Huntington (1996) famously argued that countries belonging to the Islamic Civilization inherently are less susceptible to democracy because of the religions doctrinal characteristics and its unique value system. Still, the reason this distinction should not be over- emphasized is that, in practice, it is the state, and not God, that actually exercises sovereignty in Islam. In contrast, ethnic and cultural diver- Dosity notdo seem to destabilizecopy, democracies. We show that cultural and institutional barriers are indeed . However, if the same researcher examined the relationship between Catholicism and democracy in 2004, her conclusion would be very different. A political culture in which citizens share similar beliefs and values that support democracy (ie. were more difficult for the state to tax. (2011). Cultural Modernization Theory Argues that socioeconomic development does not directly cause democracy; instead, economic development produces certain cultural changes, such as the emergence of a civic culture, and it is these cultural changes that ultimately produce Democratic reform Civic Culture Social capital trust, and social cooperation. Explain why these questions make Fishs statement more of a tautology than a scientific statement. d. What did the authors find in their correspondence test? Our analysis explicitly incorporates a full range of theoretically relevant variables and reports how the inclusion of each (potentially fatal/facilitating) control affects the results. In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term growth episodes. In effect, Huntington argues that certain cultures are incompatible with democracy. One contention is that many majority-Muslim countries are Arab and that it is those countrieswhich have other anti-democratic featuresis driving the relationship (Stepan and Robertson 2003). Cheibub, J. Leamer, E. (1985). This line of reasoning was used by various authoritarian leaders in Asia to justify the ongoing existence of their nondemocratic forms of government (Dalton and Ong 2004, 3). Consider the following argument. emergence of democracy may be entirely unrelated to the level of As with Confucianism, numerous reasons have been proposed for why Islam might be incompatible with democracy. The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship Determinants of democracy: Explaining regime change in the world, 19722006. Both democracy and dictatorship are the systems that tend to govern the state or rule over the people, and the difference, however in a democracy is that the people believe that the ruling elite has their consent to rule. The mildness so frequently recom- mended in the Gospel is incompatible with the despotic rage with which a prince punishes his subjects, and exercises himself in cruelty. Based on the information in the article, describe the state of gender equality in Afghanistan. He argues that because Christianity focuses on orthodoxy (correct belief), Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. 1 shows that the aggregate \({\bar{\beta }}\) is positive and statistically significant for all four democracy measures for the 1960-2015 period. 3. A variant of modernization theory This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. A New Test Given that questions remain about the compatibility of certain religions with democracy, it might be useful to reexamine the issue here. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(4), 508535. & Hegre, H. The determinants of democracy: a sensitivity analysis. Consider the hyperfair offers and the frequent rejections of these offers among the Au and Gnau in Papua New Guinea. A dictatorship is a form of government where a single . This is because he thought that culture is inherently malleable and that, as a result, people could learn to live with democracy. . Bernhard, M., Reenock, C., & Nordstrom, T. (2004). 3Y,ekOVl+0@Oh}mj4*5_K#f}Zg>, 2b? c&o ciQ+'_'ur l'0he4dh+sO?> 1/ According to Inglehart and Welzel (2005), the modernization process is not linear; instead, it occurs in two distinct phases. Second, our results indicate that the strong relationship between income and democratic stability is to a large extent driven by between-country variation. We visualise findings with coefficient plots of \({\bar{\beta }}\) for each of the 16 possible democracy measure and time period combinations.Footnote 4 The 95% confidence intervals are calculated using \({\bar{\sigma }}\). The first method focuses on survey administra- Dotion. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 241, Confucianisms meritocratic system and its emphasis on the importance of education and religious tolerance suggest that it can sustain democracy (Fukuyama 1995a). Similarly, it seems reasonable that experience with democ- racy can contribute to producing a civic culture that in turn reinforces democratic practice in the future. V6rlAEc\$'Ya2(N@vt(HjU2KB|+vWR>? Among student populations, the distribution of offers has a mode at zero and a secondary mode at 50 percent. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. As you can see, the Constitution of Medina represents a social contract between the ruler and his people, one that occurred almost six centuries earlier than the much more famous Magna Carta in England (A. Khan 2006). In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, the authors examine the effect of political institutions on. Having set out the framework for studying transitions from authoritarianism to democracy and vice versa, Acemoglu and Robinson then use their basic framework to examine standard arguments about the factors that make the emergence and consolidation of democracy more or less likely. 5. Kennedy, R. (2010). This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. By now, youre probably wondering what these experiments have to do with culture and democracy. f. Weingast (1997) extends the game in Figure 7.4 to allow the state to transgress against only one group while keeping the other one satisfied. . Market integration refers to how much the groups relied on market exchange in their everyday lives. We assess the relevance of control variable strategies in order to account for biases stemming from observable confounders, in addition to democracy measurement and sample time series. Houle, C. (2009). 22 0 obj Having examined how various cultural factors affect the emergence of democracy, we now investigate how they influence the survival of democracy. This is illustrated by the fact that there are no examples in our data set (19502000) of a majority Protestant democracy ever collapsing into dictatorship. 262 ChapterPrinciples 4: The Origins of Comparative of the Modern Politics State. Given the lack of pre-1960 data for numerous indicators, we unfortunately cannot study earlier periods in our setup, which could affect our conclusions (see Boix 2011). These results are reported in online Appendix G. While the democratic survival results are robust, the democratization results are weakened. Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development. Western Europe and the United States Journal of Democracy, 1(1), 5169. Quality of Government Institute. That problem is most apparent when entering indicators for mass activism and leadership change, but also persists for structural factors. Second, majority Protestant countries do not seem more likely to become democratic than other countries. Putnams study of Italy has also been a catalyst for research on political culture in the United States. A. Diffusion is no illusion: Neighbor emulation in the third wave of democracy. Third, the aggregate results indicate that Islam impedes democratization, but we show that the relationship is sensitive to controlling for natural resources, education and level of democracy in the neighborhood (fatal controls). For example, the researcher could code the respondent self-assessments as less than, equal to, or greater than the efficacy depicted in the vignette (King and Wand 2007). Such . 'DEO;J!IH5I]$1G|K`+C1s|k1^;"|lg?Q TWT4d9qZWNy7Sv[1{[ Controlling for GDP per capita therefore also could produce downward post-treatment bias. Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. American Journal of Political Science, 59(4), 927942. Once we take account of these economic determinants, we see that the coefficient on Muslim majority is no longer statistically significant. Traditional values emphasize the importance of religion, traditional family roles, and defer- ence to authority. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Another set of survey respondents are presented with the same list of control items except that a sensitive item is now also included. For democratic stability, only income level (+), democratic neighborhood (+), former military leader (), and number of past transitions () are robust. New York: Simon and Schuster. We know that Protestant and Catholic countries tend to be democratic today and that Muslim countries tend to be authoritarian. to what it earns from other sectors of the economy w more mobile assets. It is known that together these and other socio-economic factors provide favourable conditions for democratisation [5] - [7] , but it remains unclear what the relation between them and democratic change precisely is [5] , [8 . Building on Plmper and Traunmller (2016), we take the sensitivity approach one step further by exploring which of the included controls \(x_j\) affect a given focus variable \(z_j\) the most. Lets start with what we know. With this approach, we mainly make an empirical contribution to the theoretically rich literature on democratization. She then looks for things that only democracies have in common (such as Protestantism) and for things that only dictator- Doships havenot in common (Catholicism).copy, From this pattern post, of observations, the analyst or then generates distribute a general theory claim- ing that Protestantism causes democracy and that Catholicism impedes democracy. Well, There was a timewhen many said that thecultures of Japanand Copyright rding to cultural modernization theory, economic development pro- vestigate recent claims religions that particular such as Islam are mine evidence from ofmine evidence experiments aseries conducted around the in any 2018 Notebook, entryforFebruaryMarch 1898 form in aspeechtotheAmericanEnterpriseInstitute,Washington by or by SAGE any Publications, means without Inc. express written permission of the publisher. From what they wrote, however, it is hard to discern what they thought the exact causal relationship was between these factors. Second, \({\bar{\beta }}\) is smaller and more often insignificant when controlling for concepts that tap into other features of development (communications technology proliferation, industrialization and urbanization, education, health, administrative capacity). Fatal variables for GDP pc on democratic stability. Source: Data are from Przeworski and colleagues (2000). Putnams research goal was to explain this variation across Italian regional governments and to determine the causes behind variation in governmental performance in democracies more generally. THE ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF DEMOCRACY AND DICTATORSHIP Classic Modernization Theory A Variant of Modernization Theory Some More Empirical Evidence Conclusion Key Concepts Appendix: An Intuitive Take on Statistical Analyses Problems7. theory emergenceful of anddemocracy. 2003; Merkel and Weiffen 2012; Gerring etal. As Gassebner etal. o Nearly all countries with a GDP per capita about $8,000 are On the pooling of time series and cross section data. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. On the whole, secular political elites have controlled political power in Islamic countries for the roughly 1,400 years since the Prophet Muhammad died in 632. It turns out that the modal offerthe most common offerin student populations playing the Ultimatum Game is almost always 50 percent, with the mean, or average, offer varying somewhere between 40 percent and 45 percent. What sign does he find? If we insist on relying on self-reported morbidity as the measure, we would have to conclude that the United States is the least healthy in this comparison, followed by Kerala, with ill provided Bihar enjoying the highest level of health. 298 0 obj <>stream Remember, these are the theoretical predictions if we were in the world of Homo economicus. How is it measured? the Crown In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term growth episodes. endobj a. Several scholars began to wonder whether these deviations from the theoretical predic- tions for Homo economicus were evidence of a universal pattern of human behavior or whether the deviations varied with an individuals economic and cultural setting. b. Democratic transitions. He argues that we are currently observing a clash of civilizations and that Western concepts differ fundamentally from those prevalent in other civilizations. Why civil resistance works: The strategic logic of nonviolent conflict. In other words, it is true that sovereignty lies in different places in democracy (with the people) and Islam (with God). Still, as Lipset (1959) highlighted in his classic exposition, other factors also related to development could affect democracy. 5 plots fatal variables for the Muslim population share effect on democratization. But what do we actually observe when individuals play this game in an experi- mental setting? g. Fish (p. 6) recognizes that one of the limitations to his analysis is that it looks at the relationship between Islam and a countrys level of democracy only at a fixed point in time. World Politics, 55(4), 517549. The results of our analysis are shown in Table 7.3. Black = insignificant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cultural explanations of democracy often highlight how democratic values, attitudes and norms are linked to religion. This had led Przeworski and various co-authors to argue that the As a result, political institutions, such as democracy, may not be compatible with all cultures. One interpretation of these results is that some sort of shared values or beliefs is required for democracy, but not for authoritarianism, to persist (Weingast 1997). In other words, some individuals still make quite large positive offers, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Public Choice, 139(3), 273299. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Thus, evidence indeed exists favoring a more nuanced interpretation of the Lipset (1959) thesis; at least some forms of economic development are associated robustly with democratization. or overview democracyanddictatorship the cultural determinantsof distributed countries cannot once sustain we democracy account take of wealth. active participation in politics), but continue to honor the legitimacy of the government. expressing their sincere beliefs, cross-national surveys will overstate the positive associa- tion between attitudes toward democracy and democratic persistence. In contrast, our third measure, Polity2 from Marshall etal. But does democracy really require a democratic culture? Furthermore, we go beyond existing sensitivity analyses and unpack the aggregate results by analyzing how theoretically motivated control variables affect sensitivity for two prominent determinants in the democracy literature: income and Islam. Explain what we mean by differential item functioning and why it can cause problems for surveys. That is, the variables are sufficiently narrow to provide information about whether this aspect of democracy matters for variations in HIV treatment, without incorporating information on other, more . endstream (2000), reporting evidence that income relates to the survival of democracies, but not to democratic transitions. A key point here is that measuring or inferring reality by comparing peoples attitudes or perceptions across different regions, countries, or cultures can often be extremely misleading (Sen 2002). This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. 38 0 obj Survival values emphasize the importance of physical and eco- nomic security. In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term . Only if both citizen groups coordinate, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. In other words, cultural modernization theory argues that socioeco- nomic development does not directly cause democracy; instead, economic development produces certain cultural changes, and it is these cultural changes that produce democratic reform. Choose three countries and produce a graph showing how the responses to your survey question have changed over time in each of your three countries. This book attempts to answer these questions through a combination of a statistical analysis of social, economic, and international determinants of regime change in 165 countries around the . In many ways, this coordination of beliefs might be considered a democratic culturesomething that is necessary for democracy to emerge and survive. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Explain these in your own words. A country w an abundance of NR can still democratize so long as the income It is true that Muslim countries typically have authoritarian forms of government at present. These proposers are clearly acting out of a sense of fairness; they exhibit what some call a prosocial behavior. But our question is not about where democ- racy originated. Other studies have contested that hypothesis. A key cul- tural change according to this line of reasoning is the emergence of what political scientists call a civic culture. For many, the existence of a civic culture is seen as a prerequisite for the successful emer- gence and survival of democracy (Almond and Verba [1963] 1989; Inglehart 1990; Inglehart and Welzel 2005). Although the cutoff point admittedly is arbitrary (Cheibub etal. Public Choice, 149(34), 235. The third method involves the use of list experiments. Since many theoretical arguments in the democracy literature consider differences between countries rather than changes within countries, we prefer that approach over country-fixed effects (which wipe out differences between countries)in this analysis. The results in Models 3 through 5 indicate that coun- tries with a large number of ethnic or cultural groups are less likely to stay democratic. In fact, Mill was highly critical of those who believe that culture prevents political actors from choosing the institutions they desire. The key point here is that cultural arguments must specify exactly what it is about culture that mat- ters, otherwise it will never be possible to conclude that culture does not matter. 10. Dahl, R. A., & Tufte, E. R. (1973). For example, several schol- ars find a basis for democracy in the Korans emphasis on shura (consultation). Figure 7.2 shows a cultural map of the world based on data from the 20102014 World Values Survey. If a democracy has a civic culture, then it will stay a democracy. In this statement, is having a civic culture an example of a sufficient condition or a necessary condition? In some groups, though, the experimenters found that rejec- tion rates were quite high even when offers were over 50 percent of the pie. By using this approach, we systematically can investigate how the inclusion or exclusion of theoretically motivated controls affect our empirical conclusions (Plmper and Traunmller 2016). This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Second, going beyond the aggregate results, we address how the inclusion of specific control variables influences the sensitivity of the aggregate results. What is Fishs dependent variable? It also elaborates upon the response of democracy, social differences, divisions, and inequalities. 2019), namely the Regimes of the World measure in Lhrmann etal. Huntington, S. P. (1996). Does heterogeneity hinder democracy? We know, however, that these countries tend to be poorer than most other countries. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. The income and Islam debates have drawn considerable attention from scholars (as our literature reviews below attestto) and policy-makers.
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