This video help you to understand how to add new row in kendo grid and save data using this Grid. .Total("Total"); //define the [total]( option

function EmployeesGrid_Save(e) {

var companyId = $("#CompanyId").data().kendoDropDownList.value();

e.model.set("CompanyId", companyId);


, Snippet 10: Kendo grid save event callback implementation. It is a custom grid so there MAY also be some JS changes involved also. So how could I update this list or the template after the grid renders? Please help transport.Read("Virtualization_Read", "Program"); Therefore, if the field CompanyId is Nullable instead of just int, then you may have to add code to save this event (to the grid) as follows:

.Events(events =>



, Snippet 9: Kendo grid save event callback registration. Right click the file and select Extract All to unzip the file. GetCategories () Action is used to return a datasource for the dropdownlist. That is not to say the other controls are not as spectacularly engineered, because they are. .DataSource(source => "ChangeTypeName"). This is super helpful when using the Grids inline edit functionality. The code that binds the column to CompanyId is shown below as point (1.).

@(Html.Kendo().Grid().Name("EmployeesGrid").Columns(columns => {

columns.Bound(e => e.FirstName).Title("First Name");

columns.Bound(e => e.LastName).Title("Last Name");

columns.Bound(e => e.CompanyId).EditorTemplateName("CompaniesList").Title("Company").ClientTemplate("#:CompanyName#");

columns.Command(command =>{ command.Edit(); });


.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())

.Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))

.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()

.Events(events => events.Error("error_handler"))

.Model(model => model.Id(e => e.Id))

.Create(update => update.Action("CreateEmployee","Home"))

.Read(read => read.Action("ReadEmployees","Home"))

.Update(update => update.Action("UpdateEmployees","Home"))))

, and include the following JavaScript code in a script tag