Special Requirement: Students are required to own studio reference headphones and one dedicated 1 Tb Mac compatible external hard drive. In fall 2005, there were 45 students enrolled in distance learning courses. The school utilizes a semester-based academic year. The social, political, economic and cultural contexts are also discussed, with an emphasis on the risk and resiliency factors for individuals and groups. Students prepare monologues, scenework and short one-act plays. Prereq: ENG 090 and ENG 094 or satisfactory placement; EDU 144 or concurrent enrollment in EDU 144. HFW 128 Personal Fitness Training III 1 credit. Students study roles and responsibilities, EMS systems, legal and ethical issues, patient assessment, fundamentals of respiration and advanced airway management. (Offered: Periodically)Prereq: ENG 112, 114, or 116. GEO 102 History of Earth and Life 4 credits. This is a hands-on course. Note that many of these files were produced by our EdTech Center by scanning the original print document; file sizes are extremely large in some cases. You don't have to come to Greenfield just to take a fantastic GCC class. Students assume any travel costs. NOTE: Students may receive credit for FST 254 or FST 206, but not for both. The course investigates career opportunities, advanced nursing education, and credentialing activities related to licensure and professional practice. Students use multiple research methods, drafting approaches, and writing styles to explore topics of their choice. Students share completed final projects in a formal presentation, with discussion and review by peer students, music faculty, and others. SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II 4 credits. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: ENG 112, 114, or 116, MUS 222 Audio Recording and Production II 3 credits. Customer Relationship Management Special Programs Coordinator Full Time Grant Funded MCCC position. Online Courses from Greenfield Community College Home > Training Programs Call Now Career Training Programs Online courses and career training programs prepare you for a new career, or help you advance within your current occupation. Topics covered include cultural attitudes toward death and dying, origins of death anxiety, processes involved in dying, grieving and mourning, children and death, the helping relationship and the caregiver, suicide, euthanasia, burial and cremation, organ and body donations, and community resources. A survey of the history of art from the early Renaissance in Europe to the modern period. Prereq: ENG 094, or satisfactory placement. An introduction to both the theory and practical skills necessary to assist the physician with clinical and administrative procedures. Modulation to closely related keys. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: ENG 101. Provides students with field work in competency training and skill building through directed, closely-supervised involvement in a human service agency. (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring)Prereq: ART 251 Recomm: ART 152. (Offered: Every Fall)Prereq: ENG 090 and ENG 094, or satisfactory placement. An introduction to information literacy and research skills enabling students to locate, evaluate, and use information. NOTE: Students may receive credit for BIO 195 or BIO 215, but not for both. A first semester of a comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, including biochemistry, cell anatomy and physiology, histology, the skeletal system, articulations, muscle anatomy and physiology, neurophysiology, the anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous systems, the anatomy and physiology of the special senses, and the neural integration. Students completing the course are eligible for the Massachusetts Basic EMT examination. Group A: BIO 102, BIO 120, BIO 126, BIO 127, GEO 102, GEO 204. The first of two practicum experiences in the Addiction Studies Certificate program. Students study representative French language films, selected from films by Renoir, Godard, Pouliot, Ocelot, Chabrol and Jugnot. Programs include sought after programming languages, like Java, C#, and HTML5. Special Requirement: Must possess physical ability to use hand tools. A second semester calculus course for students interested in mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. Prereq: ENG 101; PSY 101: PSY 217; SOC 101; A grade of C+ or better in BIO 215 within the last 5 years or a grade of B or better in BIO 194 within the last 5 years; and a grade of C+ or better in BIO 216 within the last 5 years. The course helps the student to work with models, experimentation, and laboratory verification to understand the physical world. Specific topics include linked structures, recursive structures and algorithms, binary trees, balanced trees, and hash tables. Provides principles of fire ground control through utilization of personnel, equipment, and extinguishing agents. Emphasis is placed on fire and emergency service, ethics, and leadership from the perspective of the company officer. NOTE: Students who have already passed BIO 215/216 should let their advisor know before registering for this course. This course is limited to AD Nursing majors only. The course requires significant case study lab practice. Students assume any travel and permit/pass costs associated with field trips. An introduction to the skills of directing with an emphasis on the elements of play production. Topics include geologic time, methods for reconstructing deep history, mass extinctions, interpretation of rocks and fossils, extreme environments, and the potential for life on other planets. Students gain sufficient practical knowledge to sustain independent yoga practice. A survey of womens roles in American history emphasizing the social history of unknown as well as famous women of diverse ethnic and class backgrounds who helped shape life and culture in America from the Colonial period through the Revolutionary era, the Frontier movement, 19th Century political activism and urbanization, and the 20th century through reform movements and the global community. An exploration of the perceptual characteristics of color. Introduces physical and psychological skills necessary for self-defense. Students prepare selections from the various style periods for public performance. Montague, MA 01351. NOTE: There is a charge for a studio instructor fee in addition to tuition. The course includes cardiovascular pathophysiology, 3-lead and 12-lead dysrhythmia interpretation techniques, dysrhythmia management, electrical therapy and cardiac pharmacology. (Offered: Every Fall)Prereq: ENG 101; and HIS 106. Economic, social, and cultural development of the American people prior to the Civil War. Special Requirement: Students need to arrange travel to and from clinical sites and observation sites. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: ENG 112, 114, or 116, and either THE 101, 113, 105, or permission of the instructor. For students entering the ADN bridge program: NUR 112 (which substitutes for the NUR 106 and NUR 108 requirement). $6,859 Avg. Special Requirement: Students must possess the ability to traverse uneven landscapes. CMN 201 The Social Impact of Mass Media 3 credits. A continuation of MUS 147, Aural Skills I. Students practice listening comprehension, study idiomatic speech, analyze cultural content and examine historical contexts. Special Requirement: Field trips. patterns of sun/shade, drainage, vegetation). This course is limited to AD Nursing majors only. Emphasizes the range of possibilities in photography, including film, digital, and the exploration of experimental processes. Prereq: MUS 154 (MUS 221) or permission of department chair. The fundamentals of marketing for small and large businesses, introducing students to the marketing concept and the development of a marketing plan through hands-on preparation of market research, a situation analysis, segmentation, target market definition, positioning statement, marketing mix, and measurement plan while exploring fundamentals in case studies. NOTE: Students may receive credit for only one of the following: HSV 141, HSV 241, or PSY 241. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations, and operating at emergencies. NOTE: Students may receive credit for HFW 116 or LED 162 but not for both. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: A grade of C- or better in MAT 203; ENG 090 and ENG 094, or satisfactory placement. (Offered: Periodically)Prereq: All students need permission of instructor or Department Chair. An introduction to digital design which focuses on the business use of the Adobe Creative tools Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Introduces the basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavior change throughout the emergency services. 306 High Street Students investigate the role of the nurse in the community by interacting with children across the health-illness continuum. Additional group instruction meetings happen twice during the semester at times to be determined by instructor. Can't find something? Provides a practical approach to the tasks of recruiting, hiring, training, and compensating employees. The course emphasizes the creative process in developing the physical elements of a theatrical production. Students must complete 2 hours of field observation in an early education and care program approved by the program coordinator. Recomm: EDU 201, Prereq: PSY 101. Hand-on training exercises, experiments, local visits to solar facilities and assembly of real-world systems reinforce classroom learning. Recomm: Concurrent enrollment in NUR 108A and NUR 108C, Prereq: Either both components of NUR 101, namely, NUR 101A (with a grade of C+ or better) and NUR 101C, or the single course NUR 111, or concurrent enrollment in NUR 111; Either a grade of C+ or better in BIO 216 within the last 5 years or concurrent enrollment in BIO 216; Either a grade of C or better in SOC 101 or concurrent enrollment in SOC 101; Either a grade of C or better in PSY 217 or concurrent enrollment in PSY 217. Students practice listening comprehension, study idiomatic speech, analyze cultural content and examine historical contexts. Placement tests are used only for initial course placement; see catalog for details. An introduction to the history of photography from pre-photographic times to its most recent developments. An algebra based physics course with topics including vector kinematics, mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, and conservation laws. The instructor speaks French at least 90% of the time in class and also requires students to speak French at least 90% of the time in class. Provides the student an appreciation of the social and historical perspectives on American Policing. Students assume any travel and permit/pass costs associated with field trips. This course is for students with a working knowledge of arithmetic who have never had algebra before or who would benefit from a slower introduction to algebra. PSY 217 with a C or better. Presentations run from 2-2.5 hours, with most of the symposia running from 2-4pm. View job listing details and apply now. Prereq: FST 151; CHE 105 or CHE 111; or permission of instructor or program coordinator. Recomm: CMN 153 (HUM 153), Prereq: MAT 201 and MAT 202 (or concurrent enrollment in MAT 202). Emphasis on literary modes and thought as they reflect the modern society. The course emphasizes composition and image development. Topics include: equipment selection and use, ice formation and assessment, objective hazard evaluation, safety systems, and ice climbing techniques. (Offered: Every Fall)Prereq: PMC majors only. Placement tests are used only for initial course placement; see catalog for details. Registration for current students is open now! Special Requirement: This course involves moderate to high physical activity and the ability to be active and in the outdoors for 10 days and nights in a remote, forested environment. Special Requirement: Concurrent enrollment in NUR 107C. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: FRE 102 or equivalent. Students study topics that include the concept of a variable, negative numbers, properties of real numbers, numeric and algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one variable including their graphic representations, ratio and proportion, quadratic equations (with no linear term) in one variable, integer exponents (including scientific notation) and graphing of two-variable equations (by plotting points). 6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs . Explores creative writing through analysis of the writers craft. The course includes trends and entry into nursing practice. Explores the computer as a medium for the creation of works of arts. Students advance at their own pace. A survey of music and culture including Native North America, Latin America, Black America, West and South Africa, the Mideast, India, Japan, and Eastern Europe. Concurrent enrollment in NUR 108A. Students study topics that include linear equations and systems of equations, methods for solving problems, radicals and radical equations, quadratic equations and the quadratic formula, rational exponents and rational expressions. Pages 2 . Placement tests are used only for initial course placement; see catalog for details. For students interested in entrepreneurship, marketing, computer information systems, or web design and development careers. Topics include the organization of information, the use of structured inquiry to conduct efficient discipline-based search strategies, the evaluation of information for authority and content, and the ethical use of information within the context of a literature review. Students discuss literature in various genres within the historical and social context of the times, in relation to early literary movements and from the perspective of a unique female literary tradition. Prereq: BUS 227 or concurrent enrollment in BUS 227. Select programs even prepare you for industry-recognized certifications, such as Lean Six Sigma or PMP. One College Drive | Greenfield, MA 01301 413-775-1000 (Main) 413-775-1801 (Admission) Fax 413-775-1827 Storm line 413-775-1010. Recomm: CIS 141. Topics include the study of art from non-western cultures; an examination of the role of the artist in society and culture, and of the importance of art throughout history. Some of our programs may require a criminal background check, One College Drive | Greenfield, MA 01301 Permission of program coordinator. You can also become a Certified Mediator and Arbitrator. NOTE: This course may not be used to fulfill degree or certificate requirements. NOTE: Students may receive credit for FST 155 or FST 111, but not both. 413-775-1000 (Main) 413-775-1801 (Admission) A critical component of the course is the use of video text to improve conversational skills at the intermediate level and to preserve the integrity of the language. Topics include the scientific and industrial revolutions; the rise and triumph of nation states; the French and Russian revolutions; European imperialism in Asia and Africa; socialism, communism, and fascism; dictatorships and World War II; challenge of the non-Western world. Class participates in Art Department gallery events and museum/gallery visits. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: PHY 111; MAT 202 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 202, SPA 112 Spanish Skills Practice II 2 credits. Students do extensive role-playing of situations that professionals encounter on the job., FST 154 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival 3 credits. EGT 112 Fundamentals of Electricity 3 credits. An introduction to the biology of microorganisms with emphasis on the properties of microorganisms and their relationship to health and disease. Through an individual, cultural, and systemic lens, students examine the construction of identities, including race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, class, and dis/ability. The course emphasizes acquisition of language functions, vocabulary, structures, and culture through contextualized presentations, interactive activities, and extensive laboratory practice. Students study representative Spanish language films, selected from films by Schroeder, Gutirrez Alea, Gonzlez Irritu, Almodovar, Buuel, and Puenzo. (Offered: Every Fall)Prereq: ENG 094 or concurrent enrollment or satisfactory placement ; Recomm: ENG 090 or satisfactory placement. These are the subject of class discussions, dramatizations and oral and written assignments. Students receive PreHospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) certification and Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP-Advanced Life Support) certification upon successful course completion. NOTE: This course and FRE 255 are not sequential; they may be taken in either order. Prior experience leading groups on climbing experiences preferred. This course emphasizes practical applications including ear training, sight singing, transcription, dictation, and conducting. Concurrent enrollment in NUR 103A. A survey of the history of art from pre-history through the Gothic period. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: MUS 103 or permission of instructor. This course is for students interested in diverse fields, including renewable energy, planning, sustainability, building management, and public policy, as well as for current professionals in those fields. NOTE: students may receive credit for GEO 204 or GEO 102, but not for both. A critical and analytical study of the gothic tradition in both classic and modern supernatural literature, with some attention to film. Prereq: ASL 101 and 102, or permission of instructor, Prereq: ENG 101. Students read works of literature drawn from multiple genres, times and cultures and analyze how they depict or frame questions about the relationship between humans and the natural world as well as the built environment. Placement tests are used only for initial course placement; see catalog for details. NUR 201A Medical-Surgical Nursing I 4 credits, Provides a correlation between nursing theory and clinical practice. Provides a case based learning methodology through patient simulation and explores a variety of job duties related to health care occupations. The course also focuses on how general purpose financial statements communicate information about the business corporations performance and position for users of financial statements. The course focuses on the importance of health teaching and the nurses role of advocacy with young patients and their families. Students participate in local and regional field trips. (Offered: Every Spring)Prereq: MAC 101, MAC 103, MAC 105, MAC 111, MAC 113, MAC 114, MAC 115, MAC 120, MOM 110; and one of the following with a C or better within the last 5 years: MAC 112 or BIO 194 or BIO 216 (BIO 196). Continues to develop proficiency in visual problem-solving through the investigation of composition, spatial issues, the perceptual use of color and the development of visual ideas in 2D, 3D, and time. NOTE: This is the first of two 150 hour student teaching practicums required as part of the ECE Degree. Prereq: ENG 090 and ENG 094, or satisfactory placement ; CIS 140 or permission of instructor. This is a Lab course that may require animal tissue dissection. In-depth study of the structure, physical properties, and reactivity of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and conjugated unsaturated systems. Students receive information appropriate to the Medical Assistant occupation regarding the most commonly prescribed drugs, compliance with drug regulations, quality control of prescription requests, and how to maintain professionalism when communicating with patients and healthcare professionals. OEC primarily meets the training needs for a ski-resort environment; OCE also meets the training needs of other outdoor-based emergency care providers, including wilderness medical technicians, mountaineering guides, members of search and rescue groups, mountain bike patrollers, and parks and recreation employees. Note: Students who complete a Liberal Arts option will graduate with the degree Associate in Arts in Liberal Arts. Your area of concentration is reflected only in your transcript, not your diploma. The instructor and the students conduct the class in French. . Designed to assist incoming students make a successful transition from high school, home, or the workplace to college. MAC 115 Law and Ethics for Health Professionals 1 credit. The course investigates the effects of social issues and social policies on the family. Keyboard harmony and ear training. Examines the role of school in society, the organization and history of American education, the historical foundations of education and its theorists. Amherst, MA 01002, Franklin County House of Corrections The course also explores various sociological and psychological perspectives on child development and socialization, with an emphasis on the roles of class, race, gender, and inculturization. Special Requirement: Occasional off-campus meetings, which may include museums, galleries, or artists studios; students assume any travel costs and make arrangements for their own transportation. The course focuses on pre-production, production, and post-production aspects of musical sound recordings and does so from the viewpoint of understanding the recording studio as a music composition tool. The course emphasizes the acquisition of language functions, vocabulary, idioms, and cultures through the study of francophone films. Using a model garden site, Prereq: CRJ 101 or permission of instructor.
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