Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents Revised: DSM-III-R version (DICA-R). Hirschfeld RM, Williams JB, Spitzer RL, Calabrese JR, Flynn L, Keck PE, Lewis L, McElroy SL, Post RM, Rapport DJ, et al. Psychopathic traits were indexed using scores on the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Meaning in life and adjustment amongst early adolescents in Hong Kong. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder. Goodman WK, Price LH, Rasmussen SA, Mazure C, Fleischmann RL, Hill CL, Heninger GR, Charney DS. Factor analytic research (Harpur et al. According to the American Psychological Association[249], the benefits of group therapy include establishing a support network of individuals who experience similar problems and are faced with similar difficulties. Child sexual abuse and emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence: gender differences. This suggests that in the clinical context, Internet addiction can be viewed as mental disorder requiring professional treatment if the individual presents with significant levels of impairment. En pratique, la distinction entre normal et pathologique est souvent difficile tablir[6]. Some limitations are worth noting. Following treatment, Internet addiction was significantly reduced in the CBT group and other measures showed improvement (e.g., anxiety and life satisfaction), while depression severity did not change. Danielson CK, Amstadter AB, Dangelmaier RE, Resnick HS, Saunders BE, Kilpatrick DG. By Saul Mcleod, updated 2020 Download Notes. 1999 Oct 15;150(8):843-7. Clonazepam (0.5 mg) and sertraline (50 mg) were also administrated once daily. Feeling hopeless or empty after childbirth is not a regular or expected part of being a mother. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Physical abuse in men significantly correlates with current cocaine and lifetime/current heroin use (P<.01), while in women it is linked to lifetime cocaine and marijuana use (P<.01). Correlations in bold and italicized are significant and significantly different for men and women. The use of electroacupuncture in combination with a psychological intervention improved treatment success for Internet addiction more than providing cognitive-behavioural treatment only, suggesting the novel therapy electroacupuncture may be beneficial in the treatment of Internet addiction. Therefore, combining therapies may be a good option for some clients, and should be managed by interdisciplinary teams with structured mid-term interventions. Learn more Symptoms may include: Call your doctor, nurse, midwife, or pediatrician if: Ask your partner or a loved one to call for you if necessary. Schumacher J, Gunzelmann T, E B. In: Wellman B, Haythornthwaite C, et al., editors. 1. Zhu TM, Li H, Jin RJ, Zheng Z, Luo Y, Ye H, Zhu HM. PTSD symptoms between substance dependence groups. Spitzer RL, Williams JBW, Gibbon M, First MB. Tang Y, Khoury L, Bradley B, Gillespie CF, Ressler KJ, Cubells JF. Evaluation of the diagnostic criteria of Internet gaming disorder in the DSM-5 among young adults in Taiwan. Accordingly, in order to be diagnosed with IAD, patients had to fulfil the following criteria: The presence of preoccupation and withdrawal (combined with at least one of the following: Tolerance, lack of control, continued excessive use despite knowledge of negative effects/affects, loss of interests excluding the Internet, and Internet use to escape or relieve a dysphoric mood). Despite their off-label status in countries including the United Kingdom and Australia, NDRIs are often prescribed for depression-related symptoms and disorders[248]. Openness involves six facets, or dimensions: active imagination (fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety (adventurousness), intellectual curiosity, and challenging authority (psychological liberalism). De l le dsir d'largir les conceptions courantes, voire d'envisager les troubles mentaux sous un angle tout diffrent de celui auquel nous sommes habitus. The model suggests cognitive factors are particularly important in the development and maintenance of Internet addiction. La reconnaissance des troubles mentaux comme maladies date du dbut du XIXesicle avec la parution d'une publication de Philippe Pinel (1801). Postpartum depression is not a regular or expected part of being a new mother. Table 1 shows demographic information for the entire sample as well as the significant differences between males and females. Life online. Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Croft JB. INTRODUCTION. If the MPQ was not completed either upon arrival for their intake assessment or by the end of the day-long visit, participants were asked to complete it at home and return it by mail. In summary, both Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality (analogous to primary and secondary psychopathy, respectively) have substantial genetic influences with the former conferring a genetic resiliency to Int disorders, and the latter reflecting a genetic vulnerability to Ext psychopathology. An official website of the United States government. It consisted of ten group sessions (two per week) within the period of one month, which varied in length between one and 1.5 h. Accredited specialists provided this intervention for university students. Significantly higher levels of depression and dissociation were furthermore found in a sample of 25 patients with Internet addiction as compared to a matched healthy control group[164]. Support was also received from National Institute of Mental Health (MH082256 to CFG), National Institute of Drug Abuse (DA015766 to JFC), Emory and Grady Memorial Hospital General Clinical Research Center, NIH National Centers for Research Resources (M01RR00039), the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (RGB) and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (KJR). Blackburn R. Replicated personality disorder clusters among mentally disordered offenders and their relation to dimensions of personality. Cognitive behavior therapy with Internet addicts: treatment outcomes and implications. Hormonal changes may trigger symptoms of postpartum depression. EG: Adolescents: 17 males and 4 females (age: M = 15, SD = 1.73); Advantage: Peer group (support and learn from peer confrontation), Parents: 5 males and 16 females (age: M = 40.9, SD = 2.85), Transference reactions occur within and between families. Clinical interviews were explicitly mentioned in the reports of eight studies[32,50,62,93,106,109,164,204], and these consisted mostly of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV[64], a semi-structured interview for DSM-IV AxisIdiagnoses for mental disorders. Taken together, all of the combined therapies were efficacious in treating Internet use-related problems, whereas the benefits for comorbid psychopathology (e.g., depression) were limited. Deykin EY, Buka SL. Recently, its effectiveness has been tested and confirmed experimentally[21,25]. Hunt RD. It doesnt mean you are a bad mom. Anxiety was assessed using the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders[71] and self-esteem was measured with Coopersmiths Self-Esteem Inventory[103]. http://www.dailytech.com/China+Makes+Internet+Addiction+an+Official+Disorder/article13403.htm, To describe a case of problematic Internet use successfully treated with an SSRI-antipsychotic combination, SSRI-antipsychotic combination: Citalopram 20 mg/d increased to 40 mg/d within 1 wk, continued for 6 wk; then quetiapine (50 mg/d) added and increased to 200 mg/d within 4 d, SCID-IV to assess AxisIpsychiatric comorbidity[, Y-BOCS score decreased from 21 to 7 after treatment, Nonessential Internet use decreased from 27 to 7 h/wk; essential Internet use decreased from 4.5 to 3 h/wk, Improvement maintained at 4 mo follow-up with the same medication, To describe a clinical study of individuals with Internet addiction, comorbidities and dissociative symptoms, Clinical diagnoses included 14% ADHD, 7% hypomania, 15% generalized anxiety disorder, 15% social anxiety disorder; 7% dysthymia, 7% obsessive compulsive personality disorder, 14% borderline personality disorder, and 7% avoidant personality disorder, 2% binge eating disorder, 9 women and 6 men scored 70 on Internet Addiction Scale; 19 with possible Internet addiction (scoring 40-69 on IAT), Structured Clinical Interviews for DSM-IV (SCIDIand II)[, IAD associated with higher perception of family disability and higher Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Severity score, Scores for the Dissociative Experience Scale were higher than expected and related to higher obsessive compulsive scores, hours per week on the Internet, and perception of family disability, To present the assessment and clinical characterisation of individuals seeking help for computer and Internet addiction, Skala zum Computerspielverhalten [CSV-S (Scale for the Assessment of Pathological Computer Gaming)][, Consultation mainly sought by relatives (86% mothers), 48% reported achievement failure and social isolation, lack of control (38%), family conflicts (33%), First diagnostic interview with expert clinicians, Specialised clinic for behavioural addictions in Germany, To compare control subjects with or without Internet addiction with patients with pure obsessive compulsive disorder with or without Internet addiction, OCD patients treated for 1 year with standard pharmacological treatment for OCD (TAU), received clonazepam, tapered off in three weeks, and an SSRI or clomipramine, 11 OCD patients (28.95%) diagnosed with IA compared to 3 control subjects, IA OCD group: 5 received 150-200 mg fluvoxamine/d, 4 received 150-200 mg sertraline/d, 1 received 60 mg fluoxetine/d, 1 received 200 mg clomipramine/d, OCD group, no difference in OCD scores btw IA/OCD and non-IA/OCD groups, Non-IA OCD group: 8 received 150-300 mg fluvoxamine/d, 5 received 100-200 mg sertraline/d, 11 received 40-80 mg fluoxetine/d, 3 received 150-200 mg clomipramine/d, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV (psychiatric interview)[, At 12 mo, 2/11 patients with OCD fulfilled IA criteria, To investigate the association among CB, CIU, and reactive/regulative temperament in patients with ED, Positive association btw CB and CIU, emotional lability, excitement seeking, lack of effortful control (lack of inhibitory and lack of activation control), No significant differences between ED subtypes regarding CIU, Adult Temperament Questionnaire-Short Form[, To describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics of inpatients in a clinical centre in Per between 2001-2006, Reviewed 30 clinical registers through FEIA[, All single males from 13 to 28 yr old (M = 18.3, SD = 3.8), 63.3% with secondary education completed and 66.7% dropped out, Patients completed a brief survey through an interview regarding information about their Internet use and online behaviours, Extensive daily Internet use (50% remained online for more than 6 h/d), Descriptive, retrospective and transversal study, Primary Internet use: Online gaming (43.3% excessive gaming and 6.7% excessive gambling), Comorbidities (DSM-IV): High frequency of psychopathic behaviours (antisocial personality traits: 40%), 56.7% affective disorders (30% major depression and 26.7% dysthymia), 26.7% other addictions (13.3% gambling, 10% alcohol, 10% marihuana, 6.7% nicotine and 3.3% cocaine), 16.7% antisocial disorders (13.3% ADHD, social phobia 10% and 3.3% dysmorphic corporal disorder), To assess the safety and efficacy of escitalopram in IC-IUD using a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, Escitalopram started at 10 mg/d, increased and maintained at 20 mg/d for 10 wk, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I[, Following double-blind phase, there were no significant differences in weekly non-essential Internet use and overall clinical response between treatment and placebo group, 19 wk prospective trial with 2 consecutive phases: 10 wk treatment phase (, Subsequently, participants randomly assigned to placebo or escitalopram for 9 wk, Time spent in non-essential Internet use (hours/wk), Side effects: Fatigue and sexual side effects in treatment, but not placebo group, To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of group CBT for Internet addiction in adolescents, Beards Diagnostic Questionnaire for Internet addiction[, Active treatment group: 8 1.5-2 h sessions of multimodal school-based group CBT with 6-10 students/group run by two child and adolescent psychiatrists (topics: Control, communication, Internet awareness, cessation techniques); group CB parent training; psychoeducation delivered to teachers, Only treatment group had improved time management skills and better emotional, cognitive and behavioural symptoms, Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (Chinese edition)[, To describe the sociodemographic characteristics of Internet addicts in a CDR, and to document their problems associated with other dependencies (alcohol, drugs, game practices), self-esteem, depression and anxiety, 88% of Internet addicts were male, with a mean age of 30, living with their parents with low income, M = 65 h of Internet use per week: 57.8% MMORPGs, 35,1% video streaming, and 29.8% chat rooms, Rosenberg test: 66.6% weak and very weak self-esteem; Depression in only 3.5% and anxiety in 7.5%, 45.6% received pharmacological treatment for mental disorders (psychotropic) and 33.3% had a chronic physical problem, To investigate whether an enhanced motivational attention or tolerance effects are reported by patients with IGD, Attenuated P300 for patients with IGD in response to rewards relative to a control group, Semi-natural EEG designed with participants playing a computer game during the recording of event-related potentials to assess reward processing, Prolonged N100 latency and increased N100 amplitude, suggesting tolerance during computer game play, and gaming reward attention uses more cognitive capacity in patients, To assess the comorbidity of IAD with other mental disorders in a clinical sample, 25/50 presented with comorbidity of another Axis I disorder (10% with major depression, 5% with dysthymia and psychotic disorders, respectively), and 38% (19/50) with a concurrent Axis II personality disorder (22% with narcissistic, and 10% with borderline disorder), The majority of Axis I disorders (51.85%) were reported before IAD onset, 33.3% after onset, To investigate the association between P300 event-related potential and IAD, Standard auditory oddball task using American Nicolet BRAVO Instrument, IA individuals had longer P300 latencies, but similar P300 amplitudes compared to controls, Following treatment, P300 latencies decreased significantly, suggesting cognitive function deficits associated with IAD can be ameliorated with CBT, To test whether bupropion treatment reduces the severity of EOP and MDD, Random allocation to either bupropion and EDU group or placebo and EDU group, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV[, During active treatment period, Internet addiction, gaming, and depression decreased relative to placebo group, 12-wk treatment (8 wk active treatment phase and 4-wk post treatment follow-up period), During follow-up, bupropion-associated reductions in gaming persisted, while depressive symptoms recurred, Randomised controlled double-blind clinical trial, 150 mg/d Bupropion SR given and increased to 300 mg/d during first week, To test the effects of bupropion sustained release treatment on brain activity for Internet video game addicts, Placebo group started with one pill and then raised to two pills, Bupropion sustained release treatment works for IAG in a similar way as it works for patients with substance dependence, Buproprion sustained release treatment: 6 wk, During exposure to game cues, IAG had more brain activation in left occipital lobe cuneus, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, left parahippocampal gyrus relative to HC, Participants underwent 6 wk of bupropion sustained release treatment (150 mg/d for first week, 300 mg/d afterwards), Craving for Internet video game play: 7-point visual analogue scale, After treatment, craving, play time, cue-induced brain activity decreased in IAG, Brain activity measured at baseline and after treatment using 1.5 Tesla Espree fMRI scanner, To assess the effect of methylphenidate on Internet video game play in children with ADHD, Treatment with Concerta (OROS methylphenidate HCI, South Korea), Following treatment, Internet addiction and Internet use decreased, Initial dosage: 18 mg/d, and maintenance dosage individually adjusted based on changes in clinical symptoms and weight, Changes in IA between baseline and treatment completion correlated with changes in ADHD, and omission errors from the Visual Continuous Performance Test, Visual Continuous Performance Test using the Computerised Neurocognitive Function Test[, To directly compare patients with IA to patients with AD regarding impulsiveness, anger expression, and mood, IA and AD groups showed lower agreeableness and higher neuroticism, impulsivity, and anger expression compared to the HC group (all related to aggression), Addiction groups had lower extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness, were more depressive and anxious than HCs, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Korean version[, Severity of IA and AD positively correlated with these symptoms, To examine the effect of a reality therapy (R/T) group counselling programme for Internet addiction and self-esteem, Treatment programme reduced addiction level and increased self-esteem, Randomised controlled trial/quasi- experimental design, To evaluate the efficacy of CBT combined with bupropion for treating POGP in adolescents with MDD, Internet addiction decreased and life satisfaction increased in CBT and medication group relative to medication only group, but no changes in depression, Modified-School Problematic Behaviour Scale[, Modified Students Life Satisfaction scale[, To investigate the value of Youngs IAT for subjects diagnosed with Internet addiction, Samples mean IAT score below cut-off (70), IAT detected only 42% of sample as having Internet addiction, No significant differences in IAT scores between mild, moderate and severe Internet addition found, No association between IAT scores and Internet addiction duration of illness found, IAT has limited clinical utility for evaluating IA severity, To compare patients with IGD with patients with AUD and HC regarding resting-state ReHo, Significantly increased ReHo in PCC of the IGD and AUD groups, Decreased ReHo in right STG of IGD, compared with AUD and HC groups, Decreased ReHo in anterior cingulate cortex of AUD patients, Internet addiction severity positively correlated with ReHo in medial frontal cortex, precuneus/PCC, and left ITC in IGD, Impulsivity negatively correlated with ReHo in left ITC in IGD, Increased ReHo in PCC: Neurobiological feature of IGD and AUD, FMRI resting data acquired via Philips Achieva 3-T MRI scanner using standard whole-head coil, obtaining 180 T2 weighted EPI volumes in each of 35 axial planes parallel to anterior and posterior commissures, Reduced ReHo in STG: Neurobiological marker for IGD specifically relative to AUD and HCs, To present a case study of an individual with GPIU, PIU identified due to: (1) use of several different Internet functions; (2) social isolation; (3) procrastination and time-wasting tendencies, Problems unlikely to have occurred without the Internet, To evaluate the diagnostic validity of IGD criteria, and to determine the cut-off point for IGD in DSM-5, Diagnostic interview based on DSM-5 IGD criteria[, Diagnostic accuracy of DSM-5 IGD items between 77.3% and 94.7% (except for deceiving and escape), and differentiated IGD from remitted individuals, Meeting 5 IGD criteria: Best cut-off point to differentiate IGD from non-IGD and remitted individuals, To describe the prevalence of IA in a clinical sample of Latino adolescents receiving ambulatory psychiatric treatment, Spanish version of the Internet Addiction Test (IAT)[, Sample did not involve any cases of severe IA, 11.6% discussed Internet use with therapists, To test the effectiveness and underlying MFGT, MFGT is a new approach to treat Internet addiction (IA) behaviours that has not been tested before.