There are two principal questions which must be resolved concerning the audience: (1) What is their racial mixture? Their rejection of authority and slanderous speech is contrasted with Michael, one of the archangels, who would not even slander the devil (presumably because of his former authority) (8-9). enoch, the seventh from adam, prophesied about them: "see, the lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." 16 these people are grumblers and There are other examples, one notable instance of which is found in, It may be argued that these words of Christ were spoken much closer in time to the use of them by Paul (in, Further, Enoch was a prophet of God. Second, if Jude used 2 Peter, then Jude 17 relates to Pauls personal missionary work among the readers and Peters written ministry. This certainly presupposes that there is no local authority. Paul refers to Jannes and Jambres, which were magicians, who were not mentioned anywhere else in the OT (2 Tim. There are two reasons normally given: It is natural to think of predominantly Jewish Christian churches, both because they evidently come within the area of Judes pastoral concern and responsibility, and also because of the high degree of familiarity with Jewish literature and traditions which Judes allusions presuppose., (2) Even those who employ the second argument recognize its inherent weakness: The latter is not necessarily a decisive argument, since such Jewish material was no doubt used in the instruction of Gentile converts and since a writer does not always tailor his allusions to the knowledge of his readers., First, the false teachers were antinomian. Finally, there are three nautical analogies used in Jude 12-13 which have no parallel in 2 Peter. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Is the example of Paul quoting pagan authors a good analogy? In our view, therefore, he was, Most scholars regard Jude to have been addressed to Jewish Christians. But not only is the evidence for a late date by no means compelling (see discussion under Date), but there is a major hurdle for the pseudepigraphical hypothesis to overcome: Why would anyone use the obscure name Jude unless this were a genuine work? How do you respond to them? It is a common representation in the Old Testament also that God, when he manifests himself, is accompanied by great numbers of heavenly beings. Jude 7 refers to the people of Sodom as "giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh." Strange flesh has been variously translated as perverted sensuality, unnatural lust, lust of men for other men, and perversion. The Arabic writers (h) call him Edris the prophet; and the Jews say (i), that he was in a higher degree than Moses or Elias; they also call (k) him Metatron, the great scribe, a name which they sometimes give to the angel that went before the children of Israel in the wilderness, and which seems to belong to the Messiah: that Enoch wrote a prophecy, and left it behind him in writing, does not appear from hence, or elsewhere; the Jews, in some of their writings, do cite and make mention of the book of Enoch; and there is a fragment now which bears his name, but is a spurious piece, and has nothing like this prophecy in it; wherefore Jude took this not from a book called the "Apocalypse of Enoch", but from tradition; this prophecy being handed down from age to age; and was in full credit with the Jews, and therefore the apostle very appropriately produces it; or rather he had it by divine inspiration, and is as follows: saying, behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints; by the "Lord" is meant the Lord Jesus Christ, who is ordained the Judge of quick and dead, and for which he is richly qualified, being omniscient and omnipotent, and faithful and righteous, and who will certainly come again to judge the world in righteousness; for not of his first coming, which was not to judge and condemn, but to seek and save, but of his second coming at the last day is this to be understood; and this is expressed in the present tense, "cometh", in the manner of the prophets, who speak of things future as if they already were, as Isaiah does of the incarnation, sufferings, and death of Christ, and to awaken the attention of persons to it, as if it was near at hand, as also to signify the certainty of it: and when he comes, he will be attended "with ten thousand of his saints": meaning either the souls of glorified saints, even all of them, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, which will come with Christ, and meet the living ones, and be reunited to their own bodies, which will then be raised; or else the holy angels, as in Deuteronomy 33:2; and so some copies and the Arabic version read; which will be both for the showing forth of his glory and majesty, and for service in gathering his elect together, as well as for terror to the wicked; and a "behold" is prefixed to all this, to denote the certainty of Christ's coming, and the importance and wonderfulness of it: the ends of his coming follow. The passage in Enoch is as follows: "Behold he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and to destroy the wicked, and to strive (at law) with all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done and committed against him. Again, here it should be noticed that the verse is almost identical to 2 Pet 3:2, though Peter is speaking about what would come while Jude is saying that the prophecy was fulfilled. ((k) Targum Jon. Third, as we have already suggested, Jude must have been in a place to get information quickly from this church, for he interrupted his original purpose for writing when the sudden crisis of the false teachers was revealed. Compare Deuteronomy 33:2; Zechariah 14:5. Though this is true, the present tense is used consistently to describe the character of the false teachers, while the future tense is used to describe their coming. Ungodly () - ungodly deeds ( , lit., works of ungodliness) which they have ungodly committed (), and of all their hard speeches which ungodly () sinners, etc. All Rights Reserved. evidence of Gentiles infiltrating Jewish congregations? As we have argued in our discussion of 2 Peter, your apostles probably refers to Paul and his associates. If, however, 2 Peter is authentic, then the literary dependence may be flowing in the opposite direction. Evidence Unseen 2022. They refused to obey God. (6) Even though there is no hint of the false teachers denying the second coming in this epistle, there is an eschatological urgency throughout the letter. This was a story that all Jews grew up with. If he used Mark, as most scholars believe, it is significant that not only does Luke clean up the grammar of Mark, but he also has his own tightly woven structure.31 This is precisely what we see in the relation between 2 Peter and Jude: not only is the Greek better in Jude,32 but the structure is tighter. 4:. And EnochGreek, "Moreover, also Enoch," &c. seventh from AdamSeven is the sacred number. Enoch claimed his books were for the . The final image is that of wandering stars, suggesting that they are unreliable guides to sailors who depend on the sure guidance that the stars provide. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; With ten thousand of his saints - Or, "of his holy ones." If John came from Palestine (probably Jerusalem) to Ephesus in c. 65 CE, it is doubtful that Jude was there at the time. I do not believe 1 Enoch is inspired. in 2 PeterJude altered the purpose of his letter, making it now an appeal for his audience to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once for all. The potential danger had become real. He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints (1 Thess. Enoch was used of God as the prophet of the PRE-FLOOD days. Having described these heretics in terms clear to his audience, Jude now addresses their fate (14-19). Jude quotes from 1 Enoch 1:9, a warning about the coming of the Lord on the Day of the Lord. If this epistle is picking up the ball (so to speak) where Peter left off23that is, if it is attempting to make sure Pauls churches knew they were not abandonedJude would be quite eager to emphasize the common elements between Pauls Christianity and that of the other apostles. 5Bauckham, 21. The question brings to mind a personal experience. of Jude suggests that the apostles with whom he normally associated had died. What would be scandalous to Christianity would be if an uninspired (and therefore non-authoritative) book were to end up in the canon. 1, 2. The answer is that there two phases to the Lord's return. (b) Again, as in v 3, v 17 seems to indicate that the age of the apostles was past. 9:28-36). Since these verses are not part of the common material, and yet are the crescendo to which the epistle is building, this argument cannot be given much weight. As the brother of James, Jude is also one of the four brothers of Jesus that we read about in Matthew 13:55 (Judas). In conclusion, there is no reasonable doubt that Jude, the brother of the Lord, was the author of this epistle. But it is not at all necessary for him to have been in Rome, for the news of Peters death would certainly spread quicker than the news of Johns departure for Ephesus. It is our contention that Jude can be dated c. 65-80 CE. Two arguments are used for this date: (1) references in Jude (vv 3, 17) which seem to indicate that the apostolic age had now passed, and (2) the identification of the false teachers with Gnosticism. New International Biblical Commentary (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1992), p.257. Equally important, Jude may be using this quotation because it comes from ancient literature his opponents favor. Astronomical and physical matter; attempting to reduce the images of the Old Testament to a physical system. None of their characteristics is prominent, if found at all, in Jewish Christianity., Though most recognize that the antinomianism of the false teachers points to their Gentile origin, they argue that this would not necessarily mean that the church was of Gentile origin. If so, and if John took up residence there (c. 65 CE), then Jude more than likely did not know that John was there, otherwise he would feel no need to write this letter. On the analogy of Markan priority. If anything, this suggests that Jude was written later and depended on 2 Peter. 21:14), the Book of Jasher (Josh. 14-16-Doom Prophesied by Enoch 14-The Lord will come 15-To judge the ungodly 17-19 Peril Foretold by Apostles 20-23 Call to Persevere 24-25 Doxology Introduction Jude's main purpose for writing this epistle is to combat the false teachers who have "crept in" unawares to the church (v. 4). However, there are two other considerations which would tend to date it a bit later. The second alternative is to see Jude as the second-century bishop of Jerusalem (so Grotius). Though it is of course conceivable that Jude lived much longer than that (our external evidence is almost nil), the 70s CE is a fairly reasonable terminus ad quem. Assuming that Jude is an authentic appellation, which Jude is in mind? We should note that Jude adapts these citations at certain points to correct them with the Bibles teaching. Further, we may be sure that the excerpt from Enochs prophecy referred to by Jude is correct, for the Holy Spirit inspired Jude to write what he did. The book shows no Christian influence, is highly moral in tone, and imitates the Old Testament myths. 27This, in fact, is the only probable reading of the Olivet Discourse by early Christians before 70 CE. Characteristics of the ungodly. There is one very strong argument that is used for a date later than the apostolic age,16 though still within Judes lifetime: the references within Jude which suggest that the apostles had died. 4Guthrie, 904. In the least, this suggests that there must have been good lines of communication between his locale and that of the church. Jude 14 The Prophecy of Enoch By Wayne Jackson Jude refers to one of the Old Testament patriarchs when he says: ". This especially would seem to have force if the audience were the same in both cases (a view we adopt). The three main dates proposed for Jude are: (1) sometime during the apostolic age (c. 50s-60s), (2) the latter part of the first century, and (3) the first half (usually the first two decades) of the second century. The implication is that they deserve the same fate. Yet these false teachers slander all authority, revealing their lack of understanding and triggering the natural consequences which are the very things that destroy them (10). It is our intention first to establish Asia Minor as the general destination, then Ephesus as the specific destination. And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these. Thus the body of the letter begins and ends with an appeal to contend for the faith handed down once for all to the saints. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. It is as if Jude were speaking about the salvation that you and I have in common. Mayor thought the expression meant that Jude was writing to Gentile Christians (The Epistle of St. Jude, 19). 43It might be argued further that, in Judes use of 2 Peter, he adds a very telling illustration: in v 5 he says that God who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. How would such a line been received if Egypt were the original destination? (1 Enoch 1:9) Behold, [God] shall arrive with ten million of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all. Since it is here we know Enoch spoke it. There is a growing number today, however, who regard it as pseudepigraphical (including Barnett, Reicke, Kelly), principally because there are internal features which suggest a date after the death of Jude. It is really only as time progressed that doubts about its authenticity/canonicity became articulated, principally because of the use of apocryphal material in this little work. Smegma Orient. 2 Pet 2:13) and that Jude simply wrote the wrong word. Third, Jude probably cites Enoch, because his enemies were using this book. Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied . Bib. 2) Second, Jude says the Lord will "execute judgment and to convict all the ungodly," but Enoch says that "he" will "execute judgment upon . 22:28)! The original word is, however, applicable to all who are "holy," angels as well as men. In passing, we can note that if this is true also of OT works, then the book of Daniel has some internal weight for authenticity, for the only other reference to Daniel in the OT is in Ezekiel, and even there the name is spelled differently. Yet Jude displays better Greek than 2 Peter by farespecially on a syntactical level! The source from which Jude derived this passage respecting the prophecy of Enoch is unknown. This necessitates treating the words brother of James as equivalent to an episcopal title at Jerusalem. But once again, the evidence is scanty and no dogmatic statements can be made from it. That is to say, they did not deny the second coming of Christ, but they were licentious. For now, note the following references: Verse 3the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Bauckham says this refers simply to the gospel itself, arguing that this is exactly the tactic which Paul used against false teaching (Gal 1:6-9; Rom 16:17).19 What he does not explain is why Jude mentions once for all delivered (a point absent in the parallels). This is not a good analogy, because Jude appears to be using his cultural/religious reference in an authoritative way. If he were to write in 70 CE, he would be at least 60 years old and perhaps in his 70s. The function of Jude's use of Enoch is interpreted within the literary structure of his work and the context of the NT, with implications for the later history of Christianity and Islam. Do you have any apologetics material in Russian. 1Guthrie, 903. Is this endorsing an apocryphal writing? Design by Social Village. Peters point was to show not only that Paul was a genuine spokesman for God, but also that his message was in line with the OT prophets. Further, Jude did not necessarily imply that Enoch saw into the future to predict attitudes or actions of the sinners under consideration in the epistle. for Gentilic entrance into a covenant relationship with Israels God was now, for the first time, not based on proselytization (in which circumcision would be required), but simply faith. It is possible to be too dogmatic on such slim evidence. The question seemed to me to be at odds with that truth. Unlike thesynodicalexams at which the (more sympathetic) professors asked the questions, at the classical exam, all the ministers within the classis participated. However, there are two other considerations which would tend to date it a bit later. This, of course, does not necessarily indicate Judes domicile, but it is suggestive. If so, and if John took up residence there (c. 65 CE), then Jude more than likely did not know that John was there, otherwise he would feel no need to write this letter. In sum, apart from a presupposition of inauthenticity for 2 Peter, there is every reason to believe that Jude used 2 Peter rather than vice versa. We've developed our craft over 15 years and have grown an incredibly talented team of ice cream makers. Indeed, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! What we don't know for sure is exactly where this story comes from according to verse 9. And he took up his parable and said-Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens . I was undergoing that very frightening event in my life called the classical exam. I had graduated from seminary; I had passed my three full days of oral exams before the synod; I had received and accepted a call, and now was the final and decisive exam, which would determine whether the churches considered me fit for the ministry of the Word. A sea route, from Rome to Ephesus, would fit this need quite well.46. Exhortations of Enoch to Methuselah and his descendants. To speak such formal truths is not beyond the capability of unbelievers. It seems pretty clear to me that it was not written by the actual person Enoch (something which the writer claims). Perhaps this is because Jude cites a portion of the Book of Enoch the Spirit confirms as genuine, tightening up the language from its non-inspired source. There is, indeed, now an apocryphal writing called "the Book of Enoch," containing a prediction strongly resembling this, but there is no certain proof that it existed so early as the time of Jude, nor, if it did, is it absolutely certain that he quoted from it. Thus, the very self-identification which opens this epistle not only indicates humility on Judes part, but also speaks of authenticity. But this is hardly convincing, for how could antinomian Gentiles infiltrate into a Jewish Christian congregation so quickly? 16By apostolic age we mean the time up until Peter and Paul died (c. 64 CE), rather than up until the death of all the apostles, for we believe that John probably lived into the 90s CE. If this epistle is picking up the ball (so to speak) where Peter left off, that is, if it is attempting to make sure Pauls churches knew they were not abandonedJude would be quite eager to emphasize the common elements between Pauls Christianity and that of the other apostles. 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