him of this loan and has been secretly paying it back in small installments by saving from her household allowance. Which of the following is NOT a reason Mrs. Linde returned to town? Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow.Nora: Should? Nora: Yes. 300. and the other half goes to repaying her debt. Behind Torvalds back, Nora borrowed money from a man named Krogstad. He threatens her once more and then leaves. Why does Nora forged her father's signature? Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.i) At any cost ii) Recall iii) Elapsed iv) Incredible things , The Play, Henrik Ibsen, A Dolls House. The report underscores the need to establish a strong secondary education that will further strengthen the capabilities that primary education established.It stresses the need to improve the relevance and quality of post primary education by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills demanded by the labour market. Busy clearing wetlands, seriously interfering with natures ecological balance does Ibsen the... It on to our descendants do something ; and, honestly, I you... 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