Another reason to be skeptical about the "new framework" is the possibility that reactors in both North and South Korea could be deliberately or inadvertently struck in the event of military conflict. 6 Oct 2017, 'SK Citizen Jury Letter',, 24. EDF is actively seeking to replace nuclear plants around the country including in the states of California, New York, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania with natural gas and renewables. Likewise, a South Korean article39 reposted on the EP website (without correction) falsely claims that Shellenberger is a scientist; in fact, he has a degree in cultural anthropology. It is the first of a trilogy Shellenberger is completing on the threats to peace, prosperity, and the environment. UNEP brings together partners to agree on solutions to our common environmentalchallenges, for example through the UN Environment Assembly. UNEP monitors the state and health of the planet, ensures that science remains at the centre of decision-making processes, and that environmental rule of law continues to underpin global environmental governance. For example the 2006 report of the US National Academy of Sciences' Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation states that "the risk of cancer proceeds in a linear fashion at lower doses without a threshold and the smallest dose has the potential to cause a small increase in risk tohumans. . "The fact that the country has not taken action in the past is a serious lapse, especially with North Korea's evolving missile threats," Kim said.25, Shellenberger states: "One of FOE-Greenpeace's biggest lies about nuclear energy is that it leads to weapons. Twenty timesa year, since 1978. How Not to Deal with Climate Change, New York Times, June 30, 2016, Britain has a chance to rethink its nuclear energy policy :: March 30, 2017, Environmental Groups Change Tune on Nuclear Power :: June 16, 2016, Nuclear Plants, Despite Safety Concerns, Gain Support as Clean Energy Sources :: June 1, 2016, Climate Crowd Ignores a Scientific Fraud :: April 15, 2016, Closing This Nuclear Plant Could Cause an Environmental Disaster :: February 3, 2016, Yes, Nukes! EP thus affirms those constitutive and foundational values. Shellenberger states: "After it was accused of secretly financing the film, Greenpeaceinsisted it had merely funded the screenings "8 To translate and correct Shellenberger's misinformation: Greenpeace was falsely accused of secretly financing the film (it isn't clear why funding an anti-nuclear film would be objectionable, any more than EP's funding of a pro-nuclear film). It is to see an energy source that has been steadily providing low-carbon electricity for decadesdoing vastly more good than harm, saving vastly more lives than it has takenbut which has received little credit and instead been maligned. [2] This establishes the tie between Charles Koch . The fund is open to researchers working in all fields of applied research and aims to support a broad range . Fund environmental monitoring within communities WHEJAC Recommendation: "Fund environmental monitoring located inside communities exposed to pollution, along with funds for compliance . Nuclear Technology, Innovation & Economics, Homelessness, Crime, Drugs - Charts & Graphs. Demonstrate the viability of new technologies. And Shellenberger ignores South Korea's history of covertly pursuing nuclear weapons, a history entwined with the country's development of nuclear power., There's none in Shellenberger's 'investigative piece'. Pro-Nuclear Win in South Korea Gives Momentum to Atomic Humanists Everywhere', 8. Apply now; Life at EDF; Diversity, equity and inclusion . Together with its partners, UNEP has made significant progress, yet there is no denying that today, environmental challenges have reached unprecedented levels.,, As good stewards of the environment, and through the hard work of Federal agencies to increase energy and water efficiency, increase the number of sustainable buildings, and effectively manage vehicle fleets, the Federal Government has achieved historic progress moving toward more cost-effective and efficient Federal operations under the Trump . Nuclear Technology, Innovation & Economics, Homelessness, Crime, Drugs - Charts & Graphs, received similarly strong pre-publication reviews, The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power.. EPA's Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation's most contaminated land and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters. Provide project financing to bring existing climate solutions to scale. Budget numbers refer to fiscal years 2015-2016 . . Most funds cover a wide range of these company types and issues although some are 'single issue . Michael Shellenberger, 25 July 2017, 'Greenpeace's Dirty War on Clean Energy, Part I: South Korean Version', 9., 10. Around the world, UNEP works in partnerships with governments, the scientific community, the private sector, civil society, and other United Nations entities and international organizations. "4 And Shellenberger suggests that such views are still current by asserting that the anti-nuclear movement has a "long history ofMalthusian anti-humanismaimed at preventing "overpopulation" and "overconsumption" by keeping poor countries poor. Reductions at this scale are producing the same 20-year climate benefit as . Projects must benefit the wider community and have public access. 12 July 2017, 'Chosun Biz Interview with Michael Shellenberger', 41., 42. of relentless repetition of falsehoods in the hope that mud will stick. 1 June 2017, 'US-Korea Letter', Japan Times, 10 May 2017, 'The pendulum swings in South Korea', 13. UNSCEAR, 2011, 'Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Ionising Radiation 2010',, 44. Democrats are also linked to raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, which 70 percent of voters associate with the Democratic Party and 12 percent associate with the . Prominent nuclear lobbyists are now openly talking about the connections between nuclear power (and related industries) and weapons production in order to boost the case for further subsidies to support the 'civil' nuclear industry, particularly in the US.27 It seems Shellenberger didn't get the memo. A collection of resourcedocuments relevant to funding,resource mobilisation and the Environment Fund, including strategies and oversight reports. The WHO report concluded that for people in the most contaminated areas in Fukushima Prefecture, the estimated increased risk for all solid cancers will be around 4% in females exposed as infants; a 6% increased risk of breast cancer for females exposed as infants; a 7% increased risk of leukaemia for males exposed as infants; and for thyroid cancer among females exposed as infants, an increased risk of up to 70% (from a 0.75% lifetime risk up to 1.25%).32, Applying a linear-no threshold (LNT) risk factor to the estimated collective radiation dose from Fukushima fallout gives an estimated long-term cancer death toll of around 5,000 people.33 Nuclear lobbyists are quick to point out that LNT may overestimate risks from low dose and low dose-rate exposure. EP asserts that "suppliers as well as senior executives were held accountable" for their corruption. "8 Again we see Shellenberger's M.O. Donations are tax . Through our ground-breaking research and writing, our widely-viewed TED talks, and our support for the people, ideas, and organizations in pro-human, pro-nuclear organizations around the world, including Mothers For Nuclear, Generation Atomic, Emergency Reactor, Radiant Energy Fund, Stand Up for Nuclear, and the Campaign for a Green . Nuclear Monitor#820, 16 March 2016, 'TORCH: The other Chernobyl report',, 32. WHO, 28 Feb 2013, 'Global report on Fukushima nuclear accident details health risks',, Full report: WHO, 2013, 'Health risk assessment from the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami based on a preliminary dose estimation',, 33. President Moon Jae-in said the government would allow construction of the reactors to proceed but "we will completely stop all plans for the construction of new nuclear reactors. "43 By contrast, SARI promotes hormesis the discredited view that low-dose radiation exposure is beneficial to human health.44, Shellenberger reduces the complexities of environmental opposition to nuclear power to the claim that in the 1960s, an "influential group of conservationists within Sierra Club feared that cheap, abundant electricity from nuclear would result in overpopulation and resource depletion" and therefore decided to campaign against nuclear power.4. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. The EP report asserts that replacing "South Korea's remaining nuclear plants with natural gas would produce carbon pollution the equivalent of adding 27 million U.S. cars to the road. Environmental Progress (EP) is a research and policy organization fighting for clean power and energy justice to achieve nature and prosperity for all. And you can email him by clicking here. The UNSCEAR report states that "the current balance of available evidence tends to favour a non-threshold response for the mutational component of radiation-associated cancer induction at low doses and low dose rates. Ian Fairlie, 2 April 2014, 'New UNSCEAR Report on Fukushima: Collective Doses', The data available from public sources show that the total revenues of the environmentalist movement are more than $8.5 billion per year. ". The American environment and energy commentator and nuclear power supporter Michael Shellenberger was the provider. EPs Founder and President testifies regularly to governments around the world on energy and environmental policies. In the 1990s, Shellenberger helped save Californias last unprotected ancient redwood forest, inspire Nike to improve factory conditions, and advocate for decriminalization and harm reduction policies. Our work expanded to saving cities, our urban and human environments. "browning" trend, or decrease in plant growth, according to the authors. $100,000. You can follow him onTwitteror email him byclicking here. Shellenberger visited South Korea four times between April and October 2017, giving speeches, holding press conferences on collaborating with nuclear advocates. It is about pioneering better ways of doing business, and creating the momentum to encourage more and more people to opt in to the future we're working to create. Shellenberger has been talking and writing about his bizarre plan to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula by supporting the development of nuclear power in North Korea. more than half of the world's vegetated landscapes have been experiencing a. As the main source of unrestricted funds, provided by Member States, it enables strategic and effective delivery of results, while allowing for flexibility to respond to emerging environmental challenges. Jim Green, 13 Sept 2017, 'Nuclear power, weapons and national security', However, if you're new to green giving, you . If such views had any currency in the 1960s, they certainly don't now. Over the last two years, this has enabled us to fund hundreds of fantastic projects which aim to improve the environment and also benefit the wider community. "35, An EP report berates the Japanese government for failing to follow "normal protocols" by ordering Fukushima residents to evacuate instead of sheltering in place.3 EP cites a 2015 IAEA report36 in support of that argument, but nowhere in the IAEA report (or any IAEA report) is there a proscription against evacuation in response to nuclear accidents. UNEP is here to lead this transformation with its 193 Member States, and in partnership with other The Environment Fund is a true green . Nuclear Monitor #844, 25 May 2017, 'South Korea's 'nuclear mafia'', IAEA (Division of Nuclear Installation Safety and Department of Nuclear Safety and Security), 2011, 'Mission Report: The Great East Japan Earthquake Expert Mission. The Fund supports the implementation of several multilateral environmental agreements, and serves as a financial mechanism of the UN Framework . The source of the accusation isn't named perhaps it was Shellenberger himself! For five decades, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been a leading advocate for the environment, a steadfast partner and a trusted adviser with a mission to inform, enable and inspire nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. "34 Likewise, a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences states: "Given that it is supported by experimentally grounded, quantifiable, biophysical arguments, a linear extrapolation of cancer risks from intermediate to very low doses currently appears to be the most appropriate methodology. | Amazon's 2021 Sustainability Report PDF . "1, It's doubtful that Shellenberger's California-based organization could have significantly swayed the citizens jury in South Korea, but EP was very active in the debate and presumably had some effect in shifting opinions. Interested in stories, articles, videos and publications related toUNEP'sfunding and partnerships? We approach our work in aspirit of open inquiry. We think about psychology because it reminds us of our blind spots. In the 2000s, Michael advocated for anew Apollo projectin clean energy, which resulted in a $150 billion public investment in clean tech between 2009 and 2015. Our society depends on rule by law and individual responsibility. enable UNEP to expand and replicate the programme in more countries and with more partners. Data and research on finance including financial markets, monetary issues, insurance, private pensions, sovereign debt, public debt management and financial education., Forms of sustainable finance have grown rapidly in recent years, as a growing number of institutional investors and funds now incorporate various ESG investing approaches. Texas saw a dramatic increase in wind power since it introduced its competitive energy market the Electric . With this new department, EPA is filling key gaps and taking a major stride in supporting and protecting every community, especially the communities to which the environmental movement is indebted." Dr. Margot Brown, Vice President of Justice & Equity at Environmental Defense Fund "Environmental justice starts and ends with communities. Here's how you know Readmorein the booklet UNEP - Your Partner for People and Planet, Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference, which led to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the organization has received policy, programming and financial support from its Member States. January. December Lunch & Learn. Departures from a linear model at low doses, however, could either increase or decrease the risk per unit dose. EP falsely claims that FOE has hundreds of millions of dollars in its bank and stock accounts.3, EP has an annual budget of US$1.5 million, Shellenberger claims, and he asks how EP "can possibly succeed against the anti-nuclear Goliath with 500 times the resources."8. Whether you live a sustainable lifestyle or not, you can make a difference with your money. He claims that dozens of media outlets reported on EP's visits, that a press conference in Seoul was "packed". Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 and $3.5 million in grant funding per year, supporting more than 3,700 grants. We did so by building a humanistic environmental movement demanding energy justice for all, and telling the truth about nuclear to policymakers, journalists, and the public directly. 3. Tracking our progress and building accountability. 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