It is named after Labrador, where it is a constituent of the intrusive igneous rock anorthosite which is composed almost entirely of plagioclase. Common feldspars include orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8), albite One problem with this model is that it requires the anorthosite source-magma to sit in the low crust for a considerable time. An impact-melt breccia can be regarded as in igneous rock because it formed from the cooling of a melt. ), a textural term for a rock that is composed of fragments of other rocks and that is held together by shock compaction or by material that was partially or totally molten. Geologists dated the oldest parts of the rockbed to about 4.28 billion years ago, using ancient volcanic deposits, which they call faux amphibolite. Since its discovery, the Greenstone Belt has been thoroughly studied since it houses one of the oldest and best preserved ancient plate tectonic sequences. Apollo 15 operations on the Lunar surface, "On the Moon with Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains", "Swann Range, Swann Mountain, and Big Rock Mountain", "A meandering channel on the Moon: Rima Hadley", Hadley Rille and the Mountains of the Moon,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 September 2022, at 03:15. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 134, 316. Small rocks on the surface of the Moon and in orbit around the Sun or Earth are exposed to cosmic rays. Layering in these outcrops is evident from the photos taken of them by the crew. For example, cosmic-ray exposure data for Kalahari 008/009 suggest that the meteorite left the Moon at most a few hundred years ago. Breccias are rocks that are composed of fragments of older rocks. Since the rocks discovery, their age has been contested as different research has turned up different dates ranging between 3.7 billion 4.37 billion years. Marginis side). Such rocks are often called KREEP because, in addition to K, they have high concentrations of other elements that geochemists call incompatible elements such as the rare-earth elements (REE, like lanthanum and cerium) and phosphorus (P). The overall set of lunar samples collected during the Apollo program can be classified into three major rock types, basalts, breccias, and lunar highland rocks. In the Adirondack Mountains, soils on anorthositic rock tend to be stony loamy sand with classic podzol profile development usually evident. [6][7], The oldest material of terrestrial origin that has been dated is a zircon mineral of 4.404 0.008 Ga enclosed in a metamorphosed sandstone conglomerate in the Jack Hills of the Narryer Gneiss Terrane of Western Australia. Common feldspars include orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8), albite A report published in March 2017 provides evidence that fossils of microorganisms have been found in the Nuvvuagittuq rocks, which would be the oldest trace of life yet discovered on Earth. Rock Type(s): Anorthosite. INTRODUCTION. Labradorite frequently shows an iridescent display of colors due to light refracting within the lamellae of the crystal. Meteorites from hot deserts are almost exclusively found by local people or experienced meteorite hunters. Many lunar meteorites are feldspathic regolith breccias, that is, rocks consisting of lithified soil from the lunar highlands. The concentration of iron or aluminum serves as a useful chemical classification system in lunar rocks. Rock Type(s): tonalite gneiss, mostly composed of quartz and feldspar. This made the mountain one of the mission's primary locations to visit, as doing so would allow the astronauts to obtain samples of the lunar crust as it was before the creation of Mare Imbrium. 2731, This page was last edited on 26 October 2022, at 15:38. The Genesis Rock (sample 15415) is a sample of Moon rock retrieved by Apollo 15 astronauts James Irwin and David Scott in 1971 during the second lunar EVA, at Spur crater. Scientists published their findings in February 2014 in the journal of Natural Geoscience after analyzing single atoms of lead in a zircon crystal from Australias Jack Hill range. [5], HadleyApennine is located west of the Montes Apenninus and east of Hadley Rille. Other likely cases of launch pairing are (1) the YQEN meteorites, Yamato 793274/981031, QUE 94281, EET 87521/96008 (Arai and Warren, 1999, Korotev et al., 2003), NWA 4884 (Korotev et al., 2009), and the NWA 7611 clan (Korotev and Irving, 2021) and (2) the NNL meteorites, NWA 032/479, NWA 4734/10597, NWA 8632, and the 6 LAP stones (Zeigler et al., 2005; Korotev and Zeigler, 2014; Korotev and Irving, 2021). Age: 3.58 4.031 billion years For at least 2 reasons, however, the figure is a bit misleading. Feldspar minerals have very similar structures, chemical compositions, and physical properties. Six locations were sampled directly during the crewed Apollo program landings from 1969 to 1972, which returned 380.96 kilograms (839.9 lb) of lunar rock and lunar soil to Earth. For the Antarctic meteorites, the first two digits of the numeric part of the name represents the collection year. The lava was similar to the basalt that erupts on Earth and, like on Earth, cooled to form a relatively dark-colored rock. The lava was similar to the basalt that erupts on Earth and, like on Earth, cooled to form a relatively dark-colored rock. The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which succeeded in preparing and landing the first humans on the Moon from 1968 to 1972.It was first conceived in 1960 during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration as a three-person [15], Archean anorthosites represent the second largest anorthosite deposits on Earth. Rock Type(s): Anorthosite. Some results are detailed below in the 'Origins' section. [2] Mafic minerals in Proterozoic anorthosites have a wide range of composition, but are not generally highly magnesian. [1] These phases can include olivine, pyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides, and/or apatite. Mapped onto the Pangaean continental configuration of that eon, these occurrences are all contained in a single straight belt, and must all have been emplaced intracratonally. These are the so-called high-alumina orthopyroxene megacrysts (HAOM). In particular, the basalts of theNorthwest Africa 773 clanare different from any rocks in the Apollo collection (e.g.,Jolliff et al.,2003; Valencia et al.,2019) as are the anorthositic troctolites of the NWA 5744 clan (Gross et al., 2020; Korotev and Irving, 2021). Rock. (1991) estimated that the frequency of impacts on the Moon large enough to eject lunar meteorites is greater than 5 per million years. The overall set of lunar samples collected during the Apollo program can be classified into three major rock types, basalts, breccias, and lunar highland rocks. This hypothesis has since been changed, however, to attribute the process of the feature's creation to volcanism. (2014): Pyroxene megacrysts in Proterozoic anorthosites: Implications for tectonic setting, magma source and magmatic processes at the Moho",, "Pyroxene megacrysts from anorthositic rocks: new clues to the sources and evolution of the parent magmas", "Rapakivi and related granitoids of the Nain Plutonic Suite: geochemistry, mineral assemblages and fluid equilibria", "Pressure effects, kinetics, and rheology of anorthositic and related magmas", "Chronology, geochemistry, and petrology of a ferroan noritic anorthosite clast from Descartes breccia 67215: Clues to the age, origin, structure, and impact history of the lunar crust", History of the Emplacement and Deformation of Anorthosite Bodies in the Eastern Marcy Massif, Adirondacks Mountains, New York, Lunar Anorthosite Specimen 60025 Photomicrographs, Mercury Evidence for Anorthosite and Basalt from mid-Infrared Spectroscopy,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 May 2022, at 00:57. Apollo 9 Additionally, a thick regolith layer on the lower slopes of the mountains and a thin cover of debris on the upper slopes are suggested by the relative absence of large boulders on the lower mountain flanks. Vogt et al. The discovery of basalt, which was once molten magma, disproved this hypothesis. As a consequence, the composition and mineralogy of a brecciated lunar meteorite is likely to be more representative of the region from which it came than any single unbrecciated (igneous) rock from the same region. There are reasons to expect that asteroidal meteoroids strike the equatorial areas of the Moon a bit (1.28 times) more frequently that the polar regions. In other words, they are rocks found on Earth that were ejected from the Moon by the impact of an asteroidal meteoroid or possibly a comet. Oldest terrestrial material. According to researchers, this information shows that the earliest Earth was more like the Earth we know today, which contrasts with earlier theories that said Earth was initially inhospitable. Stern, R.A., Bleeker, W., 1998. Such meteorites have intermediate concentrations of iron and aluminum. [6] This is now known as 'the anorthosite problem.' Une roche lunaire ou pierre lunaire (en anglais : Moon rock) est un morceau ou un chantillon de sol provenant de la Lune.Le terme est plus particulirement utilis pour dsigner les roches collectes in situ par les seules missions spatiales ayant ramen des chantillons de sol de la Lune. [1][2][3], Anorthosite on Earth can be divided into five types:[3], Of these, the first two are the most common. TheMeteoritical Bulletinstates after 1960, but it was not recognized to be of lunar origin until 1990, so it may well have been collected earlier than Yamato 791197. 'The pale grey is a rock called anorthosite. The magma ocean hypothesis of an early, molten Moon was first developed from studies of the chemistry of Apollo 11 samples, although the term magma ocean was not actually used until a few years later. A weathered lunar meteorite would not be an impressive or suspicious looking rock if found in a cornfield or streambed and a brecciated lunar meteorite could easily be overlooked in the field as a terrestrial sedimentary or volcaniclastic rock. These impacts have broken many rocks up into small fragments. This sample has a mass of 193 grams. The plagioclase in these anorthosites is commonly An80-90. The Moon is Earth's only natural geochemical mapping made from orbit suggests a crust of mostly anorthosite. The feature also allowed the astronauts to sample material that was originally located deep within the Moon.
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