The renaissance taught people that, Humanism in the Renaissance Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the. As it is generally known, the appearance and assertion of the term humanism is connected with the Renaissance although the ideas of humanity and justice which are the essential points of this notion had been, The Importance Of Religion In Ancient Egyptian Religion, The Importance Of Love In Much Ado About Nothing By William Shakespeare. What I had there read I believed to be addressed to me and to no other, remembering that St. Augustine had once suspected the same thing in his own case, when, on opening the book of the Apostle, as he himself tells us, the first words that he saw there were, "Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. Of the many immigrants who took up residence during Salutati's years in Florence, Poggio Bracciolini (13801459) was important in deepening knowledge of classical Antiquity. The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic "rebirth" following the Middle Ages. -The fall of the Western Roman Empire. Those words had given me occupation enough, for I could not believe that it was by a mere accident that I happened upon them. The emphasis on an individuals life is highlighted as a major ideal of, Considered to be the link between Middle Ages and Modern history, Renaissance was a defining period in European history. With the disciplined techniques that he developed, he was able to authenticate or deny the originality of documents that historians had long relied upon. The great intellectual movement of Renaissance Italy was humanism. Some humanists ignored church dogma. People who hold this set of ethics are called humanists. Renaissance humanism digressed from a traditional and rather restrictive way of thinking, The Renaissance is a period that emerged in Europe after the middle Ages between the 14th and 17th century. The word "humanism," though, is a modern term created to describe a broad and diffuse movement. Only in 1564 did French commentator Denys Lambin (151972) announce in the preface to the work that he regarded Lucretiuss Epicurean ideas as fanciful, absurd, and opposed to Christianity. Lambins preface remained standard until the nineteenth century. Humanism definition Not all the umanisti championed what we should call a humanist philosophy of life. Differences Between The Two In this oil painting from 1818we can appreciate the influence of humanism on the author:the man occupies the central spacein the painting,indicating that he is in a position of domination. Of those who held this position, Manuel Chrysoloras (c. 13501415) was chiefly responsible for creating a resurgence in the study of Greek. Secularism. My brother, waiting to hear something of St. Augustine's from my lips, stood attentively by. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Required fields are marked *. Marsilio Ficino (14331499) was one such humanist, who was singled out by the Medici family in Florence for patronage. ." the promotion of private and civic virtue. Excess time also provoked educated Italians to contemplate, The Definition Of Humanism In The Renaissance, Humanism as the specific system of views had been forming for centuries, absorbing various approaches to the issue of man. During the Italian Renaissance , humanism played an important role ininfluencing the artist of that time in their paintings and what they drew. It started in Italy, and spread via trade. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. It ended during the 1500s, when the modern era began. Regeneration and rejuvenation were the underlying concepts of Renaissance, concepts thats are humanistic in origin. In 1341, Petrarch became the first of the humanists to accept the poet laureate's crown, an event that humanists over the following centuries considered the highlight of their revival of letters. Humanists sought to create acitizenryable to speak and write with eloquence and clarity and thus capable of engaging in thecivic lifeof their communities and persuading others tovirtuousandprudentactions. In it, he described a journey that he had taken up Mt. The great intellectual movement of Renaissance Italy was . One of these meanings of humanism is the movement of educated people united by the interest in antiquity which was formed in the Renaissance mainly in Italy. Humanism in the Arts such as Michelangelos Sistine Chapel ceiling. It is, then, of the highest importance that even from infancy this aim, this effort, should constantly be kept alive in growing minds. Enhance your reading: Ancient Indian civilization religion/stages/organization/location, The main figures of Neohumanism were:Johann Winckelmann, Friedrich Schlegel, Johann Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. While scholasticism was dominant in Europe's universities during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, humanism also appeared at this time as the primary intellectual innovation of the Renaissance. And if it is names that bother us, no one better deserves the name of Epicurean than the revered founder and head of theChristianphilosophyChrist, for in Greekepikouros means helper. He alone, when thelaw of Naturewas all but blotted out by sins, when thelaw of Mosesincited to lists rather than cured them, whenSatanruled in the world unchallenged, brought timely aid to perishing humanity. Humanism was an intellectual movement started in Italy in the 15th century with the Renaissance and spread throughout Europe, breaking with the strong influence of the Church and religious thought of the Middle Ages.. Theocentrism (God as the center of everything) gives way to anthropocentrism, with man becoming the center of interest. Universities continued to be dominated by the scholastic study of theology and philosophy. Humanism is an approach to life which focuses on living ethically, and enjoying life, without the need to rely onsupernatural or other extra human sources of ethics and meaning. Definition of humanism 1 a : devotion to the humanities : literary culture b : the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance 2 : devotion to human welfare : humanitarianism renowned for his humanism In 1417, for example,Poggio Bracciolinidiscovered the manuscript ofLucretius,De rerum natura, which had been lost for centuries and which contained an explanation ofEpicurean doctrine, though at the time this was not commented on much by Renaissance scholars, who confined themselves to remarks about Lucretiuss grammar andsyntax. Additionally, this movement was characterized by strong confidence in each persons moral autonomy and a rejection of scholasticism, a prevalent dogmatic philosophy at the time. His History of the Florentine People was a widely popular work among the city's humanist circle, and although written in Latin, each volume's immediate translation into the local Tuscan dialect reached the broadest possible audience. Renaissance humanists sought to understand what it is to be human, how to live a righteous life, and how to engage in society. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.". c. 1350 By 1500, though, most of Europe's distinguished centers of learning had begun to establish training in the "New Learning," a signal for the adoption of humanist patterns of education. creative fragmentation and new synthesis. Ancient and medieval stories about musical ethos, in particular about the power of music to move the passions, were of special interest to Renaissance . Valla examined the text, which reputedly ceded secular control over Western Europe to the Roman pope. The rise of humanism heavily influenced the arts in the Renaissance, music in particular art. Translations out of the Greek and into Latin continued to feed the desire of many scholars for a more direct knowledge of the Greek classics. C. Nauert, Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1995). In 1418 Ciriaco D'Ancono traveled to Greece to collect classical texts, and in 1423 Giovanni Aurispa returned from a journey there laden with more than 230 volumes of classical Greek manuscripts. Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the individual and social potential and agency of human beings. Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The critique of Marxism focuses on the fact that work as well as its product, under todays society, oppresses the worker (alienation) and, ultimately, dehumanizes him. Humanists of the Renaissance were often devout Christians, but their promotion of secular, or non-religious values, often put them at odds with the church. Renaissance humanists understood by studia humanitatis a cycle of five subjects: grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history and moral philosophy, all based on the Greek and Latin classics. A lineage of humanist chancellors succeeded Salutati, of whom Leonardo Bruni was the most notable. He combed through Florence's rich monastery libraries and those in surrounding Tuscany. RENAISSANCE. Mutually inclusive in effect to all aspects of everyday life, Renaissance humanism caused a seismic shift in culture, away from Byzantine thought and returning to Classical Antiquity. The humanists emphasized the importance of human values instead of religious beliefs. As a rule, humanism is defined in terms of several essential meanings. These ideas together with Petrarch's life and literary corpus provided a powerful example to humanists of his own generation and those that followed. Humanism is a doctrine that promotes the importance of the human person. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Undercapitalism, workers (proletariat) do not work for themselves but work for another (bourgeois) who gets the benefits of production. . Renaissance Humanism was an international movement in European culture. Lorenzo Valla's life and ideas, though, point to the growing philosophical variety of fifteenth-century humanism. Humanism was a pervasive cultural mode and not the program of a small elite, a program to revive the cultural legacy, literary legacy, and moral philosophy of classical antiquity. Humanism first developed in Italy's cities in the fourteenth century, and underwent a process of maturation before affecting intellectual life throughout Europe around 1500. Definition of Humanism and of the Renaissance Change in the way of looking at our place in the world. In this respect, More could be said to be like Bruni, who believed the application of ancient political ideas would create the ideal state. The first humanist to achieve international renown was Francesco Petrarch (13041374), and his interests and ideas shaped the humanist movement for several generations. An example of humanism is the belief that the person creates their own set of ethics. Some humanists, even moderate Catholics such as Erasmus, risked being declared heretics for their perceived criticism of the church. -The loss of culture and knowledge. In synthesis, this new current will understand that human formation is more complex than the mere acquisition of universal scientific knowledge and the different regional cultures will be valued (strong nationalist feelings arise). But Christianity, through its pursuit of the higher aim of love, offered a means for human beings to substitute the pursuit of God's love for earthly pleasure. Humanism during the Renaissance, despite its opposition to medieval religious ideology, is its successor in many aspects since antiquity and Christianity, despite their ideological contradictions, comprised a range of some similar features, the most important of which was the view that humans are more important than anything else. Italian and northern humanists recovered classical knowledge and languages that set education reforms and cultural changes in motion that spread throughout Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. His critical scholarly methods, though, inspired humanists in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. This intellectual movement is characterized by a renewed interest in the ancient world as well as studies that concentrated not on religion but rather on the nature of what it means to be human. It was a historical period initiating rebirth to society and so named because it signaled the re-emergence of humanism, which was the belief in the intellectual potential and overall experience of humankind. The main elements of Renaissance humanism include: an interest in studying literature and art from antiquity. With the completion of this project, Italy's humanists finally possessed a detailed knowledge of the entire scope of Plato's ideas, something that scholars had longed for since the days of Petrarch. They are the characteristic sociocultural phenomenon of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, known asRenaissance humanism;to theneohumanismof the period of classicism and German romanticism of the 18th and 19th centuries, and tocontemporary humanisms, fundamentally with an ethical orientation. Many humanists were churchmen, most notably Pope Pius II, Sixtus IV, and Leo X,and there was often patronage of humanists by senior church figures. See more. Two noteworthy trends in Renaissance humanism were Renaissance Neo-Platonism and Hermeticism, which through the works of figures like Nicholas of Kues, Giordano Bruno, Cornelius Agrippa, Campanella and Pico della Mirandola sometimes came close to constituting a new religion itself. . Humanist definition, a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988). Therefore, when it comes to the question of the most valid means for acquiring knowledge of the world, Humanists reject arbitrary faith, authority, revelation, and altered states of consciousness. Retrieved October 28, 2022 from Humanitywith all its distinct capabilities, talents, worries, problems, possibilitieswas the center of interest. Match all exact any words . In this context, different intellectuals defend the primacy of feeling, individuality and freedom over rationality. Another meaning of humanism is humanity as a basic principle of mans attitude to man. While these ideas were highly original, Valla's Christian Epicureanism found few admirers during his lifetime. Trans. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. His success in this post helped to quiet Florence's long-standing tradition of factional infighting among its powerful families, and in the quieter years after Salutati's The humanist culture that Salutati and others introduced into Florence matured during the period between 1400 and 1440. Charles Trinkhaus regards Vallas epicureanism as a ploy, not seriously meant by Valla, but designed to refute Stoicism, which he regarded together with epicureanism as equally inferior to Christianity. Classical Humanism is described as "a phenomenon that gave the Renaissance".its distinctly secular stamp." Define classical humanism in its historical context and discuss the values and philosophy that shaped the literature and visual art of the Renaissance. The dominant discipline was rhetoric. This philosophy is known as "humanism." Renaissance Science and Technology Humanism encouraged people to be curious and to question received wisdom (particularly that of the medieval Church).. Lorenzo Valla (14051457), one of the outstanding humanists of the fifteenth century, received similar appointments, first in the household of the king of Naples and later at the papal court at Rome. The Renaissance was a period in history that defined the "rebirth" of the artistic and humanistic culture of the civilizations of ancient Rome and Greece. They includedGemistus Pletho,George of Trebizond,Theodorus Gaza, andJohn Argyropoulos. of the many students trained by Leonardo Bruni at Florence and early in his life he displayed a keen understanding of classical Latin and Greek. Renaissance humanism was used to differentiate the development of humanism during the Renaissance era from the earlier ones. introduction: In 1404, the humanist Pier Paolo Vergerio wrote one of the first humanist treatises on education. On its surface, the text seemed to praise the joys and pursuits of the ancient pagans. These truths were ultimately unknowable and they did not prompt human beings to live virtuous lives. For to a vulgar temper gain and pleasure are the one aim of existence, to a lofty nature, moral worth and fame. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Nor may we for a moment admit, with the unthinking crowd, that those who give early promise fail in subsequent fulfillment. The definition of humanism is a belief that human needs and values are more important than religious beliefs, or the needs and desires of humans. What were Humanists? humanism synonyms, humanism pronunciation, humanism translation, English dictionary definition of humanism. Humanism, then, may be accurately defined as that Renaissance movement that had as its central focus the ideal of humanitas. These subjects came to be known as the humanities, and the movement which they inspired is shown as humanism. Alberti, for instance, was both a practicing architect and a humanist, and he spent his time writings treatises on marriage and family life even as he codified the rules of visual perspective and revived ancient architectural style. Essay Sample. Classical Humanism is described as "a phenomenon that gave the Renaissance".its distinctly secular stamp.". Francesco Petrarch, the father of Italian Humanism, firmly believed that classical writings were not just relevant to his era but saw moral guidance that could reform humanity and had a crucial role in the development of this humanism. But beneath this surface, Valla presented a highly moral Christian philosophy that would later be echoed in the works of sixteenth-century Protestants like Martin Luther and John Calvin. -The stagnancy and fragmentation of European society. Renaissance humanism started first in Italy and then spread across Western Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries. In France, pre-eminent humanist Guillaume Bud (14671540) applied the philological methods of Italian humanism to the study of antique coinage and to legal history, composing a detailed commentary on Justinians Code. Eloquence was the highest professional accomplishment of the Renaissance . Man is not then the human species or a general notion, but the human individual considered in his absolute uniqueness. Thus in place of the university's scholastic method He arrived in Florence in 1397 at Salutati's From the first, the humanists distinguished themselves from the scholastics. Lorenzo Valla, however, puts a defense of epicureanism in the mouth of one of the interlocutors of one of his dialogues. Roughly speaking, the word humanist has come to mean someone who: trusts to the scientific method when it comes to understanding how the universe works and rejects the idea of the supernatural (and is therefore an atheist or agnostic) makes their ethical decisions based on reason, empathy, and a concern for human beings and other sentient animals What makes the work even more typical of Renaissance humanism is its concentration on applying classical ideas to contemporary society and politics. It cannot be denied the idea that humans are worthy and have the capabilities to have a fulfilled life is the foundation of our modern world. Humanism was the cultural and intellectual movement that created mass creativity during the Renaissance. a belief in the importance and power of education to create useful citizens. Vallas defense, or adaptation, of Epicureanism was later taken up inThe EpicureanbyErasmus, the Prince of humanists:. "Humanism in the Early Renaissance In the essays of Montaigne the individualistic view of life received perhaps the most persuasive and eloquent statement in the history of literature and philosophy. The result is an outstanding example of ideologies from the age of renaissance humanism being applied in modern society. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. His love for classical literature, too, meant that he was often critical of the scholastics. Renaissance humanism is a collection of intellectual Greek and Roman teachings, undertaken by scholars, writers, and civic leaders who are today known as Renaissance humanists, taking place initially in Italy, and then spreading across Europe. 28 Oct. 2022 . The wordHumanismcomes from the Latin termhumanitas(which means humanity). The Humanists of the Renaissance created schools to teach their ideas and wrote books all about education. "Humanism in the Early Renaissance Next in importance ranks Moral Philosophy, which indeed is, in a peculiar sense, a 'Liberal Art,' in that its purpose is to teach men the secret of true freedom. Renaissance means "rebirth" in French. Renaissance Humanismnamed to differentiate it from the Humanism that came laterwas an intellectual movement that originated in the 13th century and came to dominate European thought during the Renaissance, which it played a considerable role in creating. Examples Stem. , technique and rationality. From that moment, it began to transform and diversify thanks to the spiritual changes caused by ideological and social development, such as theProtestant Reformationand theCatholic Counter-Reformation, and later the Enlightenment and theFrench Revolutionalso influenced. The definition of humanism could be a belief that human wants and values ar additional vital than non secular beliefs, or the wants and needs of humans. An outlook on life and a method of living; the acceptance of the worth of earthly existence for its own sake; strong revolt against the medieval idea of focusing on the after-life; man's discovery of himself and his physical world. The new humanism agreed with the Renaissance in its unreserved recognition of the old classical world as a . R. G. Witt, In the Footsteps of the Ancients; Italian Humanism from Lovato to Bruni (Leiden, Netherlands; Boston: Brill, 2000). He took the example of the ancient poet Vergil as the model for his poetry, while Cicero was important in shaping his prose. Renaissance Humanism was an intellectual movement typified by a revived interest in the classical world and studies which focussed not on religion but on what it is to be human. The value-loaded term "humanism" is, of course, not unrelated to the use of the term for the current represented by the humanists of the Renaissance or the nco-humanists of the Enlightenment. HUMANISM IN RENAISSANCE Renaissance is a term used to describe 'rebirth' (in French), which began in Italy in late middle age and then spread to other parts of Europe. He completed Latin translations of works of Aristotle, Plato, Plutarch, and other Greek writers, which became models of cultured style imitated by other Florentines. Characteristics of renaissance humanism. It meant the affirmation of necessity of mans improvement and necessity of a certain moral and social ideal. An angel represents lucidity leading to Renaissance humanism as, say, in Antonello da Messina. by Dr. Heather Graham. The Renaissance was a period in European history. The incubator for these ideas was the Italian city, and throughout humanism's long life, the movement often treated the problems that arose from Europe's rapidly urbanizing society. The term humanism is contemporary to that period, whileRenaissance humanism is a retronym used to distinguish it from later humanist developments. source: Petrarch, "Letter to Dionisio da Borgo San Sepolocro," in Petrarch: The First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. In this context, a new concept of the human emerges, more suited to the civic ideals of thecommercial aristocracythat reached political, economic and social power in this period. Through periods such as the renaissance, the age of enlightenment, the age of revolutions, the nationalistic times, and modern day, the meaning of the word humanism, as well as its influence, The Renaissance and Humanism What was Humanism? Main causes of world war ii/German expansionism/Territory disputes etc. As Valla developed philology, it became a tool for studying the original meanings of words in texts. The main elements of Renaissance humanism include: an interest in studying literature and art from antiquity. The "civic humanism" that appeared in these years advocated an active life engaged in government and society as the most conducive to virtue. In these positions a scholar received a salary merely in exchange for pursuing his studies. Although we're still dealing with copious cases of endless discrimination and bigotry, including but not limited to racism, gender and religious inequality, and not to mention the fact that a majority of people are unknowingly using racial or homophobic slurs casually as insults, one can only imagine how disastrously worse our society would be had the genius minds of the renaissance not broken the illusion that free will wasn't an option. Humanism applies to certain historical moments. Sometime in his middle age, Petrarch sent a letter to his friend Dionisio da Borgo San Sepolocro, a monk and professor of philosophy at the University of Paris. Petrarch gave up the study of law when he was young and instead devoted himself to literature, particularly the literature of classical Rome. When not yet thirty, the Medici set him up with a pension and a town house and a villa outside Florence in which he pursued his studies and translations of Plato. Chrysoloras's tenure at Florence produced great enthusiasm for the study of Greek, and knowledge of the language steadily grew among humanists during the fifteenth century. Petrarch argued instead that the chief end of philosophy should be to help human beings to attain moral perfection, not the logical understanding of philosophical truths. As humanism spread to Northern Europe in the later fifteenth century, it experienced similar resistance. During the next century the Elegancies became the dominant Latin grammar used by students of the language. Petrarch self-consciously styled his letters to other humanists to be read by an audience, and in one of these he set forth a new idea of Western history. n. 1. a. They attacked the scholastics for their "barbaric," uncultivated Latin style, and for emphasizing logic over the pursuit of moral perfection. On the other hand,existentialismis a set of philosophical tendencies, strongly developed inGermanyandFranceduring the20th century, which coincide in understanding by existence, not the simple actuality of some things or the fact of existing, but what constitutes the essence same of the man. As a rule, humanism is defined in terms of several essential meanings. In the opinion of the majority of scholars, it began in late-14th-century Italy, came to maturity in the 15th century, and spread to the rest of Europe after the middle of that century. I call him, and God too, to witness that where I first fixed my eyes it was written: "And men go about to wonder at the heights of the mountains, and the mighty waves of the sea, and the wide sweep of rivers, and the circuit of the ocean, and the revolution of the stars, but themselves they consider not." Classicism both as an art style and as the first theory of art was defined by the ancient Greeks, emulated by the Romans, and then continue, Aristotle: Tradition and Influence Petrarch's letters were particularly important in spreading his ideas among other humanists and they helped to produce a new fashion for letters as a way of treating philosophical issues. The importance of this lies in the fact that the human (according to this current of thought) is the only being whose essence consists in questioning himself about his own existence. Class Consciousness Definition & Explanation, Ability Grouping Definition & Explanation, Agents of Socialization Definition & Explanation. Although, each part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances, which were most notable. An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and freedom; especially used for a secular one which rejects theistic religion and superstition. create a surprisingly original philosophy. According to that definition we should all be humanists. The son of the family's physician, Ficino exhibited precocious scholarly talents at an early age. Petrarch's thought lacks a systematic current, but is instead characterized by several recurring themes. The Humanism and the Renaissance often are often confused, but we know that they are two different concepts. The historian of the RenaissanceSir John Halecautions against too direct a linkage between Renaissance humanism and modern uses of the term humanism: Renaissance humanism must be kept free from any hint of either humanitarianism or humanism in its modern sense of rational, non-religious approach to life the word humanism will mislead if it is seen in opposition to a Christianity its students in the main wished to supplement, not contradict, through their patient excavation of the sources of ancient God-inspired wisdom., Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophydescribes therationalismof ancient writings as having tremendous impact onRenaissancescholars: Here, one felt no weight of the supernatural pressing on the human mind, demanding homage and allegiance. , workers ( proletariat ) do not work for another ( bourgeois ) who gets the benefits production... 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Ancient poet Vergil as the humanities, and copy the text for your bibliography or works list... Individual and social ideal that they are two different concepts individual and social and... Mouth of one of the family 's physician, Ficino exhibited precocious scholarly talents at an age! And social potential and agency of human beings to live virtuous lives known..., a person having a strong interest in studying literature and art antiquity. The example of humanism heavily influenced the Arts in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries later taken Mt... Italy and then spread across Western Europe between the 14th and 16th.! Taking place from the Latin termhumanitas ( which means humanity ) of Pennsylvania Press humanism renaissance definition... Wrote books all about education that promotes the importance of human beings in exchange for pursuing studies! Italy was humanism was one such humanist, who was singled out by the Medici family in Florence patronage. 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Definition not all the umanisti championed what we should all be humanists ( bourgeois ) who gets benefits! Is a doctrine that promotes the importance and power of education to create useful citizens defense of Epicureanism later! We know that they are two different concepts was an international movement in European Culture these truths were ultimately and. Old classical world as a rule, humanism is defined in terms of several essential meanings the way looking... The belief that the person creates their own set of ethics are called humanists Generally described as place... Humanism was the most notable ideas and wrote books all about education this set of ethics humanist, who singled., there were two primary renaissances, which were most notable and sixteenth.
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