When RangePicker does not satisfied your requirements, try to implement similar functionality with two DatePicker. Search: Phase 2 Clone Trooper Armor For Sale. @vitejs/plugin-vue - Official Vue 3 support. Ant Design supports a default list size as well as a large and small size. CNPJ 23.200.031/0001-91 - Praa Japo, 30 - Bairro Boa Vista / CEP 91340-380. A INEEX traz para Porto Alegre um novo conceito em academias. Display week numbers with nzShowWeekNumber. Os equipamentos utilizados so da Life Fitness, marca internacionalmente reconhecida por sua qualidade, design ergonmico, tecnologia e funcionalidades. ', 'https://randomuser.me/api/?results=10&inc=name,gender,email,nat,picture&noinfo', 'https://randomuser.me/api/?results=20&inc=name,gender,email,nat,picture&noinfo'. Queremos que o exerccio fsico faa parte da sua rotina, de forma prazerosa e saudvel. Contamos com os mais diversos planos e modalidades para atender voc e sua famlia da melhor forma possvel. Currently, supported nz-time-picker parameters in nzShowTime are: nzFormat, nzHourStep, nzMinuteStep, nzSecondStep, nzDisabledHours, nzDisabledMinutes, nzDisabledSeconds, nzHideDisabledOptions, nzDefaultOpenValue, nzAddOn. rc-virtual-list ProList antd List Table List # Add status to DatePicker with nzStatus, which could be error or warning. #. A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js. A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Sbados 8h s 18h TreeSelect . O nosso objetivo contribuir na sua mudana de comportamento, cuidando da sua sade e bem-estar atravs das diversas modalidades que oferecemos. Omit the size property for a list with the default size. Preencha seus dados para agendar sua visita e Surpreenda-se. for Vue 2 only, for Vue 3 only, and for plugins that compatible with both versions. ; vite-plugin-vue2 - Vue 2 integration. O mais completo centro de bem-estar e sade premium de Porto Alegre! You need to use date-fns.Date formatting Domingo e Feriados das 09:15 s 13:45, Praa Japo, n 30 - Porto Alegre- RS . Nossa infraestrutura possui aparelhos top do mercado, oferecendo qualidade nica aos nossos alunos. I was wondering that it is better to refresh the UI when executing an add/update/delete operation from a CRUD in Angular.The tech stack we'd used for building this . Moreover, it includes over 90 React components that you can use right away in your app. Queremos que o exerccio fsico faa parte da sua rotina de forma prazerosa e saudvel. Select TreeSelect, status TreeSelect error warning, https://codesandbox.io/s/wk080nn81k, (originNode: ReactNode, props) => ReactNode, treeNodeFilterProp TreeNode , body , treeNodes TreeNode value . Basic use case. Note: Some of nz-date-picker's locale are coming from Angular i18n, that should be provided in the file of app.module.ts. 'Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd. Work fast with our official CLI. // In real scene, you can using public method of react-virtualized: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46700726/how-to-use-public-method-updateposition-of-react-virtualized, 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team. Learn more. Select component to select value from options. MySite provides free hosting and affordable premium web hosting services to over 100,000 satisfied customers. aspphpasp.netjavascriptjqueryvbscriptdos We can set presetted ranges to RangePicker to improve user experience. You can manually specify the position of the popup via nzPlacement. Week picker always shows week numbers), The start time or the end time of the range change callback. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. SSR frameworks are listed at SSR - Frameworks.. Integrations. Disabled part of dates and time by nzDisabledDate and nzDisabledTime respectively. So mais de 30 modalidades e 5 espaos dedicados e planejados de acordo com cada tipo de exerccio, rea externa para treinamento funcional e piscina. This property provide an additional time selection. Uses defaultFilteredValue to make a column filtered by default.. Use sorter to make a column sortable.sorter can be a function of the type function(a, b) { } for sorting data locally. As a default behavior, the onChange callback can only get the value of the selected item. contato@ineex.com.br, Ineex Espao Esportivo de Condicionamento Fsico Ltda. default will be used if nzSize is omitted. Domingos e Feriados 9h s 15h ', 'We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and efficiently. ConfigProvider . Why does manual input not take effect after setting, whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop, determine whether the nz-date-picker is disabled, to customize the className of the popup calendar, set the readonly attribute of the input tag (avoids virtual keyboard on touch devices), to customize the style of the popup calendar, determine the size of the input box, the height of, The position where the selection box pops up, a callback emitter, can be executed whether the popup calendar is popped up or closed, custom rendering function for date cells (Not support by month-picker/year-picker), to specify the time that cannot be selected, whether to show 'Now' button on panel when, whether to show the week number on each row (Only supported by date picker. Website Hosting. #. The label of the selected item will be packed as an object for passing to the onChange callback. Users can select or input a date in panel. A table displays rows of data. If a large or small list is desired, set the size property to either large or small respectively. ConfigProvider React context . , onChange value label labelInValue , label value onChange value , size large small 40px 24px 32px, , tags multiple , open codesandbox, , status Select error warning, Select getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentElement} , options label value optionFilterProp="label" , Select , 24px listItemHeight listHeight , listItemHeight listHeight , Select aria-label aria-labelledby Select , // { value: "lucy", key: "lucy", label: "Lucy (101)" }, (optionA: Option, optionB: Option) => number, body , label value Select value , Option Option , value Select . PrimeReact PrimeReact is one of the Top react component libraries that are used by large companies all around the world. Customizing the header and footer Respeitando a individualidade de cada pessoa, os vestirios tambm foram projetados de forma especial para os pequenos. Set the readonly attribute of the input tag (avoids virtual keyboard on touch devices) boolean: false: minuteStep: Interval between minutes in picker: number: 1: open: Whether to popup panel: boolean: false: placeholder: Display when there's no value: string | [string, string]Select a time: placement: The position where the selection box pops up // Resetting window's offsetTop so as to display react-virtualized demo underfloor. ', 'Australian walks 100km after outback crash. Cuidamos dos mnimos detalhes para que nossos alunos tenham ao seu dispor uma infraestrutura impecvel e nica enquanto cuidam da sade. ; @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx - Official Vue 3 JSX support. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. You need to use date-fns. Are you sure you want to create this branch? #. Segunda a sexta das 06:15 s 20:45 We can customize the rendering of date cells in the calendar by providing a nzDateRender function to DatePicker. In this section, we use badges to indicate the targeted Vue version for each plugin. Render extra footer in panel for customized requirements. Select . Currently, supported nz-time-picker parameters in nzShowTime are: nzFormat, nzHourStep, nzMinuteStep, nzSecondStep, nzDisabledHours, nzDisabledMinutes, nzDisabledSeconds, nzHideDisabledOptions, nzDefaultOpenValue, nzAddOn. #. The following APIs are shared by nz-date-picker, nz-range-picker. You signed in with another tab or window. 2021 Ineex | Todos os direitos reservados. import {ConfigProvider } from 'antd'; // export default = > (< ConfigProvider direction = " rtl " > < App /> ); Content Security Policy #. By clicking the input box, you can select a date from a popup calendar. position ['none', 'none']#29256 @mumiao, TextArea showCount Form.Item extra #29245, @ant-design/colors 6.x gzipped 1KB#29307 @07akioni, Image ru_RU #29271 @mumiao, DatePickerFormTableTimePicker Transfer fa_IR #29232 @amiralitaheri, Table FilterDropdownProps confirm #29241 @mumiao, Table pageSize current #29184, Image.PreviewGroup current #29153, InputNumber keyboard #29110 @kerm1it, Row gutter margin-bottom #29059, TextArea emoji showCount #29057 @HomyeeKing, ConfigProvider tree shaking #29045, Table showSorterTooltip Tooltip #29002 @harrisoff, Table rowSelection onChange onSelectAll #29079 @kerm1it, Table TypeScript dataSource readonly#29084, less @progress-info-text-color#28981 @yuxuan, rc-trigger BuildInPlacements TypeScript #29029 @waiwaiku, PageHeader breadcrumbRender #28999, Typography ellipsis tooltip #28821, Image preview.maskClassName#28681, react-component/image#61 @simonwong, Image.PreviewGroup #28881, ConfigProvider iconPrefixCls #28924, ConfigProvider #28792 @zxc0328, Form.Item noStyle #28918, Form.Item preserve=false initialValues#28908, Button Shadow Root #28995 @rinick, Table #28688 @alekye, less @drawer-footer-padding-horizontal#28975 @yuxuan, @menu-inline-submenu-bg @menu-dark-submenu-bg @menu-dark-inline-submenu-bg#28842, Card RTL #28915 @Aghosey, Input/Skeleton style #28966 @yingpengsha, loading @btn-border-width #28886 @jjanssen, Table onChange filters #28850 @Meowu, Search React Hooks #28895 @susiwen8, Upload Error Tooltip#28716 @wangcch, Upload fileList uid #28832, Slider getPopupContainer document.body #28865 @rinick, Empty description div validateDOMNesting #28862, Tree filterTreeNode #28866, Slider forcePopupAlign #28699 @Kerumen, Transfer dataSource immutable Cannot add property key, object is not extensible #28675, Notification useNotification #28660, InputNumber onChange value null#28769 @lengfangbing, Tree #28349 @liuchao233, TreeSelect Select searchValue #28574, Progress steps #28530 @gaoryrt, Collapse @collapse-header-padding #28507, Input.TextArea maxLength #28456, Input.TextArea showCount #28145 @MrHeer, Modal.method afterClose Modal #28053 @liuchao233, childrenColumnName checkStrictly={false} #28568, filterDropdown onChange filters #28627 @Meowu, expandable.columnWidth #28249, #react-component/image/52 @OmriGM, #react-component/image/56 @wangcch, transformFile #28455 @YanYuanFE, Upload fileList immer #28636 @mumiao, disabledDate #react-component/picker/191, onKeyDown #react-component/picker/138 @conquera99, options #react-component/select/580 @jameslahm, tagRender react-component/select/582 @mumiao, tokenSeparators #28564, ref scrollTo #react-component/select/565, Slider range.draggableTrack #28592, message onClick #28148 @ZeroTo0ne, Descriptions labelStyle contentStyle#28613, Form scrollToFirstError #28272 @vouis, PageHeader title #28374 @zhukovvandrei, Menu Chrome hover #28372, Tree #28354 @maksnester, Table z-index Dropdown #28346, Table filters boolean #28220 @Meowu, Tree selectable={false} hover #28269, Tree draggable #28262 @DavidSichau, Image.PreviewGroup #28263 @liuchao233, TransferProps titles ReactNode#28326 @jacklee814, Table crash #28193 @yanguoyu, Tooltip overlayInnerStyle #27682 @jasepellerin, Layout Table sticky #28176, Steps progressDot #28126 @ZeroTo0ne, Modal useModal #28122 @TotooriaHyperion, TextArea Form #28130 @AlanCutFlim, @ant-design/css-animation #28201, Tree dropIndicator ltr #28150 @kagawagao, Table SelectionSelectFn selectedRows T #28206 @weiyuc, Breadcrumb BreadcrumbItem className #28182 @ccloveak, Form.List initialValue #28153 @Debiancc, Carousel dontAnimate #28090 @jarretmoses, Collapse.Panel collapsible #28092 @sammarks, Modal focusTriggerAfterClose #27985 @molokovev, Modal hooks onCancel #28063 @JuniorTour, Modal.method closable closeIcon#27909 @MrHeer, Image PreviewGroup #28069, Collapse collapsible Panel disabled #27790, Collapse #28039, Tree dropIndicatorRender allowDrop #26462 @07akioni, Descriptions.Item labelStyle contentStyle #27897, Menu expandIcon #27565, Input TextArea ref setSelectionRange#27584 @appleshell, Select filterSort #27523 @n0ruSh, Layout.Sider width='0' #28000, Input.Search less #27986, Input.Search addonBefore #27960, Typography.Link #27982, Carousel Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener #27957, DatePicker en_GB zh_TW #28016 @abz53378, Upload beforeUpload #27946 @bingling0084, Carousel ref #27935 @ocassio, Spin 0 #27839 @liuchao233, React hooks CheckboxLayout.Sider TextArea#27739 #27719 #27693, rc-motion rc-animate BackTopBadgeUploadList#27840 #27848 #27923, AutoComplete DataSourceItemType #27892, Image ImageProps #27846 @wangcch, Button Form loading #27794, Button Anchor React 17 findDOMNode is deprecated #27755 @hosseinmd, React hooks #27655, Form namePath #27664, DateRangePicker #27731 @AlanCutFlim, Select tags #27726 @baxtergu, Select mode="multiple" #27689, TextArea emoji #27679 @372623460jh, RangePicker size="small" #27673 @Ifeinstein, Steps type="navigation" #27654, Select Form #27607, Pagination margin#27610, Input.Search enterButton={null} #27591 @davidebianchi, Table column.children #27435 @JhonXY, Progress.Line strokeColor RTL #27515, Image preview.getContainer #26713 @rfreling, ConfigProvider form.requiredMark #27322, Statistic loading #26811 @appleshell, Avatar Image #27448 @n0ruSh, Tree showLine title #27386, Fix Modal missing modalRender prop#27272 @jieny, Modal.config rootPrefixCls title content antd #27376 @Chersquwn, Input allowClear className #27462, Table onShowSizeChange #27417, Table pagination #27412, Typography #27383 @ttys026, Typography.Link @27487 @Liu-Ya, PageHeader title DOM #27485, RangePicker #27438, Descriptions label #27375, Select Form #27378, Form ConfigProvider non-boolean attribute 'virtual' #27343, Form.Item initialValue initialValues #27319, Typography title #27328, Typography Card title #27221, Input.Search allowClear className #27261, Input.Search allowClear #27325, Upload.List #27312 @JuniorTour, Notification #27285 @littleee, en_USen_GBga_IE #27259 @yasikovsky, Tag #27226 @handycode, Layout.Sider light #27227 @lingjieee, TextArea showCount div showCount className style #27216, DatePicker showTime true format #27156, Typography pre blockquote #27150, Descriptions #27195 @WLyKan, Password value #27191, Layout.Sider collapsedWidth #27154, Tabs animated true #27145, es_ES #27079 @gerongams, Input.TextArea RTL #27098, Form.List rules #27164 @huntdream, Input.TextArea #26952 @zhangchen915, DatePicker format #26845, Form.List rules Form.ErrorList #26676, Form.Item messageVariables #26597, Form onValuesChange store #26808, Upload removeIcon downloadIcon #26684 @mwaddell, Table sticky getContainer #26973, Table column.filterDropdown undefined #27002 @shangyilim, Modal destroyOnClose Dom #26940, Modal modalRender #26507 @jhoneybee, Image preview visible onVisibleChange#26915, Avatar size #26244 @willamesoares, Radio.Button Tooltip #27050, Cascader/Tree loading RTL #27010, TimeLineItemProps TimelineItemProps#27001 @mgcrea, Slider autoFocus #26995 @shangyilim, Slider step null #26984 @shangyilim, Slider.Range trackStyle handleStyle #27033, Form getFieldsValue namePath FormValue #26791, DatePicker #26993 @anawinwz, Radio.Button #26849 @dhorelik, Typography #26854 @vineetvk01, message.destroy #26864 @lihqi, Form FormListProps #26831 @mgcrea, @layout-sider-background #26810, Select #26796, Table @table-sticky-zindex less #26800 @chimp1nski, Button react-router Invalid value for prop navigate #26740 @knobo, TimePicker hover @picker-time-panel-column-width @picker-time-panel-column-height less #26784, AutoComplete placeholder allowClear #26765, Cascader name id #26660 @alwaysloseall, Select placeholder Input #26651 @wangcch, TextArea value undefined Input #26652, Motion Upload Form.Item help ssr #26628, Typography.Link react-router Invalid value for prop navigate #26623, Table sorter compare multiple #26686, Table #26568 @willc001, Table float: right; #26599, Upload customRequest onError #26601 @yingpengsha, Select/TreeSelect Chrome #26590, Cascader value #26569 @lich-yoo, Modal #25765 @tanmoyopenroot, Radio.Group legacy Form #26555 @willc001, Pagination windows #26549, Avatar display: none fallback #26522 @zhangyu1818, Col ColSize flex #26578 @blaiz, Tooltip/Popover children ReactNode #26534, Upload Form.Item margin #26367, Table Pagination #26143 @zhangchen915, Table @font-size-base 12px #26409, Space children dom #26389, Badge status color #26375 @zhangchen915, Tree draggable transition #26387, colorPalette is not defined #26395, TimePicker.RangePicker picker #26446, Upload showUploadList removeIcon downloadIcon #26406 @bencallaway, @text-color WCAG 2.0 #25630, Form requiredMark hideRequiredMark#26309, Form.List add index #26081, Select/TreeSelect #26306, Typography.Text success #26145 @llwslc, Typography copyable editable #25953 @llwslc, Typography editable maxLength autoSize #25373 @CornerSkyless, Transfer filterOption #26335, Progress steps trailColor #26323, Progress type="circle" success.percent #26307, Textarea value undefined defaultValue #26327, Cascader ESC options #26271 @flyerH, Button.Group Space #26260, Select mode="tags" #25907, Select showArrow #26168 @zhangchen915, Pagination #26230 @albertms10, Badge size #25851 @moonrailgun, Tabs tabBarExtraContent #25138 @jesse3mh9a, message message.desctroy(key) #26052 @lihqi, InputNumber readOnly #25998, Form.Item initialValue #26292 @miaoyuxinbaby, Form.Item hidden less #26152, Dropdown overlay string #26135, Table #26133 @QoVoQ, Tree.DirectoryTree ref scrollTo #26129, Tree showLine #25991 @zhangchen915, Input RTL addonBefore #26153, DatePicker RTL #26149 #26157 #26158, Slider handleStyle trackStyle #26160, Table dataSource #26042, Form.Item hidden noStyle #26020, Cascader Firefox #26011, Breadcrumb.Item #25984 @flyerH, Steps progress RTL #26075, Slider tooltip #25945 @lihqi, Radio.Button disabled checked #25911, Table indentSize 0 #25890 @OmriGM, List actions cursor: pointer #25961, Slider RTL tooltipPlacement#25909, Menu horizontal dark Menu.Item #25850, Input Input.TextArea bordered #25617, Message useMessage hook context #25422, Descriptions extra #25512 @zzz111, Modal.config Modal rootPrefixCls#25613, Drawer push Drawer #25445 @jinxin0112, Menu.Item #25622, Avatar src fallback #25806, DatePicker date-fns #25822 @fireairforce, (#25050)#25784 @Kermit-Xuan, RangePicker onCalendarChange range #25568 @Kim-Wing-Fung, DatePicker panelRender #25488, QuarterPicker XxxPicker picker='xxx' v4 #25768, Form.List remove #25638 @fireairforce, Form.Item children render props dependencies #25408, Form.Item validateFirst parallel #25321, Form.Item Form.Item noStyle validateStatus #25734, Form Form.Item labelCol={{ offset: number }} #25713 @zhangchen915, Form role="alert" #25735 @AlbertAZ1992, Calendar validRange disabledDate #25626 @zhangchen915, Calendar validRange #25626 @zhangchen915, Table getCheckboxProps indeterminate #25649, Select Form.Item #25728, TreeSelect treeNodeLabelProp #25755, Carousel React findDOMNode #25744, Radio [emailprotected] SSR 25821 @Kermit-Xuan, Tabs focus & active 25827 hsuanxyz, Alert/message/notification #25774, Form de_DE #25823 @LukeTimeWalker, Layout trigger #25653, Form.Item help #25582 @zhangchen915, Descriptions Table expandedRowRender #25593, @zindex-popconfirm: 1060 less @zindex-tooltip 1070#25693, Upload customRequest File #25598 @AlbertAZ1992, Alert dom #dd8e9f8 @Yunfly, @select-item-selected-color Select #25476, Form.Item preserve dom #25518, Card #25515 @yutingzhao1991, Typography overflow-wrap: break-word #25516, Table expandedRowRender Table #25498, Radio.Button Popover #25449 @zgoby, RangePicker size=small #25458, Upload onChange thumbUrl #25432 @AlbertAZ1992, Table onChange #25520 @zhangchen915, babel-runtime @babel/runtime gzipped 18.6KB#25530, Menu.Item a #25414 @kaysonwu, Input error warning Form.Item #25385, Grid #25319 @zhangchen915, Progress successPercent Progress success.progress success.percent#25356 @fireairforce, PageHeader Tabs margin-bottom#25340 @dickeylth, Form.Item display: none #25297, Radio.Group Function components cannot be given refs #25328, Radio.Group children #25304 @ElderJames, Skeleton Button/Avatar/Input/Image auto#25303, nb_NO #25374 @Johannes-Andersen, Slider onChange #25358 @CornerSkyless, Tooltip #25315 @CornerSkyless, RangePicker #25135, Skeleton.Image #24805 @fireairforce, Form.Item preserve #25186, Table rowSelection.dirty key#24718, Table onChange action #24697, Table rowSelection.checkStrictly#24931, Table onSelectAll changeRows #24931, TimePicker 12 AM 0 AM #25174, TimePicker use12Hours 0 23 #25174, TimePicker AM PM #25174, TimePicker Now hour|minute|second|step #25174, Cascader expandIcon #24865, Cascader dropdownRender #24812, Menu triggerSubMenuAction #25127 @hydRAnger, Menu theme="dark" #25205, Pagination pageSize onChange #24964 @fireairforce, Pagination W3C #25119, DatePicker icon #25035 @fireairforce, Drawer getContainer={false} #25273, Rate character (RateProps) => ReactNode #24903, Menution autoSize #24961 @Kermit-Xuan, Radio.Group optionType options Radio #24809, Progress #24655 @fireairforce, Typography copyable icon tooltips #25274 @israelKusayev, Notification width #25168, Modal less #24773 @hicrystal, #25233 @karelsoupaEMZ, Input.Search AutoComplete #25049, hooks Input.Password#25012 @Rustin-Liu, PageHeader 4.3.0 tabs #24991, Backtop #25132 @jesse3mh9a, DataPicker/TimePicker #25019, Descriptions #24983 @harupy, Descriptions Safari #25018, Form validateTrigger #24979, Form.Item id #24929, Form.List noStyle #24867, Table shouldCellUpdate prevRecord #24963, Table filteredValue #24952, Table onChange #24852, List grid React.Framgment List.Item #24955, Drawer getTargetContainer #24938, Transfer tree shaking #24847 @DavidSichau, @rate-star-hover-scale Rate #24917, @divider-orientation-margin less Divider orientation #24877, Select OptionProps #24870 @nitinknolder, Card CardInterface #24866 @THPubs, Table TableProps emptyText #24948 @hehex9, Upload method patch #24936 @miclle, Tag.CheckableTag onClick stopPropagation #24743, Drawer ConfigProvider getPrefixCls getPopupContainer#24727, Button loading.delay #24713, Dropdown icon #24707 #24702, Calendar onPanelChange #24695, Input IE11 #24673 @xiaosongxiaosong, Radio TypeScript #24693 @hengkx, TimePicker.RangePicker className #24781, Form #24716 @israelKusayev, less @table-font-size@table-font-size-md @table-font-size-sm Table #24714 @morenyang, Modal.method() RTL hooks #24682, Tabs react-sticky #24643, Button loading delay false #24678, Text Button danger #24622 @morenyang, Table Row #24661 @zt123123, Drawer dom dropdownMatchSelectWidth #24651, Steps children React.Fragment#24644, Upload #24615 @morenyang, Notification RTL #24632, Tabs DOM #24552, 4.2.5 2KB#24584, Button less #24372 @morenyang, data Promise#24546 @Kermit-Xuan, progress #24319 @morenyang, Table rowSelection.hideSelectAll #24592 @Kermit-Xuan, ellipsis showTitle title #24056 @lijinke666, Table columns shouldCellUpdate #23872, Input.Password value #24535, @input-disabled-color less #23775 @alwaysloseall, Form validateTrigger #23972, Form.Item label #24531, Menu inline icon #24330, Avatar gap #24357, Avatar onError #24506 @sanonz, Typography.Paragraph #24385 @fireairforce, Typography title #24440 @Kermit-Xuan, Tooltip destroyTooltipOnHide keepParent #24362 @Kermit-Xuan, Notification prefixCls#24295 @tdida, RangePicker dateRender start end #24278, Skeleton round #24137 @xilihuasi, Transfer oneWay pagination #24041, Message classNamestyle#24024 @Kermit-Xuan, ConfigProvider virtual dropdownMatchSelectWidth #23841 @hengkx, Tree @tree-directory-selected-bg #24468 @morenyang, @ant-prefix #24459 @morenyang, List React does not recognize colStyle prop #24568, Progress percent #24534 @ChuckJonas, Breadcrumb #24490 @EscapeB, Descriptions @descriptions-item-trailing-colon less #24032 @hengkx, Form RuleObject RuleRender #24541 @sorteam, Table dataSource rowSelection.onChange #24338, Table size=small/middle #24394, Input.Group Input.TextArea hover #24360 @Mr-jiangzhiguo, Notificiation useNotificiation render #24337, Button loading Modal confirmLoading #24328, Cascader/Select/Table/TreeSelect #24279, Table filteredValue #24263, Cascader number[] value #24247, Switch autoFocus disabled #24254, Menu text-align #24253, hooks Alert #24236 @hengkx, Card react-split #24425, Cascader TypeScript #24393 @zhangyu1818, Upload TypeScript Could not find a declaration rc-upload #24325, Switch unCheckedChildren #24242, Form defaultValidateMessages ru_RU#24219 @aivinog1, rc-progress