Thanks in advance and regards, An example for this is the automatically remeshed solution, which saves one solution on several meshes (multi solution). Extract solution data from COMSOL model A. Solutions. the format is unstructured, and when levels is set, then the Actually, I found the issue today. the imaginary part of all parameter values associated with In the settings for the Combine Solutions study step, we can choose the type of solution operation and the solutions to combine. Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. In COMSOL, how to compare the value of the solution of a variable at The study now contains the study steps shown below. The best to learn is to 1) test out and run several of the model librarie examples 2) start in 2D with MF (or 2D-axi) it solves so much quicker and hence is far easier to debug, then go to 3D. Thanks for the feedback. This may be a concatenated The question is: Which operator is the inner operator and which is the outer operator in the composition? "Failed to find a solution. Singular Matrix" error? - COMSOL Evaluate expression for different (specific) solutions Posted 26 aot 2013, 16:58 UTC+2 Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization Version 4.3, Version 4.3a, Version 4.3b 3 Replies Nikita Kondratiev 3. To join solutions, right-click on Data Sets under "Results" and choose Join. Going back to the temperature envelop example, we needed two joint data sets to make the maximum and minimum temperature envelops using the General method. You may add functions and component coupling operators in the Definitions node of the Model Builder. returned if the outersolnum is a valid outer solution number and else If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. In the Settings window for the Combine Solutions study step, we specify the study steps to concatenate. innersolnum - Inner solution numbers. it is not available in the prepared expression. associated with solnums. When we compute the study, the study steps create corresponding solvers and Solution Store nodes in the solver configuration and also solution data sets for analyzing the results from the solvers. My main question is that how can i see the effect of piles temperature (which changes sinusoidally, see Fig. Thank you. In the Join settings window, you need to make two choices: which solutions to combine and how to combine them. based solution number within for the outer and inner solution numbers If youre looking for ways to manage multiple solutions, version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software offers several new tools for doing so. Does the COMSOL software contain the Apache Log4j library and, if so, is it affected by the vulnerabilities having the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) designations: CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2020-9488, CVE-2021 . Short-lived do not last very long before they stop working number outersolnum. Returns the one based indices available for a given level. Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers To construct the maximum temperature envelop, we make a joint data set Join 1 from the two solutions using the General method and max(data1,data2) for the expression. In the explicit joining when you are using operators the right syntax is datan(operator(variable)). Returns the imaginary part of the parameter values for a level. If the outersolnum is invalid. Comsol Connect (CX) is available in over 200 metropolitan areas covering more that 12,600 sq km's of South Africa's . Dangerous the solar panels are sometimes blown down by wind The study steps for a combined solution and a reference solution with only heating. Although it works. parameters for this level. This function Community Solutions service design and build will be based on the following stages 1 TRANSFER AND CONSOLIDATE 2 PREPARATION (April-October 2017) 3B OPERATION (April 2018-March 2019) 4 OPTIMISE (April 2019-2021/22 3A TRANSFORMATION (October 2017-March 2018) ComSol is 'switched on.' ComSol cutover checklist ComSol go-live Team manager network Business continuity is imperative. . listed if standards is not an option). intop3(data2(u)) gives out an error Using the Previous Solution Operator in Transient Modeling - COMSOL COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.1 includes a Previous Solution operator within time-dependent studies. Dedicated solutions providing 48 volts for powering telecoms infrastructure are available through Comsol Energy. COMSOL - Software for Multiphysics Simulation At some points in the domain, the maximum temperature is encountered for one set of boundary or domain conditions and at other points for other sets of conditions. Hello, I want to ask, if there is a way to get and save the solution when I cancel/abort the simulation by myself. Get the units of the different levels, split into an array for the But lets see what happens if the loads direction is reversed so that the wrench is pulled upward (instead of pressed downward as it is in the example model from the Application Gallery). 1. According to Saint-Venants Principle, the difference in the solution should diminish as you go further from the loaded edge. Initial values from solution - Software di Simulazione COMSOL Consider a coupling operator intop1 added in the Definitions node of the above 1D heat conduction example. I have a simple, small model in 3d for now, which contains a copper coil with current density wrapped around an iron core. The solution object number is normally the same (0) for all associated with the solutions specified by one-based solnums. Here, d(T,x) is the derivative of T with respect to x, which is a predefined operator in COMSOL Multiphysics. Retrieves the real part of all parameter values (without duplicates) out of memory error in comsol there are no structured data to return (currently level==0 and 28) and outer solution (Eq. The columns are the tuples. As of the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics, Selection nodes are also available for most plot types in the plot groups. The extension made in the blog example is not available online, but the model that its based on is available here, as noted in the blog: Returns the solnum representation of a level setting. You do need to add a paragraph to address integration of explicitly joined data sets in the axisymmetric case: It is now possible to analyze and plot the results in a flexible way for both load cases: for the difference between those solutions and for individual parts of the models geometry. (attached). Thanks for the article. I hope the developers will improve it to work as desired. This mathematical expression contains the variables z and t. But unfortunately, only a specified time (by default, t=0) is used in time-dependent analysis and the time range defined for the expression is not considered. Lets say that we want to run a time-dependent simulation in two steps: Further, lets say that in the second time-dependent study step, we make some changes to the physics that represent a change in the conditions for the simulated device at the intermediate time. This are the segments we collaborate with. 11. Silentroom Tanchiky - Outer Solution | UNDERVEIL THE EXTRA The order of units is matched with The problem was in automatic selection determination for joins in surface integration. To illustrate these concepts, lets open the Stresses and Strains in a Wrench example model. The list of solnums is assumed to be Undefined variable. More functions (like one collecting only desired solutions from all in dataset or removing unnecessary) will be appreciated. The top data set refers to the output from the third and final time-dependent study step. To combine the two time-dependent simulations, a Combine Solutions study step provides a concatenation of the first and second study step. Using operators on joined solutions with the Explicit method. Government facilities None of these can yet be handled with the All option for Values of Variables Not Solved For in Dependent Variables. Hi all, I'm confused by using "compute" or "update solution". indices can be the result of an outer product between levels. The Solar Glow range uses state-of-the-art LED lighting. what is the expression for Space Charge Density in COMSOL V4.1 ? that we can use, for instance in the time steps (like iter*t)? There is currently no functionality (in the COMSOL Desktop) to add a new solution for each iteration. Posted Nov 18, 2015, 10:24 a.m. EST Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers Version 5.2 0 Replies . Option 1: Joint the first two data sets. Returns the SolverSequence associated with the given one-based Retrieves the imaginary part of all imaginary parameter values Not yet, but it has been suggested before to introduce such a variable. . list of solnums is assumed to be consistent when it comes to Retrieves the real part of the parameter values for the parameters int [] getSolnum (int outersolnum, boolean strict) Returns the one based inner solution numbers for the outer solution number outersolnum. Good stuff! Returns the solnum representation of a level setting. Then, we create a joint solution Join 1 using the General combination with abs(data1-data2) in the Expression field as shown in the above figure. (outersolnum,innersolnum). I have three small related questions: Returns all parameter units for the level. In this context, an outer solution is a parametric sweep solution over a parameter such as a geometric dimension. The whole construction also lacks conditional solution selection (apart from manual and from list, that are everywhere except join), which could choose solutions according to some evaluation. 3. Hello Hossein, specified by one-based solnums. What if we have more than 2 time steps? 2. The cost for this course is $800 per person. 2) at the same time on every point? Forward modeling of applied geophysics methods using Comsol and 3. Maybe in further posts it could be mentioned more clearly the operators at and with, it was briefly mentioned in a previous post, but without much emphasis. We provide assured access. Then when you have a nested parametric sweep or one parametric + 1 transient, if you postprocess via the Defined variable you get double nested tables. If you have problems getting your model to run, I recommend that you contact the COMSOL support team. The plant is constructed to have an optimal operational life as per the project requirements. The model uses some powerful concepts in COMSOL Multiphysics. The simultaneous use of two boundary conditions (for grounds domain and piles domain) is incorrect, because it causes a meaningless temperature interference. Comsol Energy offers a range of different PV systems that are customized to the specific needs of our clients. We compute two stationary solutions using first the uniform load and then the triangular load. How Large of a Model Can You Solve with COMSOL? When the format is unstructured, and when levels==null or If outersolnum is. May 10, 2017. Failed to evaluate expression. For example for 4-order non linearity I have 4 data sets of, say 1000 modes each. However some points are still unclear. In addition, we add the following data sets: The following plot shows the temperature versus time for the concatenated solution, where heating is replaced by insulation after 190 s, and the continuous solution, where the heating continues during the time span of the entire simulation. We users want posts like this! The data sets (left) and solver configuration (right). Dedicated solutions providing 48 volts for powering telecoms infrastructure are available through Comsol Energy. Now I do not know exactly what to do to solve this problem. Then, in a line plot, we choose Join 1 for the data set and T for the expression to get the maximum temperature envelop (depicted below). In the si_solar_cell_1D model, how to add the reflectance data to that model and how to simulate that model. When a mutually satisfactory PPA is signed, Comsol Energy also offers to provide the necessary financing for the realization of the project through our third-party financing partners. Finally, check your initials conditions, by hitting the node Solve . To get the L2 norm of the difference, we have to use the predefined integration operator available in Results > Derived Values, then choose Join 2 for Data set and select our domain. solnums. If we want to plot the minimum temperature envelop, we have to add a new joint data set using min(data1,data2) in the Join settings window. levels.length==0, an error will be given if level is such that the Get the number of levels in this solution. This consent may be withdrawn. Thanks for the comments. Retrieves parameter names for the parameters associated with the If strict is true the inner solnums will be returned if the outersolnum is a valid outer solution number and else a zero array is returned. Retrieves the imaginary part of all imaginary parameter values Parameters: outersolnum - Outer solution numbers. Residential housing projects We will start by discussing the General and Explicit methods. Passionately Harnessing the Power of Nature! 19) of this case and compares it to the numerical solution. As pointed out above, when using the General method we also get an operator. PDF Community Solutions: helping people to help themselves - LBBD Evaluate expression for different (specific) solutions - Another option is to first join two data sets and then joined that joined data set with a third solution. CX Specific is also appropriate for certain large enterprise and ISP requirements where bandwidth demands may extend up to 1 Gbps and beyond. Jesus. How to Model Metabolic Reaction Networks with COMSOL, How to Create High-Quality Model Images in COMSOL Multiphysics, A Practical Implementation of Multiphysics Topology Optimization. These include options for combining two solutions into one; storing solutions in different data sets so that they can be postprocessed and analyzed individually; and joining solutions . Arrangers: Silentroom Tanchiky[Tanchiky] - He put together my fragmentary ideas and finished this whole arrangement brilliantly. In essence, the Solar Glow solutions crystallize Comsol Energys dedication to tangible customer benefits. Fig. Comsol | About Us These examples illustrate some of the flexible and powerful options that are available in version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software. one based settings for each level should be given. Make sure that you use a dataset that corresponds to the combined solution during postprocessing. In a 1D heat transfer problem, for example, we can make an Explicit joining and use it in two different line integrations for both the L2 and H1 norms. Result enveloping settings. there are no structured data to return (currently level==0 and entry in the return array will be an array containing the real part Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers, Transport of Diluted Species - Applying Flux to inner objects, Error: Failed to find a solution. Engineers run analyses for different conditions and want to know the best or worst case situation at all points in the domain. Im doing Solar PV Cell with different structures by using a 2D model physics & I used electromagnetic waves and frequency domain, study I have used frequency domain, as result of that I get reflectance data for different wavelengths and after I tried to design the si_solar_cell_1D model as per the COMSOL design instruction procedure after simulated, I get the I-V and P-V Curve of solar cell. For the L2 norm, we will use (data1(T)-data2(T))^2 and for the H1 norm we will use (data1(T)-data2(T))^2 + (data1(d(T,x))-data2(d(T,x)))^2. Please see the COMSOL Reference Manual for details on these operators. all-all combination should probably work like multiparameter sweep, producing, as you call it, vectorized list of the parameters. Get the number of levels in this solution. If, for example, solnums[5] Comsol acoustics examples - Great that you found this blog post to be helpful. Solution Joining for Parametric, Eigenfrequency, and Time-Dependent Problems,,, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics, From the starting time to an intermediate time, From the intermediate time to an ending time, A Revolution 2D data set to visualize the 2D axisymmetric solution in a corresponding 3D cylindrical geometry, Two Cut Point 2D data sets to evaluate and plot a graph of the temperature in a reference location, One of these data sets refers to the concatenated solution, The other refers to the continuous solution, A Join data set to evaluate and plot the difference between the concatenated solution and continuous solution. I am using COMSOL 4.1 and I am facing a conceptually simple problem with no luck. Cost., Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics. Offline Synchronization for the LiveLink for CAD Products. 4. outersolnum 2 and innersolnum 4. This report is involving simulation of Droplet Breakup in a T-junction model. If you see the mathematical expressions in the red boxes, they are different quantities. When the format is unstructured, and when levels==null or If we instead went with the Explicit method, we would only need one joint data set and use max(data1(T),data2(T)) and min(data1(T),data2(T)) in line graphs to plot the maximum and minimum envelop, respectively. Support Knowledge Base - COMSOL Multiphysics I have noticed that if one of the studies has a different mesh than the first study, I come across the following warning: Reaction force in solution 2 is lost in concatenation. Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model - COMSOL Hopefully this addresses most of your items. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. CX Specific. if you try to join both with all solutions it just gives out an error For these study types, solution joining can be used to evaluate some useful and interesting quantities. I will pass your comment about the all-all combination to the development team. Solutions | Comsol We are one of the few companies in the world that can supply new super capacitor technology. Thanks in advance for your help. If expanInput is true, the number of columns The funny thing is that data2(with(n,u)) works even if you have chosen only one solution to join. Using a Join data set, we can plot the temperature difference between the two solutions. If you're looking for ways to manage multiple solutions, version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software offers several new tools for doing so. No solution with comsol? | ResearchGate To join solutions, right-click on Data Sets under Results and choose Join. Some of these may be a There are several study options in the software such as "Stationary" and "Time Dependent", which correspond to quasi-static and dynamic analysis strategies, respectively. I tried to go through the steps and I failed to get the model to run. 4. Comsol Energy presents the unique designed and developed in-house Solar Glow family of renewable energy street lighting products. Returns the parameter values for a level. Study and Solver Updates- COMSOL 5.4 Release Highlights How do I stitch solutions from two time dependent steps? Dependent variables, right click and "Solve/ compute to selected", then run . Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, . These solutions range from battery backup solutions to standalone PV with integrated battery storage, and finally to hybrid systems that augment the PV system with either mains or generator supplied power. Finally, use T for Expression. Popular answers (1) This problem generally occurs when there is some mistake in the physics or study section or wrong selection of the mesh size. 3. Version 5.2 Yes, there is a link in the blog post that takes you to the Application Gallery, where the Axisymmetric Transient Heat Transfer example model is available: You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version unstructured list of indices is returned. Yes, this is the intended behavior. This function works even if isValid The contractual agreement for such a model is in the form of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Required operational life. (outersolnum,innersolnum). The figures below show the COMSOL Multiphysics implementations of these operations and their mathematical representations. Returns the imaginary part of the parameter values for a level. This operator allows you to evaluate quantities at the previous time step when using the default implicit time-stepping algorithm. Returned solution is not converged. They dont seem to be different and the documentation does not elaborate on it. 3. 4 Replies Last Post 20.11.2018, 16:17 MEZ. For questions related to your modeling, please contact our Support team. The solution object number is returned in Then I make another join with the third data set, choosing one mode and finally the last join with the whole last set. Expensive sold as a complete unit with the attendant purchase and shipping costs. I am working on the energy pile performance (the energy pile, also called heat exchanger pile, is a pile equipped with individual or several pipe circuits in order to enable exchange of heat with the surrounding soil). (without duplicates) for the parameter pname in the solutions I really like the new COMSOL capability to join two separate solutions into one dataset using the Join functionality. number of parameters for this level. The section Using Operators on Joined Data Sets explains the order of operation. These include options for combining two solutions into one; storing solutions in different data sets so that they can be postprocessed and analyzed individually; and joining solutions . DOWNLOAD SOLAR STREET LIGHTING BROCHURE, CONTACT US TODAY TO FIND OUT HOW WE CAN GENERATE A SOLUTION FOR YOU, Copyright Comsol Energy - All Rights Reserved 2018. Returns the SolverSequence associated with the given one-based Summation is the process of summing several solutions, such as multiple eigensolutions, to form a solution that is the sum of all input solutions. this level. The same is true for eigenfrequency and frequency domain studies. * Solutions from time-adaption solutions, which are stored as several solutions for different meshes. (time-dependent adaption or for automatic remeshing). When Comsol's existing network is unable to serve your needs in outer-lying environments, our CX Specific offering is a bespoke end-to-end network dedicated to your needs. Retrieves units for the parameters associated with the solutions The options for concatenating, using summations, and copying solutions make it possible to combine solutions for easier postprocessing as well as to store and analyze multiple solutions for different variants of a model. Large-scale renewable energy photovoltaic (PV) power plants feed electricity directly into the grid or grid island. For level < Furthermore, the plant design ensures minimal maintenance by taking into consideration environmental factors such as heat, humidity, precipitation, wind loads, dust and sand for each plant design. Instantly see which Comsol services are available in your area. When Greetings, Kant. These are 1. solve COMSOL model A. This function works even if These tools are generally applicable and useful in many cases beyond what we have shown here. Your Discussion has gone 30 days without a reply. The Join data set provides the difference between the two solutions above. . We discuss that in a follow-up blog entry. 1: Expression: 2*r*sqrt(((data1_join1_join1_2__re+i*data1_join1_join1_2__im)*(data2_join1_join1_1__re+i*data2_join1_join1_1__im))^2+((data1_join1_join1_1__re+i*data1_join1_join1_1__im)*(data2_join1_join1_0__re+i*data2_join1_join1_0__im))^2)*pi^2*(data1_join1_join1_0__re+i*data1_join1_join1_0__im) These two loads are statically equivalent. This high-capacity Layer 2 network gives you access to the prime 28GHz spectrum, as well as Comsol's carrier-grade equipment, offering great value for businesses of all sizes. Basically I have a simple 2D Eigenvalue Problem which gives me 20 eigenvalues (and 20 eigenmodes) and a Parametric Sweep with 50 parameter values. But there is currently no way to parameterize the solver based on the for-loop index, so the time lists will be the same for each iteration. There are seven choices for the combination method. It is deliberate. COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4 brings faster solving with newer processors. That is the setup for the first Time Dependent study step. In the second Time Dependent study step, which continues the simulation but with thermal insulation instead, the Modify physics tree and variables for study step check box is selected. solution numbers. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version This enables us to directly hide boundaries for specific plots without having to create a separate data set, for example. Doing something a little different from lyrics in my spare time. If you do not hold an on-subscription license, you may find an answer in another Discussion or in the Knowledge Base. The systems can be flexibly designed to either incorporate energy storage for X hours of operation, or solely to power the facility in the daytime to reduce overall energy costs.
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