But include at least one quad-dominant movement that moves the hips through a full ROM. If you read my blog on best reps for hypertrophy and sport-specific purposes youll know that I believe in a variety of rep-styles. and reverse hypers, but I am curious (due to my own injury and for using these exercises with future clients) if performed with proper form can these exercises still be safe for people with pre-existing disc issues? Anyway, Ive been looking for a term for art/science and you nailed it! You dont. Tight hip flexors and poor posture? Find the weighted average of class grades (with equal weight) 70,70,80,80,80,90: Since the weight of all grades are equal, we can calculate these grades with simple average or we can cound how many times each grade apear and use weighted average. Brendon, keep up the good work. Every single client and person Ive trained equates training a muscle with moving it. Robert, I suspect that your problem is due to poor Thoracic-spine mobility. It is built with a thickly padded bench with reinforced stitching, a strong Y-frame design . Well, mostly because a steady diet of three leg exercises doesnt seem like a lot of variety. You dont always need both in one. Start with bodyweight if you've never done them and gradually work to where you are holding a plate against your chest with your arms crossed. The science behind his work makes perfect sense. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_bMeu-ciT0&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1]. With so many variables, its unfathomable to think that we could nail it down to an exact science. I hope that Ive done a good job of trying to persuade strength coaches to being open-minded about back extensions and reverse hypers. Full range of motion will vary from person to person. i usually use 20kg and NEVER do them anywhere to failure. So they will not lead to anterior pelvic tilt. Barbell Rows. Image 3. But thanks for the compliment. Its got dead in the name, and its one of the few lifts where the concentric phase tends to steal the show (at least compared to other lifts). #3 Balanced Muscle Building When lifting, athletes think about exercising their back; they tend to always concentrate on the traps, lats, and other muscles of the mid-upper back. You need to learn to hip hinge properly and practice it deliberately. Although its not en-vogue these days to go against the great Dr. McGill, you cant ignore this simple fact. An exercise that combines them in a similar way is usually going to be preferable. Its also worth mentioning that I met this chiropractor in the gym, and his leg workouts consisted entirely of leg pressing (dude could press well over a grand for reps), leg curls, and SLDLs. When you get to the top, you should pop your hips forward and squeeze the glutes. And if so, rounded or not rounded? Its the total sum of the research that led him to this approach, that I know you endorse and appreciate. Set-up on a Reverse Hyper Machine with your feet hooked and the front of your hip crease placed against the edge of the pad. We often forget that the online S & C community is a small sample of the total S & C population and that just because ones favorite gurus have iron-clad beliefs about a certain topic, it doesnt mean that they are completely correct or that hundreds of strength coaches and trainers out there arent having great success with the very same methods that are being denounced by the online community of coaches., Unfortunately, their voices arent heard because theyre so busy training sprinters.. I love this about him. Why not strengthen the hammies in concert with the glutes? These would be ideal if you were in need of a weighted blanket that weighed 20 pounds. While deadlifts, good mornings, squats, and lunges have axial, vertical directional load vectors, back extensions have anteroposterior, horizontal directional load vectors and reverse hypers are one of the rare lifts that have cyclical, dynamic directional load vectors due to the pendulum reorienting itself throughout the lift These are very difficult, however, so you should start with an assisted Nordic curl. Since these lifts can hone in on muscular weak links and improve strength in the integrated, coordinated total-body lifts like squats and deadlifts, they lead to improved integration and coordination in a round-about manner. How many muscle constructors are willing to give up arm training because they have bad elbows? Finally, some machines like the leg curl can be used to develop the hamstrings. Weighted 45 Back Raise (on hyperextension apparatus) 10 Back Extension Alternatives and Variations 1. business mathematics charles miller; world energy consumption by source 2021 A low-maintenance "quilt": Baloo Weighted Blanket. Compression Sheets and Blankets. I had always thought back-rounding is a no-no, absolutely during squatting, and also during deadlifting and back extensions. Good job James! Madcow might not agree since if you're strong you can do GM's with a good deal of weight that might cut into DL recovery, or recovery in general. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. FREE . Deadlifts and especially trap bar deadlifts are a safer hip dominant lift Good post Bret, you are one of the nicest and most open minded people in this industry. In conversing with some members of this crowd I realize that they think Im an absolute idiot for prescribing back extensions and reverse hypers, yet Ive had my glute ham developer, 45 degree back extension, and reverse hyper for four years and have trained myself as well as hundreds of clients off of them while theyve only seen pictures of them or read an article or two about them. 7. I completely agree with you regarding how people jump on the band wagon because Guru Coach is against X movement or X research states this. This is important because you need to train hip flexion (closing the knee) and hip extension to replace the Glute-Ham Raise. In glute ham raises, your feet stay still while your . Goose Down Alternative Fill, Machine Washable Bedding, Sunset Rose, Queen Size. When she's not writing, she can be found in the gym, playing tennis, or exploring the great outdoors. If I prescribe straight leg sit ups and hanging leg raises, have them move at the hips and t-spine, not the low back (must be very advanced to do thisit can be done just not in the traditional manner) I dont discard much, but thats on my short list. One more question, in light of the last comment. Again, great post!!! However, I take his research with a grain of salt. 2) The way Smitty described in his video bret contreras best glute exercises These are the same muscles as the glute-ham raise, but all you need is a free weight. Ive seen multiple posts on the web on the pigspine thing, but McGill did not come to his conclusions solely based on these tests. If you want to build confidence, you can try lighter front-loaded good mornings. If you train at home with a simple barbell home gym, good mornings are a good barbell alternative to reverse hypers, back raises, and even glute-ham raises. Your question, Do you want to take the risk? is a great one and heres my answer: This is what I currently do to help prevent back pain with my clients: 1. (Topic#16066) br d Total Posts: 253: First, they are not popular. Maybe the increased upper body growth from squats and deadlifts is simply due to the development of a strong set of erectors which allows for more weight to be lifted during upper body exercises like bent over rows, t-bar rows, bent over rear delt raises, and barbell curls. When we bench press we isolate horizontal pressing. Raise your body back up until your hips and waist are extended. You have to keep in mind that I am one of those guys who believe that low frequency is the best choice in the long term. Whats not to love? These help you to build the strength you need for a, Set up with the pad just on the bottom of your hips, so you can hinge fully to 90-degrees in the hip, Keeping your core tight and feet pressed into the footplate, lower yourself all the way down, Press your hips into the pad and extend the hips to straighten your body holding for a 2-count, Lower yourself down under control to end the rep in the starting position, Hook your feet under a stable object and kneel on a cushioned or soft surface, Start kneeling, with your core and hips active and stable keeping a straight line from head to knee, Lower yourself forwards, opening the knee joint until you reach the floor / a straight head-foot position, Keeping the hips open, close the knee joint and use the hamstrings to pull yourself up to the starting position, These are very difficult, however, so you should start with an assisted Nordic curl. Begin by flexing your glutes to lift your legs up behind you. Are you okay with your clients or athletes not being able to perform proper back extensions or reverse hypers? Hyperextension Alternatives: 10 Exercises. These are a brutally difficult and effective glute ham raise alternative. Research examples- Im not always in agreement with the mainstream especially as it pertains to unsafe exercises. It also teaches a good feeling what a straight back under load should feel like. Anyone know why this wouldn't be as good? 4) Pick one or two abdominal/core movements. And its definitely great for a rookie like me about to graduate from college to read something like this. Anything that strengthens the posterior chain might lead to less low back pain and injury. Glute ham raise substitutes that train the core are worth your time! 21. What Is a Good Substitute Exercise for Hyperextensions? http://ditillo2.blogspot.com/2014/06/spinal-erector-training-bill-mason-1972.html. Do NOT come up more than enoguh to make a straight line in your back as if you were standing up. 8. An exercise that combines them in a similar way is usually going to be preferable. Anyone with any weightroom experience knows that deadlifts involve much higher incidents of acute injuries. I would throw in some McKenzie, Mulligan and Sahrmann in the mix, but I do rehab also. by vassar college acceptance rate 2026 great expressions dental centers new brunswick. I had a great talk with a physiology professor at ASU who knows of Dr. McGills work and thinks differently about the issue. I just skimmed over the article without reading it carefully because I was immediately annoyed. Im doing most of those, just not often enough. TOPCEE Weighted Blanket (15lbs 60"x80" Queen Size) Cooling Breathable Heavy Blanket Microfiber Material with Glass Beads Big Blanket for Adult All-Season Summer Fall Winter Soft Thick Comfort Blanket . 2. You gain T-spine mobility by doing T-spine mobility drills and by focusing on keeping the chest up while you squat. Arguments Against Back Extensions and Reverse Hypers, 1. The good morning strengthens the hamstrings and hips, as well as the core and back. I teach them to contract their core to prevent their lumbar regions from moving so the only movement they see on these movements is through the hips. The weighted hyperextension is one best exercises for improving your lower back strength. As for smart, just had some great teachers and it is not like I invented influential and inspiring stuff like load vector training, etc. Any exercise has a price and a performance. Can anyone think of a substitue for these two excercies? Both exercises are great for keeping the back healthy and the rest of the posterior chain strong. No motion (exercise) is bad if you can control it. Great stuff as usual..but sit-ups? Whats your explanation? The key is getting there in the first place then never losing it. 5 Weighted Blanket Alternatives & How to Choose | Hug Sleep In fact, I like to do them a variety of ways. Many individuals have witnessed their back pain disappear once they started performing back extensions and reverse hypers. If you are inflammation prone then you can end up in a world of hurt. Are One Arm Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups The Key To Massive Biceps? Do you think that you have already answered my question in your article? Do you recommend these types of movements for someone with APT? The anti-reverse hyper gurus think that its all placebo effect. If you tell me that this form is just too hard for people to master then I will think youre a crappy trainer. Great article bret! Tricep Extention. Heres my take on different movements: 1) I believe that all folks can squat twice per week. So obviously, Ill need to make sure that my glutes are firing in every set of lower-body exercises that I perform. I should mention that arching the low back slightly in comparison to flexing the low back helps buttress the spine and protect the low back from shear forces by 23-43% (McGill). Dont you prescribe Russian leg curls or glute ham raises? The next day the soreness was similar to a heavy deadlift, except that my quads werent sore because they are not involved to any substantial degree in back hyperextensions. Im sorry youre in love with Dr. McGill. If you aren't able to get the ability to use a plate, you can utilize . This is one of the best and most popular reverse hyper alternative.In this exercise, you are placed in a position high up from the ground . Like GHDs, you can make this exercise easier or harder by using bands, holding weights, or wearing a weighted vest. When you tweaked your low back during sumo deads, it could be due to a myriad of factors; weak low back, too strong of a low back in proportion to the hip extensors which caused you to try to use mostly low back, insufficient hip mobility, weak core and core stabilization timing patterns, poor low back endurance, poor program design/insufficient recovery, not listening to biofeedback and auto-regulating, never deloading, and of course, improper mechanics. 8 Best Glute Ham Raise Alternatives For Powerful Glutes - Gym Pact The Romanian Deadlift (or RDL) is a classic strength exercise that has built champions in all kinds of sports.