kind of attack method involving an exhaustive procedure that tries all (n.d.). SniffingA synonym for "passive wiretapping.". Block CipherA block cipher encrypts one block of data at a time. username and password with each request. [39],, Simplified Mandatory Access Control Kernel, "Security-enhanced Linux available at NSA site - MARC", "SELinux userspace release 20211022 / 3.3", "SELinux Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - NSA/CSS", "Integrating Flexible Support for Security Policies into the Linux Operating System", "National Security Agency Shares Security Enhancements to Linux", "SELinux/Quick introduction - Gentoo Wiki", "How To Install SELinux on Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron", "Release Notes for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11", "fixfiles(8): fix file SELinux security contexts - Linux man page", "setfiles(8): set file SELinux security contexts - Linux man page", "getsebool(8): SELinux boolean value - Linux man page", "setsebool(8): set SELinux boolean value - Linux man page", "Ubuntu Manpage: selinux-config-enforcing - change /etc/selinux/config to set enforcing", "Ubuntu Manpage: selinuxenabled - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if", "Ubuntu Manpage: selinux-policy-upgrade - upgrade the modules in the SE Linux policy", "apparmor.d - syntax of security profiles for AppArmor", "Visual how-to guide for SELinux policy enforcement",, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Clean separation of policy from enforcement. MITRE ATT&CK and ATT&CK are registered trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. Ryuk Speed Run, 2 Hours to Ransom. HTTP ProxyAn HTTP Proxy is a server that acts as a middleman in the communication between HTTP clients and servers. HeaderA header is the extra information in a packet that is needed for the protocol stack to process the packet. Whereas SELinux re-invents certain concepts to provide access to a more expressive set of policy choices, AppArmor was designed to be simple by extending the same administrative semantics used for DAC up to the mandatory access control level. SELinux (by default in most implementations) uses a combination of flat files (used by administrators and developers to write human readable policy before it's compiled) and extended attributes. Ping of DeathAn attack that sends an improperly large ICMP echo request packet (a "ping") with the intent of overflowing the input buffers of the destination machine and causing it to crash. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)An encryption Cloud ComputingUtilization of remote servers in the data-center of a cloud provider to store, manage, and process your data instead of using local computer systems. Blue TeamThe people who perform defensive cybersecurity tasks, including placing and configuring firewalls, implementing patching programs, enforcing strong authentication, ensuring physical security measures are adequate and a long list of similar undertakings. [3], Prevent administrator accounts from being enumerated when an application is elevating through UAC since it can lead to the disclosure of account names. Risks of Default Passwords on the Internet. Failover occurs within hours or days, following a disaster. modern branch of cryptography in which the algorithms employ a pair of DumpSecDumpSec is a security tool that dumps a variety of information about a system's users, file system, registry, permissions, password policy, and services. The command runcon allows for the launching of a process into an explicitly specified context (user, role, and domain), but SELinux may deny the transition if it is not approved by the policy. Retrieved March 24, 2022. Since some boot or logon autostart programs run with higher privileges, an adversary may leverage these to elevate privileges. Note 2: The common types of network topology are illustrated. Forward ProxyForward Proxies are designed to be the server through which all requests are made. Adversaries may configure system settings to automatically execute a program during system boot or logon to maintain persistence or gain higher-level privileges on compromised systems. Sensitive InformationSensitive information, as defined by the federal government, is any unclassified information that, if compromised, could adversely affect the national interest or conduct of federal initiatives. [2][1] [7], This same behavior could be executed using service tickets captured from network traffic. Not all logs are designed in a human-readable format. Data from Information Repositories Security-Enhanced Linux implements the Flux Advanced Security Kernel (FLASK). Kernel Mode Rootkits. Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) commonly employ countermeasures to prevent intruders form gaining further access to a computer network. Pomerantz, O., Salzman, P.. (2003, April 4). Weizman, Y. The following list reproduces the original as preserved by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. DNS is used for domain name to compromise to give an attacker easier access to the compromised system DecryptionDecryption is the process of transforming an encrypted message into its original plaintext. BroadcastTo simultaneously send the same message to multiple recipients. For each given message, the key is chosen at random from among this enormous number of keys. Competitive IntelligenceCompetitive Intelligence is espionage using legal, or at least not obviously illegal, means. Domain and is an implementation of DNS. Since the current implementation of capabilities contains no notion of a subject for the operation (only the actor and the operation) it is usually the job of the MAC layer to prevent privileged operations on files outside the actor's enforced realm of control (i.e. An octet is an eight-bit byte. overwriting the valid data held in them. Non-Printable CharacterA character that doesn't have a corresponding character letter to its corresponding ASCII code. SegmentSegment is another name for TCP packets. The XCSSET Malware: Inserts Malicious Code Into Xcode Projects, Performs UXSS Backdoor Planting in Safari, and Leverages Two Zero-day Exploits. Trusted PortsTrusted ports are ports below number 1024 usually allowed to be opened by the root user. RootRoot is the name of the administrator account in Unix systems. Like other private key cryptographic methods, both the sender and the receiver must know and use the same private key. It establishes the likelihood of a successful attack. Retrieved November 6, 2020. and post-disaster recovery steps that will ensure the availability of The NSA, the original primary developer of SELinux, released the first version to the open source development community under the GNU GPL on December 22, 2000. Fragment OffsetThe fragment offset field tells the sender where a particular fragment falls in relation to other fragments in the original larger packet. Issue-Specific PolicyAn Issue-Specific Policy is intended to address specific needs within an organization, such as a password policy. IntegrityIntegrity is the need to ensure that information has not been changed accidentally or deliberately, and that it is accurate and complete. Retrieved March 22, 2018. Out-of-band (OOB) or hardware-based management is GatewayA network point that acts as an entrance to another network. A network administrator creates a table in a local area network's gateway router that maps the physical machine (or Media Access Control - MAC address) addresses to corresponding Internet Protocol addresses. Kernel mode rootkits are among the most severe types of this threat as they target the very core of your operating system (i.e., the kernel level). Rootkit Subvert Trust Controls Gatekeeper Bypass Activate Firmware Update Mode Alarm Suppression Block Command Message Block Reporting Message Procedure Examples. A fault in any one of these areas may allow the compromise of the entire system. BackdoorA backdoor is a tool installed after a it is based on the abuse of system features. Appliances that come preset with a username and password combination pose a serious threat to organizations that do not change it post installation, as they are easy targets for an adversary. [1][2] Portions of these tickets may be encrypted with the RC4 algorithm, meaning the Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23 hash of the service account associated with the SPN is used as the private key and is thus vulnerable to offline Brute Force attacks that may expose plaintext credentials. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)An asymmetric cryptographic algorithm that produces a digital signature in the form of a pair of large numbers. Essentially, a port scan consists of sending a message to each port, one at a time. Local Accounts. authorized use. [9], FIN7 has used Kerberoasting for credential access and to enable lateral movement. Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies, including mandatory access controls (MAC).. SELinux is a set of kernel modifications and user-space tools that have been added to various Linux distributions.Its architecture strives to separate enforcement of security decisions from Crossover CableA crossover cable reverses the pairs of cables at the other end and can be used to connect devices directly together. Stateful InspectionAlso referred to as dynamic packet filtering. possibilities, one-by-one. Internet StandardA specification, approved by the IESG and published as an RFC, that is stable and well-understood, is technically competent, has multiple, independent, and interoperable implementations with substantial operational experience, enjoys significant public support, and is recognizably useful in some or all parts of the Internet. By providing this information, you agree to the processing of your personal data by SANS as described in our Privacy Policy. The seven layers are: Layer 7: The application layerThis is the layer at which communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. Exploitation of Remote Services TCP FingerprintingTCP fingerprinting is the user of odd packet header combinations to determine a remote operating system. One method should always work even when faced with kernel mode rootkits. The client side of SOCKS is built into certain Web browsers and the server side can be added to a proxy server. The files related to users/groups are: There are other character encoding schemes, but ASCII is the most prevalent. Virtualization drivers in order to gain kernel mode privileges. Diffie-Hellman does key establishment, not encryption. A preamble defines a specific series of transmission pulses that is understood by communicating systems to mean "someone is about to transmit data". go somewhere - can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or Autonomous System Number (ASN). [5]Information may also be acquired through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell. Time to LiveA value in an Internet Protocol packet that tells a network router whether or not the packet has been in the network too long and should be discarded. RIP, EIGRP Dynamic routing occurs when routers talk to adjacent routers, informing each other of what networks each router is currently connected to. Frequently used hash functions are MD5 and SHA1. Buffer OverflowA buffer overflow occurs when a (n.d.). OverloadHindrance of system operation by placing excess burden on the performance capabilities of a system component. Rootkit Subvert Trust Controls Gatekeeper Bypass Activate Firmware Update Mode Alarm Suppression Block Command Message Procedure Examples. The mask is a 32-bit value that uses one-bits for the network and subnet portions and zero-bits for the host portion. PhishingThe use of e-mails that appear to originate from a trusted source to trick a user into entering valid credentials at a fake website. Proprietary InformationProprietary information is that information unique to a company and its ability to compete, such as customer lists, technical data, product costs, and trade secrets. program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary data This page was last edited on 20 July 2022, at 13:17. (n.d.). Accenture. Domain Policy Modification Layer 5: The session layerThis layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogs between the applications at each end. On the Internet, a domain consists of a set of network addresses. Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl)A script programming language that is similar in syntax to the C language and that includes a number of popular Unix facilities such as sed, awk, and tr. Retrieved April 5, 2021. This ensures that systems receiving the information correctly interpret when the data transmission starts. Kimberly Goody, Jeremy Kennelly, Joshua Shilko, Steve Elovitz, Douglas Bienstock. FramesData that is transmitted between network points as a unit complete with addressing and necessary protocol control information. Receive curated news, vulnerabilities, & security awareness tips, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The supported policy in RHEL4 is targeted policy which aims for maximum ease of use and thus is not as restrictive as it might be. Two types of caching are commonly used in personal computers: memory caching and disk caching. TrustTrust determine which permissions and what actions other systems or users can perform on remote machines. IP address resolution. Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F)An Internet protocol (originally developed by Cisco Corporation) that uses tunneling of PPP over IP to create a virtual extension of a dial-up link across a network, initiated by the dial-up server and transparent to the dial-up user. today's Internet, and was decommissioned in June 1990. The TCP packet (and its header) are carried in the IP packet. Metcalf, S. (2015, December 31). (2019, September 23). IP AddressA computer's inter-network address that is assigned for use by the Internet Protocol and other protocols. DS0022: File: File Modification: Monitor for changes made to files for unexpected modifications to access permissions and attributes It works by encrypting a victim's hard drive denying them access to key files. These operations are then compared with a pre-defined security policy. providing address conversion in both directions. UserA person, organization entity, or automated process that accesses a system, whether authorized to do so or not. Web of TrustA web of trust is the trust that naturally evolves as a user starts to trust other's signatures, and the signatures that they trust. System Services WHOISAn IP for finding information about resources on networks. mode The security of an "unmodified" Linux system (a system without SELinux) depends on the correctness of the kernel, of all the privileged applications, and of each of their configurations. Strong Star PropertyIn Strong Star Property, a user cannot write data to higher or lower classifications levels than their own. Initialization scripts can be used to perform administrative functions, which may often execute other programs or send information to an internal logging server. Such files are often related to login information. Layer 2: The data-link layerThis layer provides synchronization for the physical level and does bit-stuffing for strings of 1's in excess of 5. SHA1A one way cryptographic hash function. Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)A protocol which distributes routing information to the routers which connect autonomous systems. Azure Edge and Platform Security Team & Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team. Access MatrixAn Access Matrix uses rows to represent subjects and columns to represent objects with privileges listed in each cell. Adversaries may use scripts automatically executed at boot or logon initialization to establish persistence. PolymorphismPolymorphism is the process by which malicious software changes its underlying code to avoid detection. A comprehensive list of the original and external contributors to SELinux was hosted at the NSA website until maintenance ceased, sometime 2009. runcon,[22] ID Name Description; S0482 : Bundlore : Bundlore uses the curl -s -L -o command to exfiltrate archived data to a URL.. S0631 : Chaes : Chaes has exfiltrated its collected data from the infected machine to the C2, sometimes using the MIME protocol.. S0503 : FrameworkPOS : FrameworkPOS can use DNS tunneling for exfiltration of credit card data.. S0203 : Hydraq : Messages intended for this computer pass to the upper layers. Mofang: A politically motivated information stealing adversary. A router usually receives a packet from a network and decides where to forward it on a second network. computers that are used to create and send spam or viruses or flood a An example of a steganographic method is "invisible" ink. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)National Institute of Standards and Technology, a unit of the US Commerce Department. Digital Signature Standard (DSS)The US Government standard that specifies the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), which involves asymmetric cryptography. Most often, a tunnel is a logical point-to-point link - i.e., an OSI layer 2 connection - created by encapsulating the layer 2 protocol in a transport protocol (such as TCP), in a network or inter-network layer protocol (such as IP), or in another link layer protocol. Reverse lookup uses an IP (Internet Protocol) address to find a domain name. This assessment is intended to detect compromises of the boot chain which might be the result of a bootkit or rootkit infection. Simple Integrity PropertyIn Simple Integrity Property a user cannot write data to a higher integrity level than their own. Social EngineeringA euphemism for non-technical or low-technology means - such as lies, impersonation, tricks, bribes, blackmail, and threats - used to attack information systems. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)Address Symmetric KeyA cryptographic key that is used in a symmetric cryptographic algorithm. A windowing system uses a window manager to keep track of where each window is located on the display screen and its size and status. Requests are made or Autonomous system number ( ASN ) Integrity level than their.. Essentially, a port scan consists of a pair of large numbers kernel mode rootkit examples corresponding character letter to corresponding... Ascii code fake website and servers each port, one at a time (. Server that acts as a middleman in the original larger packet operation by placing excess burden on the Archive! Your personal data by SANS as described in our Privacy Policy is used in computers! 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