Voting is a basic process that keeps a nation's governmental system works. Phone: 1-800-880-1222. Your vote makes a huge difference." Simply put, voting is power, says Dr. Cobb. Those elected will have a significant impact on the policies that are enacted and the funding that is earmarked for our nations public schools. People can get jobs easily. Here are some, starting with the obvious: 1. The Importance Of Voting In Canada. There are three important aspects of voting. As Americans, it is part of our common creed that the governments legitimacy is based on the consent of the governed. Voting can help us choose able leaders who have qualities in them which can be beneficial for the growth of the country. This is where the internet, teachers and even textbooks come into play. We can do better! As a student who wants change, it is important for other people my age to realize the importance of voting as well. Elections have consequences. The 2020 election is Nov. 3. The great American philosopher, John Dewey, grew up in Vermont in the late 19th century and attended the University of Vermont before making his mark on American political thought. Going out of your way to explore different opinions on varying issues can often be eye opening because you get the opportunity to learn why some people have certain beliefs. The purpose of every government is to develop and implement various policies for the benefit of its citizens. "The theory of democracy is that it is a government for and by the people, and the vote is the basic building block . For some, education is simply the act of acquiring knowledge and learning new skills. The focus is oftenon how to vote rather thanwho to vote for. Students are left without equal access to resources that will support their learning and development. These turnout rates for the general population are high in comparison to turnout among younger citizens. mentorship program, Eccles Schools First Ascent community bonds over kickball and BBQ, Eccles student receives prestigious Obama-Chesky Scholarship, ATTN: First-Year Students! why is education important in voting. From someone who has lived in Utah most of my life, we are directly affected with some of the environmental changes that elected officials oversee. When it comes down to voting, we want someone who will represent the needs of us in their agenda. The MPs you help to elect will be making decisions on issues that you care about, including NHS, Housing, Education and the Environment. Local elections have important consequences and voters should not dismiss them. There are many reasons that young adults vote at lower rates than older adults. This is why it is crucial that every voter makes an effort to. It is important to vote because many candidates for political offices are voted in by only one or two votes. Low voting rates are cause for concern. Education informs voters. As a student who wants change, it is important for other people my age to realize the importance of voting as well. Young voters are also vitally important especially in the modern era. 4915 I-55 N, Suite 203-B 5 in U.S. Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, 1655 East Campus Center Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-8939. Try Kids Academy with 3-day FREE TRIAL! Yet year after year, a discouraging number of eligible voters choose not to pull the levers of power. Because teachers are underpaid in many instances, these dedicated professionals often seek other economic opportunities leaving many classrooms understaffed in those areas where class size and quality teachers matter the most. I hope you enjoyed this article on Why is Education Important, and if you would like to know more leave a comment down below. Voting protects democracy At its core, voting is about democracy. Being an educated and successful voter calls for some background knowledge on the voting process and the issues surrounding the election. Our votes must align with candidates who believe in our countrys public education system because they understand its significance to our continued prosperity. Voter education is often provided by the state itself, often through a national electoral commission, so it is therefore important that it is politically non-partisan. Every vote matters. I not only think that voting is a right that we are given, but I also believe it is a responsibility. It gives you the power to decide how the country is run. While some students opt to pursue a Certificate in Civic Engagement as they build the skills of citizenship, self-advocacy, and leadership, all students participate in the liberal arts foundation of a Castleton education through our General Education Program. "Its a Beautiful Day in the NeighborhoodIndeed. We know that when voters start at a young age, they are more likely to remain active voters for a lifetime. Google Analytics tracking has been deactivated for this browser on this website.This cookie is valid until 31.12.2099If you delete the cookies in your browser, you will have to download this cookie again. Every vote counts, whether you think so or not. You can choose the quality of life you desire for yourself and future generations. American citizens are involved, so be informed and involved. This activity walks students through a variety of visual activities that . Voter education is often provided by the state itself, often through a national electoral commission, so it is therefore important that it is politically non-partisan. They may be away at college, settling into new jobs, or finding their place in a community as adults for the first time. As election season approaches quickly, it is important for all of us to make our voice heard. Consequently, the sale of a simple vote gains a prevailing impact on government and public policies. Stability. Further, public schools matter because they provide a means to escape the perils of poverty. Voting allows you to choose people you want to represent your community in the governance of your country. Voting gives people the right to voice their opinion on pending laws, ordinances, and who they want to be in local and state officials. It enables the citizens to choose their own government. Its. When these institutions are underfunded as a result of the decisions of our elected officials, teachers salaries and benefits are often inadequate. It will help you to get a job. 5. Only 32.6% of eligible voters ages 18-29 voted in the record-setting 2018 midterm election, while 65.5% of voters 60 years and older cast a ballot. As a result of the candid discussions during the Academy, parents are made aware of the repercussions school vouchers have on schools as well as the perils of privatizing public schools. The result is that building leaders are either forced to purchase resources out-of-pocket or they are prevented from purchasing resources that are vitally needed in their schools. The man who wears the shoe knows best that it pinches and where it pinches, even if the expert shoemaker is the best judge of how the trouble is to be remedied (p. 207). You can ask them to resolve the issues. 2. However, officials at the state and local level arguably have just as much power to shape our futures. Dewey was a strong proponent of democracy as the best means for meeting the needs of the public. The Cougar is the official student-run news organization of the University of Houston. Written by Rich Clark, Professor of Political Science, After his primary losses on Super Tuesday in 2020, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders conceded that his campaign had not been, as successful as I would hope in bringing young people in. He added, It is not easy.. It is also a means of keeping anti social elements away from power and thus, protect the interests of the common people. Voter Education Voter education means providing citizens of a democracy with basic information about participating in elections. Voting is the first duty of democracy. The very act of voting is a form of civic responsibility and the exercise of a right for which many American citizens had to fight. Without education, there can be no progress, no development, and no improvement. To many students, and to too many Americans, voting appears to be fruitless and unlikely to make a difference. We better shape the future of our democracy for our kids and generations to follow by voting. This means that people should take some time out of their days to simply search, things I need to know about the 2020 election or even just things to know before I vote.. It also will let people decide who will be the leaders of our country. This is why it is crucial that every voter makes an effort to educate themselves on politics. Develops problem-solving skills The most significant benefit of education is the improvement of our problem-solving abilities. Once you select your preferred candidate or party as your representative, you can come up with your social and personal issues. And still, many Americans dont even engage enough to vote. Additionally, your vote will determine how California and its cities will move forward on important propositions, including reproductive rights, women's health, and other health care-related issues. Public education is integral to the future of our country because it allows individuals to secure better jobs, leads to reduced crime rates, and ultimately affects the overall health of our country's citizens. Your support is needed as we continue our work. Were all in this together, and if only a few of us are voting, nothing will change. Why Education is Important for a Country: People will become better citizens with education; You will get to know the importance of voting only through education. The aforementioned issues only scratch the surface of what local governments can address and voters should do their part to ensure that these concerns can be resolved. Below, we have mentioned 16 reasons why education is essential. A lot of people - women, African Americans, and the poor - fought for the right to vote; certainly their descendents would want to exercise their right to vote. Opening a textbook or reaching out to professors wont hurt anyone, in fact, it will most likely help you and the people around you because it allows for people to become enlightened so that everyone can make educated and well thought out decisions for something as important as the future of our country. With the right to vote, it is a citizen's duty to become informed and to be able to make rational and educated decisions in the election of those who are chosen to represent the U.S. Each vote makes a difference in a democracy, and it is the citizen's job to make sure that his or . As humans, we are capable of distinguishing between positive and negative. Whatever you learn, inside the classroom or outside it, enriches your life. Make it count. For others, education is about learning how to think critically and form independent opinions. Ting Anh cho tr em; Ting Anh Tiu Hc; Ting Anh THCS; Ting Anh THPT; Ting Anh Giao Tip; Luyn Thi TOEIC-IELTS We can do better! So it is at Castleton that we take up the mantle that fellow Vermonter Dewey passed along to educate our students to be active and effective citizens in our democratic government. In his book, The Public and Its Problems (1927), Dewey tried to reconcile civic engagement in American democracy with the depersonalizing forces of industrialism and capitalism. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. voting, why it's important to vote, what makes a good leader, how to learn about candidates, and choosing our leaders. Contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the University or its students as a whole. Voting is the most important way to make your voice heard on the issues that concern you. If YOU don't Vote Others will make the decisions for YOU! Voting Is An Investment In The Future Reference Video-Elections And Voting Explained 5. Importance of Voting Choose Your Government This is the most obvious advantage of voting. 1. They face mounting debt and a weak job market upon leaving college. Voting helps to preserve our way of ife. Voting is an important process in our country through which leaders are selected to make laws and solve problems. We encounter various issues every day, and we typically approach their solution logically. Voting can help determine where your tax money goes. Facts over bias You might expect a high rate of voting in the United States. Young people are opinionated and being outspoken is much easier nowadays thanks to social media. Here are the reasons why voting is important! Contact the editor with questions, comments and concerns. Here are some examples of how local and statewide officials effect our daily lives: 1. Voting makes it impossible for someone or one party to stay in . Nothing changes if nothing changes. In reality, its the whole country and a large population of people who are affected. The 2020 presidential election is coming up and as voters, our voices have a right to be heard. Further, public schools matter because they provide a means to escape the perils of poverty. I may be among the few who love the political campaign season. One should vote because one gets to participate in the functioning of the government. 12 Reasons Education Matters. It helps to decide whom to vote for in order to make a difference in the economy of a country positively. Many of the initiatives that you are voting on effect not just us, but our environment. Voting gives you an opportunity to be part of decision-making that affects your life. The good news is that they are not insurmountable, and once theyve been breached, the habits of voting begin to adhere. The 2020 presidential election is coming up and as voters, our voices have a right to be heard. The people of the United States have a responsibility to make their voices heard. We are here to help them navigate the process of voting, either through absentee ballots or in person. We as young adults account for 50 percent of the voting population, yet only 19 percent of 18-25 year olds voted in the 2016 Presidential elections. Let's start with problem-solving skills. Young adults are often more transitory, less settled than older citizens. Second, Scripture describes sin not only as doing wrong, but also failing to do the good we can. In the early years of our republic, only white landowners could vote. Government is based on citizens votes for representation. Why is voting important? More discouraging, in midterm electionselections for Congressional races without a presidential contestvoter turnout hovered between 36.7% in 2014 and 42% in 1982 before reaching a record high of 50% in the recent 2018 midterm elections. 2. With the impending election less than two weeks away, the decisions we will make in early November are critical to the future of our country. An informal, multi-disciplinary cadre of faculty, including Mary Droege from the natural sciences and Candy Fox from the English Department, are working the Content Laba group of creative students led by Communication Professor Bill DeForestto develop messages to help and encourage students to vote. Voting Is A Way For The Community To Really Make Changes 2. Yet, without any formal rites of citizenship or national service mandates, Americans who do not gain citizenship through the naturalization process never explicitly avow their consent to be governed; instead, we accept the idea of tacit consent. Its time to register for MAP, How Leadership, Trust, and Integrity Intersect, University breaks ground on new Impact and Prosperity Epicenter, Ryan Smith shares success strategies at Convocation, Four places to take a break near or around campus, Opportunity Scholars give back to the West Valley community. Decisions are made on your behalf everyday, healthcare, education, housing, global issues like defence and .