If you are trying to access Formik state via context, use useFormikContext. CORS has to allow only specified origins or someone can post a request from a phishing site, retrieve JWT and proceed with money withdrawal for example V. Dalechyn Nov 20, 2021 at 23:37 CORS has to allow only specified origins or someone can post a request from a phishing site, retrieve JWT and proceed with money withdrawal for example V. Dalechyn Nov 20, 2021 at 23:37 The component gets the current authUser from global Redux state with the useSelector() hook and only displays the nav if the user is logged in.. Example. For convenience, calling these methods will trigger validation and also manage touched for you. Install Formik and Yup; Create your Form; Use Formik to get the values; clear your inputs with Formik; npx create-react-app form-formik. The App component is a container with React Router (BrowserRouter).Basing on the state, the navbar can display its items. I imported Form from react-bootstrap instead of formik, so I was having this issue. This means you do NOT need to call formikBag.setSubmitting(false) manually.