(3)On receipt of a notice that a corporation has amalgamated under one of the Acts referred to in subsection (1), the Director shall issue a certificate of discontinuance in accordance with section 276 if the Director is of the opinion that the corporation has been amalgamated in accordance with this section. (9)The Governor in Council may, by order, require a body corporate without share capital incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament other than this Act to apply for a certificate of continuance under section 211 within any period that may be prescribed except for the following: (c)a company or society to which the Insurance Companies Act applies; and. Pay close attention to the application instructions included on the posting and be sure to apply by the closing date on the posting, if there is one. In Maldivian Okay is used in different ways, often used to agree with something, more often used while departing from a gathering "Okay Dahnee/Kendee.". [6], Starting 1981, Ronald Reagan, the 40th U.S. president, began the practice of newly inaugurated presidents delivering an address to Congress in the first year of their term, but not designating that speech an official "State of the Union". (2)By-laws that provide for consensus decision-making shall define the meaning of consensus, provide for how to determine when consensus cannot be reached and establish the manner of referring any matter on which consensus cannot be reached to a vote. For all positions, agencies may inquire about criminal history after the initial interview has been conducted and a criminal history check will be conducted prior to making a job offer. If you have previously submitted documentation to request the same or a similar accommodation for a civil service test, you do not need to submit another form. Distribution of property, accretions or profits. (e)any conviction against, or ruling, order or judgment in favour of or against, the corporation may be enforced by or against the body corporate. (4)A corporation shall give the Director and the person asking to examine under subsection (2) notice of an application under subsection (3), and the Director and the person may appear and be heard in person or by counsel. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 01 (4.66) As planned, Sara heads to Lyon, France for training. However, the Rump vacillated in setting election dates, although it put in place a basic liberty of conscience, but it failed to produce an alternative for tithes or to dismantle other aspects of the existing religious settlement. 162(1)The corporation shall give members entitled to vote at a meeting of members notice of the time and place of the meeting in accordance with the by-laws and the regulations. 272(1)A notice or other document required by this Act, the regulations, the articles or the by-laws to be sent to a member or director of a corporation may be sent by prepaid mail addressed to, or may be delivered personally to, (a)the member at the members latest address as shown in the records of the corporation; and. (5)If the court approves the final accounts rendered by a liquidator, the court shall make an order. (2)A copy of every resolution referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept with the minutes of the meetings of directors. [130], In 1657, Cromwell was offered the crown by Parliament as part of a revised constitutional settlement, presenting him with a dilemma since he had been "instrumental" in abolishing the monarchy. OK, as an adjective, can express acknowledgement without approval. Body language plays many roles in social interactions. Reconsideration requests must be submitted within 5 business days of the date of the Notice of Examination Results, or they will be rejected as untimely. The statement and the proposal shall together not exceed the prescribed maximum number of words. Approximately 70% of state government jobs are covered by the civil service merit system. 178(1)The directors of a corporation shall approve the financial statements referred to in section 172 and the approval shall be evidenced by the manual signature of one or more directors or a facsimile of the signatures reproduced in the statements. (6)A director appointed or elected to fill a vacancy holds office for the unexpired term of their predecessor. (8)For the purposes of section 276, a notice referred to in subsection (7) is deemed to be articles that are in the form that the Director fixes. Some of them are thought to fall into the category of folk etymology and are proposed based merely on apparent similarity between OK and one or another phrase in a foreign language with a similar meaning and sound. (5)A body corporate shall not change its name to, or carry on activities under or identify itself by, a name that would not be permitted under subsection 13(1) if it were a corporation. Blinking is natural, but you should also pay attention to whether a person is blinking too much or too little. 01 (4.66) As planned, Sara heads to Lyon, France for training. 161(1)The directors may fix, as a record date for any of the following purposes, a date that is within the period that is prescribed in relation to that purpose, namely, record dates for. (b)by the same resolution, make any amendment to the charter of the body corporate that a corporation incorporated under this Act may make to its articles. (7)The members of the corporation may examine the portions of any minutes of meetings of directors or of committees of directors that contain disclosures under this section, and of any other documents that contain those disclosures, during the corporations usual business hours. 01 (4.66) As planned, Sara heads to Lyon, France for training. This video has been medically reviewed by David Susman, PhD. Pupil size can be a very subtle nonverbal communication signal. (9)An interested person who makes an application under this section shall give the Director notice of the application, and the Director is entitled to appear and be heard in person or by counsel. The Royalists, meanwhile, had regrouped in Ireland, having signed a treaty with the Irish known as Confederate Catholics. Tex Heart Inst J. Mencken (following Read) described the diary entry as a misreading of the author's self-correction, and stated it was in reality the first two letters of the words a h[andsome] before noticing the phrase had been used in the previous line and changing his mind.[40]. The East India Company (EIC) was an English, and later British, joint-stock company founded in 1600 and dissolved in 1874. (incapable), incorporatormeans a person who signs articles of incorporation. 121A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator of a corporation appointed under an instrument or act shall. 2017;12(2):319-328. doi:10.1093/scan/nsw127, Roter DL, Frankel RM, Hall JA, Sluyter D. The expression of emotion through nonverbal behavior in medical visits. Hardacre, Paul H. "Writings on Oliver Cromwell since 1929", in Elizabeth Chapin Furber, ed. 200Subject to any revocation under subsection 197(2), after an amendment to the articles has been adopted under section 197 or 199, articles of amendment in the form that the Director fixes shall be sent to the Director. [citation needed] These missionaries ended many sentences in their translation of the Bible with the particle "okeh", meaning "it is so",[citation needed] which was listed as an alternative spelling in the 1913 Webster's. [166] His collection included many rare manuscripts and printed books, medals, paintings, objects d'art, and a bizarre assemblage of "relics". (4)A notice of registered office becomes effective when the Director accepts it. 157Unless the articles or by-laws otherwise provide, the rights of a member, including any rights in the property of the corporation, cease to exist on termination of the membership. (4)A liquidator shall give notice of their intention to make an application under subsection (2) to the Director, to each inspector appointed under paragraph 227(c), to each member and to any person who provided a security or fidelity bond or fidelity insurance for the liquidation, and shall publish the notice in a newspaper published or distributed in the place where the corporation has its registered office, or as otherwise directed by the court. (5)The members of a class or group of members are entitled to vote separately as a class or group in respect of the sale, lease or exchange only if the class or group is affected by the sale, lease or exchange in a manner different from the members of another class or group. Following the execution of Charles I and exile of his son, military victories in Ireland and against the Scots from 1649 to 1651 firmly established the Commonwealth and Cromwell's dominance of the new republican regime. Since 1981, in recognition that the responsibility of reporting the State of the Union formally belongs to the president who held office during the past year, newly inaugurated presidents have not officially called their first speech before Congress a "State of the Union" message. Dictionaries and style guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style and The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage provide no consensus. 55The following rules apply in an action on a debt obligation: (a)each signature on the debt obligation certificate or in a necessary endorsement is admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings; (b)a signature on the debt obligation is presumed to be genuine and authorized but, if the effectiveness of the signature is in issue, the burden of establishing that it is genuine and authorized is on the party claiming under the signature; (c)if a signature is admitted or established, production of a debt obligation certificate entitles the holder to recover on it unless the other party establishes a defence or defect going to the validity of the debt obligation; and. Microsofts Activision Blizzard deal is key to the companys mobile gaming efforts. Harry S. Truman's 1947 address was the first to be broadcast on television. Or, again, it could be a cultural difference at play. (4)A dissolved corporation or other body corporate is revived as a corporation under this Act on the date shown on the certificate of revival. (2)A body corporate that applies for a certificate under subsection (1) may, without so stating in its articles of continuance, effect by those articles any amendment to its act of incorporation, articles, letters patent or memorandum or articles of association that a corporation incorporated under this Act may make to its articles. (3)A payment under subsection (1) is deemed to be in satisfaction of a debt or claim of the creditor or member. Marston Moor secured the north of England for the Parliamentarians but failed to end Royalist resistance. (6)A member entitled to vote at an annual meeting of members may, in accordance with section 163, make a proposal to make, amend or repeal a by-law. 221(1)The directors may propose the voluntary liquidation and dissolution of a corporation, or a member who is entitled to vote at an annual meeting of members may make such a proposal in accordance with section 163. argue that he respected the terms of surrender and protected the townspeople's lives and property. 62(1)Subject to subsection (2), an unauthorized signature on a debt obligation is ineffective. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 08/08/17 McKeiver, Philip (2007). While in some cases, a lack of eye contact indicates untrustworthiness, for instance, it doesn't mean you automatically can't trust someone who isn't looking at you in the eyes. (6)On receipt of articles of arrangement, the Director shall issue a certificate of arrangement in accordance with section 276. Since job seekers will only be considered if they meet the minimum experience and training requirements, it is important to carefully review the requirements listed on the posting before submitting an application. 1, Sec. Some civil service positions require an applicant to take an exam at a test center. (3)The Director is not required to keep or produce any document or class of documents other than a certificate and any attached articles or statement received under section 276 and other prescribed documents or prescribed class of documents after the end of the prescribed period for the keeping or production of the document or class of documents. 7904(a), requires the Secretary to issue guidance to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and the public on constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary and secondary In 1629, Cromwell became involved in a dispute among the gentry of Huntingdon involving a new charter for the town. 58A debt obligation is valid in the hands of a good faith purchaser. John Morrill, (1990). [citation needed], Since 1966,[44] the speech has been followed on television by a response or rebuttal by a member of the major political party opposing the president's party. (4)A branch debt obligations register shall only contain particulars of debt obligations issued or transferred at the branch. (3)A corporation shall prepare and maintain adequate accounting records and records containing minutes of meetings of the directors and any committee of directors as well as resolutions adopted by the directors or any committee of directors. A smile can indicate approval or happiness. 8One of the incorporators shall send to the Director articles of incorporation and the documents required by sections 20 and 128. Trustee may require evidence of compliance. (a)determining members entitled to receive notice of a meeting of members; (b)determining members entitled to vote at a meeting of members; (c)determining members entitled to participate in a liquidation distribution; or. 2009;364(1535):3449-51. doi:10.1098/rstb.2009.0189, Kleisner K, Chvtalov V, Flegr J. (4)If a quorum is not present at the opening of a meeting of members, the members present may adjourn the meeting to a fixed time and place but may not transact any other business. [150] John Spittlehouse presented a more positive assessment in A Warning Piece Discharged, comparing him to Moses rescuing the English by taking them safely through the Red Sea of the civil wars. [3] With the advent of radio and television, the address is now broadcast live in all United States time zones on many networks. Cromwell's experience at Newbury, where Manchester had let the King's army slip out of an encircling manoeuvre, led to a serious dispute with Manchester, whom he believed to be less than enthusiastic in his conduct of the war. (b)deal with any property of the corporation in their possession or control in a commercially reasonable manner. (b)a report respecting those documents, if it is certified by the Director, is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original documents would have been. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. (3)At the meeting of members, the members may authorize the sale, lease or exchange and may fix, or authorize the directors to fix, any of the terms and conditions of the sale, lease or exchange. OK (spelling variations include okay, O.K., ok and Ok) is an English word (originating in American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference. Several Unicode characters are related to visual renderings of OK: Several terms redirect here. [41] Cassidy asserts that this is a misreading of the source, which actually begins "Oh, ki, massa ", where ki is a phrase by itself: In all other examples of this interjection that I have found, it is simply ki (once spelled kie). Parliament had planned to re-conquer Ireland since 1641 and had already sent an invasion force there in 1647. (8)A contract or transaction for which disclosure is required under subsection (1) is not invalid, and the director or officer is not accountable to the corporation or its members for any profit realized from the contract or transaction, because of the directors or officers interest in the contract or transaction or because the director was present or was counted to determine whether a quorum existed at the meeting of directors or of the committee of directors that considered the contract or transaction, if. [44], During 1648, Cromwell's letters and speeches started to become heavily based on biblical imagery, many of them meditations on the meaning of particular passages. 154(1)The by-laws shall set out the conditions required for being a member of the corporation, including whether a corporation or other entity may be a member. However, the major-generals lasted less than a year.
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